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Feb 22, 2025
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R.K. Bhushan : A Peerless Poet |
Extensive teaching experience, exhaustive erudition inherent and acquired admirably through incessant interaction with peers , seniors and voracious reading a hallmark of his simple yet significant life, enable R.K. Bhushan the teacher and poet display his commendable command over the language and literature in the most astounding presentation of names, habitat, characters and situations in the whole gamut of literary studies available to a man.
This poem may rank as the rarest gem among numerous sonorous and spellbinding poems penned by the poet. Thomas Hardy will certainly bless this energetic and enthusiastic poetic tribute ever paid by one of his admirers.
To enliven the screen brilliantly appear before the reader various enchanting characters created by the immortal Wessex novelist.
Then R.K. Bhushan beautifully paints the poignant lives they lead , driving home the point that they are the real people who face the rough edges of life stoically and emerge victors on account of their undaunted fortitude and invincible spirit, though apparently they seem to have been bashed up by an unrelenting malevolent ‘Destiny’. Thomas Hardy is an optimist, in spite of the crushing blows and bruises his protagonists receive and endure. Their challenging fight against the onslaughts of a seemingly formidable ‘Fate’ establishes beyond doubt that their creator Thomas Hardy is an optimist. Perhaps, this poem and the views expressed there in, provide a precious key to unlock the innermost secrets of R.K. Bhushan’s heart and craft. The reader is reminded of P.B.Shelley, as one goes through the poem ‘Rustling Leaves’, which is incidentally the title of R.K. Bhushan’s second volume of poetry. This poem is as impressive as ‘Ode to West Wind’. The last two lines of the poem help in assessing the philosophy of life of the poet. ‘Lover’s Anxiety’ mirrors his world view.
Then, the poet declares at the end of the poem:
The same stoicism is witnessed in the last two lines of ‘The Glory of the Pride’.
This realization lends immense strength to a grief stricken soul to survive and locate beauty and peace where ever available. Hence, one is exhorted to forget painful incidents and carry on gallantly. R.K. Bhushan a pragmatist and powerful poet paints the spiritually satisfying scenes during ‘Ganga Arati’ as one goes to Hardwar on pilgrimage , which delineates the endearing charm of the poet’s creativity objectively. The last three lines convey profound philosophical truth in simple yet alluring words.He has an extraordinary ability to maintain a sort of clinical objectivity, though his poems look subjective most of the time. The most striking future of Bhushan’s poems is their subjectivity; his poems come straight from his heart. In him, the man and the artist cannot be separated. Most of his poems are about his personal experiences, from adolescence to maturity, his mother and father, his musings and reflections about things and experiences which shaped his life and art, his emotions colours almost everything he writes about. [Introducing R.K. Bhushan’s Poetic Artistry, 2]
The poet honestly confesses: Long ago I composed such a poem This is the City of the Dead. This poem was especially appreciated by Jayanta Mahapatra for its honesty. The theme is almost the same woven round different images and situation. This is the real city, may not be of Eliot, where I consumed my life to the last with least satisfaction. So the conspicuous reference, not oblique, is to Konark, the Temple of Sun God, the giver of Light and Life to this world of ours. May be SUN also feels helpless to help such people of the real city. [museindia.com, 2009] One notices the poet asking:
There is an underlying current of melancholy in his poems. But he is a robust optimist like Browning. His wisdom and experience do help many a soul.His grasp of literature and significant characters and incidents is amazing.
Subtle humour renders his poems eminently enjoyable.
Kalpana Rajput has written an excellent review of the first volume of R.K.Bhushan Sentinels of the Soul. She opines: According to the poet, R.K.Bhushan, the mind which seeks sensation through experience becomes insensitive, incapable of swift movement and therefore it is never free. But in understanding its own self-centered activities, the mind comes upon this state of awareness which is choiceless, and such a mind is then capable of complete silence, stillness. [Kalpana Rajput, museindia.com,2008]
His flair for alliteration is a distinguishing feature of his craft. It may not be deliberate to impress the reader; but as the poetic ideas unfurl the peacock feathers, joie de vivre of flurry of ideas echo in rhythmic bonding of words. For example:
Like Walt Whitman, here too, the poet uses the metaphor of spinning though he does not use the symbol of Spider. Instead he addresses Destiny. For him Spinning never stops. The on- going drama has to be continued. He retained healthy thoughts, healthy outlook and healthy laugh that sustain him and his creativity. His robust optimism exudes supreme self-confidence and an innate infinite fecundity to face any kind of situation in life. His abiding love for life is reflected when he says:
For the poet, life is not a lullaby, nor a hymn: but a war song Poems like ‘Lost Dawns’, ‘brass@goldwayward.wifi’ reveal one’s utter helplessness in the face of cruel games played by unscrupulous elements. Quite a good number of poems dealing with ‘Death’ and personal loss look highly subjective. ‘I saw the City Flourish’ is about the city of Konark, where the marvelous temple of Sun God is overshadowed by frozen frames of copulating couples in sculpture inviting popping eyed votaries of carnal desires. This poem has, in fact, evoked empathy and high praise from Jayanta Mahapatra who complimented the poet and his craftsmanship. An ardent Sai devotee R.K.Bhushan expresses his unflinching faith in the ways of his Master and declares:
He advises the anguished and the agonized:
The poet who trusts Time continuum and infinite life wonders:
Trust in the mysterious ways in which Saimai manifests Himself and His inexplicable and highly experiential manner, infusing His Infinite energy, and blessings, enables one to steer clear in the ocean of life with eddies and surf, to sail safely amidst unfriendly current to reach safer destinations. In essence, R.K. Bhushan the poet inspires the crestfallen, hapless lone rangers to carry on their crusade with unswerving faith in ‘self’ and the ‘supreme self’ in order to redefine ‘love’ and ‘life’ in this world. |
14-Mar-2011 | ||||||||||
More by : Dr. T. S. Chandra Mouli | ||||||||||
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Comments on this Poem Article
chandra mouli 20-Jun-2011 03:11 AM
kapilbamba 20-Jun-2011 01:24 AM
RKBhushan 18-Mar-2011 03:57 AM |
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