
Expectation is Mankind's Biggest Enemy

Today the greatest threat that mankind is facing (besides the pandemic of course) is the psychosomatic illness that results from misplaced expectations. We share an article with our friends – but no one replies. We share our photographs – but there is no one to look at it. Even within social media WhatsApp groups, rampant “groupism” is evident. So, some people who are not very emotionally strong and hyper sensitive should either learn to deal with it or stay away from social media completely. After all, our physical and mental health should be our topmost priority, isn’t it?

Most of our worries, fears, anxieties and concerns are a result of our expectations not getting met. So, why invite trouble? You are writing a blog and are mailing it to groups and other friends in your social circle. But baring one or two responses, hardly anyone responds. Without your knowledge, despondence sets in and causes a sense of helplessness. For those who wish to get out of this, a piece of advice – instead of marketing your articles and blogs by sending emails, simply publish the blogs and forget about it. You have expressed your views/ opinions in the blog/ article. The buck should stop there. Why expect people to read your article and then give you feedback? One crucial suggestion is – once your blog is published, don’t even bother to look at it. Move onto your next agenda.

Padmini Nair, who celebrated her 100th birthday recently, says that we should keep ourselves busy. We should also stop interfering in other people’s lives because today no one wants to listen to any advice even if it is in their interest.

Going forward, we may need training programs and refresher courses on “how to stay connected to social media” without losing your sanity. When we look at a social media networking tool like Linked In, one feels sorry for so many individuals who share their personal achievements hoping to get likes and comments. In some cases, they share the letter that they received from another institution or a training agency or display the certificates that they earned as a post. Some of these are academicians. So, why are these academicians sharing this with all and sundry instead of merely sharing it with their workplace? It is an indication that these people are craving for attention and crying for some sort of recognition. Over a period of time, this becomes a habit and they start feeling like sharing all their personal achievements for public display.

So, while we should continue to seek solace in our spiritual/ creative pursuits, it is better not to fall into the trap called “expectations”. As the Bhagvad Gita says, “Do your karma without any expectations”. That is more than enough. Why expect others to acknowledge our talent when God has given this beautiful body and mind to us?  Let us acknowledge our strengths first. We have to appreciate ourselves. 

More By  :  Vydehi Ramamirtham

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Comments on this Blog

Comment Vydehi, I share your thoughts one hundred per cent with you. I am myself guilty of these weaknesses. I regularly post in these columns , in FB and also in many WhatsApp groups. I look forward to "likes" and comments. Unfulfilled expectations cause mental discomfort. It is a weakness alright. But a basic human nature too. Humans, perhaps many other living beings too, to strive for recognition.

You have quoted from Gita the famous line. My attitude is slightly different. I am inspired by Gurudev's lines which are told in a very lyrical fashion. "Let me light my lamp" says the star "and never debate whether it helped remove the world's darkness".

Thanks for your article.,

Dr. K S Raghavan
03-Aug-2020 01:39 AM

Comment Very nice. Like the candid, realistic and down to earth approach.
Keep it up.

Rajender Chowdhry
02-Aug-2020 13:12 PM

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