If only I could touch you Miss Justice!
If only you'd let me balace your scales.
But, money I've got amounts to just this.
Its a shame that your whole life you must miss.
Your weak lelft arm and oversized sword pales.
If only I could touch you Miss Justice.
If you ever peeked you's see the worst mess!
A flood of legal notice chokes the mails.
But money I've got amounts to just this,
That I could never upon your bust rest.
In my desperate dreams your sword never fails.
If only I could touch you Miss Justice.
Many people everywhere are just pissed
your oversized sword sits and never flails!
But money I've got amounts to just this
and never buys what would be my worst kiss,
for you're so cold that my tears would fill pails.
If only I could touch you Miss Justice!
But money I've got amounts to just this. Workshop # 17