Mar 03, 2025
Mar 03, 2025
What is the definition of the word “impossible”? Theoretically a dictionary says, “something that is not possible, not easy or convenient, credible”. But in the other hand if we see it practically one thing should not be neglected that what seems impossible today turns out to be feasible and possible the next day. What is impossible to one is not to another. This is contrasting. To which should we believe? Should we believe the dictionary and go with it, or we should not. The theory is right or the practical one? Confusing. Isn’t it ?
A theoretical statement is right if it satisfies the statement given after a practical. But here both are right. But one can prove that the printed words of a dictionary defining the meaning of the word ”impossible” totally wrong. A man can start making tremendous development in all spheres of life only when he challenges the word “impossible”. The word “impossible” itself says “I M POSSIBLE”. Nothing is impossible in this world, only we have to try harder to make things possible.
“Where there is a will, there is a way” may be a hackneyed phrase or idea, but it still possesses the power of not only a theoretical truth but also of an experimental truth. When there is fog all around, one is not able to see beyond a certain point. But as one negotiates the fog, moves on with determination and hope, the progress becomes clearer, the destination appears within reach. A man’s personality is a unique mixture of the rational ideas and the emotional ideas. The head and the heart guide him to manage the affairs of his life. It is incorrect to say that a man can choose the circumstances in which he is born and brought up. But still if he pledges to transcend all the conditions and barriers, he can achieve greater heights and prove himself in this world.
The word “impossible” lowers the potentialities and achievements of a person. Paying attention to this word is nothing but sheer wastage of one’s precious life and his internal powers. Only a fool would waste time thinking how “impossible” a thing instead of acting to make it “possible”. “Impossible” is nothing but a manifestation of a person’s inability to act, his fearful anticipation, insecurities, doubts, lack of confidence, indeed those very characteristics which dominates one’s strengths.
In other words “impossible” is just a big word thrown around by small men who find easier to live in the world they have given, than to explore the power they have to change it. “Impossible” is not a fact. It’s an opinion. “Impossible” is not a declaration. It’s a dare. “Impossible” is potential. It is temporary.
Don’t wait things to happen, go out and make them happen. Totally delete the word “impossible” and insert the word “possible” in your life’s dictionary and then see how everything becomes possible.
More by : Nihar Ranjan Bhoi