
The Vastu Plot & Topography: 1

The plot of land needs examination mostly on shape, topography, roads around, compound wall, the main gate and open spaces around the main structure etc.


The best shape is square. Rectangle is also excellent provided the length is not more than 1.5 times the width. Where the plot is neither square nor rectangular, the following requirements should be ensured.  

  1. Angle at D must be a right angle.  

  2. Angles at A and C should not be less than a right angle.

  3. Angle at B should not exceed a right angle.  

Where the aforesaid requirements are not obtainable, remedial measures are to be adopted. This is done by cutting off the interference and giving it away or keeping it off the corrected boundary through barbed wire fencing. The rejected area can be made a receptacle for dumping garden refuse etc. to make compost. This correction is a MUST before any construction activity is taken up.  


Cut or rounding off at the corners is best avoided. This is particularly baneful at the north-east.  


Ideally the downward slope should be from all sides to the north- east. Alternatively, the slope should be either to the north or to the east which implies that the plot would be facing the north or the east. Ensure that the slope is to be corrected, if a fault is noticed.

In plots facing the west or the south no relaxation of the direction of slopes is accepted. Instead, remedial measure  is to be adopted. For instance, if the plot faces south, the direction of the slope of the entire plot should be made to the east only and, instead of a surface drain running in the south direction make vertical exit points leading into an underground drain which discharges the drainage  out of the house in the south. Which means that the adverse slope underground is permitted as a compromise. In short, whatever be the direction of the face of the plot, ensure that the slopes conform to the directions as  discussed earlier in respect of open areas. The purpose is to let the plot have freedom for air and light from the north and the east and restriction from the west and the south.  

Roads around

A plot with roads on all the four sides ensures progress and prosperity. Such plots are uncommon. But then, a plot with road to the north or to the east is also excellent. The one with roads on both the north and the east is still better as it receives the maximum impact of the Eshan force.  

Plots facing the west or the south are not so good, but need not be rejected.  These are amenable very greatly to remedies. These remedies, basically, are in the form of  ensuring the above related slopes, receptivity, location of the main door and the location of the main gate.  Sometimes, we find a road ending blindly. A plot located at such an end suffers from the adverse impact of the forces generated by the traffic operating on the road. The residents of the homes on such plots make no progress and suffer from multiplicity of problems.  

Compound wall

The excavation for the compound wall should be started from the north-east and proceeded till the south-west end is reached. The erection of the wall should be done in the reverse order. The underlying idea is to ensure that weight at the north-east end is maintained always at being less than the weight at the south-west end. To serve this purpose  one more care should be taken. The western and southern walls should be kept thicker and taller than those on the northern and the eastern sides. So also the walls at the east and the north may be retained at a low level topped with barbed wire or chain link fencing. For screening, a decorative hedge may be planted in addition.                                                                

The gate

Vastu provides the keeping of the main gate in the compound wall as per the following directions.    

  1.  North facing plot-  at E  

  2.  East facing plot -  at F  

  3. South facing plot-  at G  

  4. West facing plot -  at H  

Where space is not a constraint, as in parks, farm houses, large bungalows etc., the exact location of the gate can be subjected to a little more elaboration at each of the above noted ends. But for all practical purposes, the positions, as related above and indicated in the diagram, are sufficient. Also, corner plots have roads on two sides. Here again, special consideration is provided.

The height of the doors in the gate must not exceed the height of the compound wall.

Space around the building

This study takes us into four main directions, namely, east, west, north and south as also the four corners inside the compound, around the main structure. We divide the study based on open space, outhouses, underground water storage, well, septic tank and plantation.

The open space

Adequate care must be taken to ensure that the space between the main house and the compound  periphery on the northern side is distinctly more than that on the southern side. Similarly, the space on the eastern side must be maintained as more than that on the western side. This is regardless of the direction which the property faces in relation to the abutting road.  


Need is often felt to have some cover somewhere around the  main house. This is mostly in respect of a garage, servant quarter,  reception or the like. Commonly, the easy victim therefore is a corner spot  in the compound. An outhouse or a shed is innocuously set up or it may be a part of well intentioned plan, knowing little of the hazards it has in store for the well being in the premises.

The corners at N-W, N-E and S-E belong to air, God and fire. Any erection therein,  which restricts free movement of air along the walls, interferes with smooth operation of the natural process allotted  to the respective corners. Not that a cover is entirely forbidden, the only precaution required is that a distance, say about  one meter, is provided between the outhouse and the compound wall or the periphery for circulation of air in  the corner . Moreover, the roof of the cover at N-E  should be low, say not more than two meters. In the other two corners the height should be less than the height of the main building. None of these three corners may be utilized for storing lumber, scrap etc. N-W is suited best for employees and vehicles. S-E is suited equally well for employees but as a second choice for vehicles.

The position at S-W is different. This belongs to the demoness. Hence, we do not allow freedom of air in the corner. The outhouse in this corner is erected adjacent to the two walls and the height of the roof may be kept higher than that of the main building with advantage. Utilization is recommended for lumber, scrap and all such material which mostly remains static or out of use. It must not be used as a garage, else the vehicle would get neglected and develop faults conducive to stagnation and expensive maintenance. The accommodation in this corner is not to be allotted to an employee. Else, he becomes obstinate and unruly. If a tenant is put there, he assumes a firm foothold and may never agree to leave.


More by :  Aditya Kumar Varman

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Views: 3671      Comments: 59

Comment Sir

My New house is completed up to roof level. House is North Face & East Face, Kitchen is in South East, Master Bed Room is in South West and , Stair Case is in the North West. And Finally the Sewerage Pit at the North West Corner out side the Plinth Area. But I have some doubt of Vaastu Problem in connection to the following :

1. Toilet is in the South in Between the Kitchen & Master Bed Room
2. The Roof is constructed giving slope down towards South about 3-4 inches.But originally the plot was slope towards North.

10-Jul-2015 04:33 AM

Comment Is it good to have the two roads to the plot, one in east direction and other in North direction close to plot.

Prashant Pathak
08-Jul-2015 07:25 AM

Comment Sir, I want to construct two house facing north direction in one plot.
Plot soze :42' x60' long.
42 feet nort facing and 60' west fasing both side roads.

where I fix main enterance for both house in one plot.
each house size , 21' width and 60 ' long .
MY CONTACT NUMBER Oman:0096896464299,
India; 00919440760442 after 8-7-2015

24-Jun-2015 01:12 AM

Comment Sir,

I am planing to construct a House in Kerala. The plot I am planing to construction is facing towers Northeast direction (Not proper East or proper North) is this make any hazards to me??

sujithkumar KV
16-Jun-2015 22:35 PM

Comment I have purchased a plot of 2 katha whose both north and south has 16 feet(including both side drain) road and the plot is north-east corner of the project.please tell me is it ok or not

ashis basak
13-Jun-2015 07:03 AM

Comment sir,

good day

i have a plot measuring 80 feet x 54.6 feet , whose north is tilted 32 degree towards west . and there are roads on two sides of the plot that is southwest and north west . i am going through huge losses . kindly suggest me remedies.



ashok kumar

ashok kumar
09-Jun-2015 08:02 AM

Comment Resp. Sir,
I want to buy a building constructed as below-
East Facing Plot .
South side of the plot is a very big Park.
Main gate is at Left Side on East Face.
House is Duplex.
Maximum space is at East and North side.
and there is an Artificial hill in the South West Corner in the back of House.
Servent Room is in North West corner.

Right Now I am living in a North facing Vastu complies House, which is very Lucky for me.
I want to shift in above big House.

Kindly advise, that I have to buy the above House or not???


Rakesh Walia

Rakesh Kumar
04-Jun-2015 23:23 PM

Comment Sir have a plot 32x65 feet on west and south side open road i want to make four bed room pl sugest

03-Jun-2015 01:32 AM

Comment sir i have a plot of 80X15 ft,west facing plot and there is a well on north-east corner is there any plan to make it modern style.. i want 2 bedoom with attach toilet and some space for garden in the front part having 10-15ft .. many plan suggested by the contractor the one thing i don't like is space for toilet on the top/roof that looks odd ..plz suggest some plan acc. to vastu as soon as possible

16-May-2015 13:03 PM

Comment sir,
how many max degrees to be taken for DEVIATION to construct a building according to the NORTH direction

01-May-2015 08:03 AM

Comment sir my home bilt the angel of south-west is extended long of other angel
plz suggest about it who can i remedy it plz sand me in my id

10-Apr-2015 13:15 PM

Comment Respected sir,

My plot/house has more/excess land in west north side. We want go main road through this excess land, because my plot has west side road only. So how to divide that excess land from my house/required plot. More people told me as per vastu excess land in north-west side is dangerous. Please give me your valuable suggestion.

03-Apr-2015 08:59 AM

Comment Sir,

I would like to buy a plot which is having north and west side roads and it is the corner bit of that venture and the road on north is slightly angled towards north east and the east side is also angled towards south east (its of 311 sq yds) and the shape on east side is 49.6'

please advice us whether we should go for it or not

gc srinivasa Rao
26-Feb-2015 00:00 AM

Comment sir
i am having plot size 30*59.requesting for a plan with parking area according to vastu.plot is north facing.

21-Feb-2015 02:53 AM

Comment Sir,

Iam planning to construct a house at south west corner plot, whose sizes are 35x45 Sqyds. ie NE to SE 35sqyds and NW to NE 45.5 sqyds.
(6 inches extended towards at NE )

I want to put main gate at West side ie NW side. My planning is to construct 2 bed room house & kitchen, Pl. give me planning for construction of house

Thank you,


31-Jan-2015 08:13 AM

Comment I am planning to buy a site which has road in north (S-W Corner site)
east - west 30 feet south - north is 40 feet Is it advisable to buy it sir.

06-Jan-2015 05:19 AM

Comment We are planning to buy a plot from Developer.the option given/available are as follows..
Site No.1 NE corner plot and given to some one.
Site No.5 15/15 21.8/21.3 North west corner site North/west roads roads extends to North/west


Guruprasad T.R
01-Jan-2015 02:50 AM

Comment i have purchased a plot. the plot is north facing.90 degrees to the plot is road and a road leading from east to plot is located third from the layout where the east to west road starts. hence request you to advise how to proceed further. dimensions of the road is 40 feet X 65 feet. please advise

11-Dec-2014 21:37 PM

Comment Sir,
Some of Vastu Experts in Kerala warning if open space in East & North side, that house will be in Kanni rasi which is not suitable for residential purpose.
They suggesting to keep open space in West and South side to become house in Meenam rasi.

Please advice.

thanks, George.

26-Nov-2014 03:58 AM

Comment Hello,
Can we buy the plot size of 20' X 65'.

North facing, south west corner extended towards west. Can we get registration done with making it straight?

Please help.


prem kumar
24-Nov-2014 07:13 AM

Comment I am planning to buy a north facing (corner plot to the east) for investment purpose. But it has an issue: It is 30 feet on the back ( west to east) but 29.6 feet on the front ( west to east) . Is this small deviation negligible?

Any correction needed.

Pl advise.

13-Nov-2014 09:04 AM

Comment In a west face plot the gate of building in North will be suitable or not.

Rawal Rathore
08-Nov-2014 09:09 AM

Comment Sir,

I have seen a plot where north west corner is increased slightly (in the West direction). As per your article pitcure, D must be at right angle. I am assuming AB is north facing and CD is south facing, in the picture. In that sense, the plot I saw is not having D at right angle ( It is slightly exceeding right angle).

Please let me know if I can go for it or any remedies avaialble.

Madan Mohan

Madan Mohan
18-Oct-2014 21:37 PM

Comment Sir,

My plot is cut in the south west. I am planning to build house. Plz mail me the best thing to do before building.

Akash Sharma

19-Sep-2014 00:36 AM

Comment We are planning to purchase a house. the main entrance is south-East. The road infront of the house goes South East - North East. North-East side we have garrage. Which can be used as Pradhana dwaram (main entrance) when performing Gruha pravesham? Please guide us.

17-Sep-2014 15:14 PM

Comment dear sir,
i have purchsed a west facing roadside rectangular plot. is it good to construct a house according to vaastu. plz suugest me

20-Aug-2014 01:03 AM

Comment Dear Sir

My plot is North facing and in which the road ends , N--10feet , S-31 feet W --8 feet (away) after that 39 feet to N , E-40feet. In this the Vasthu is OK . Kindly give your valuable advise and bleeings

15-Aug-2014 06:49 AM

Comment Is it good to buy as per vastu? if the plot is northwest corner plot,eastwest road continuous sloping east and northsouth road touchs eastwest road

20-Jun-2014 08:11 AM

Comment Dear Sir,

Myself J Durairaj, DOB - 01.05.1981, Uthratatti, Meena Rasi. Some astrology told that, i have to built house in north facing but i have already purchased west facing plot (34 x 54 ft). can i built north facing house in my plot. 07760686770
Kindly clarify.
Thanks & Kind regards,
J Durairaj

J Durairaj
29-May-2014 08:00 AM

Comment Respected Sir,
I have a west facing plot size is North to South-26 Feet, West to East-72 Feet,
So pls help about vastu opinion on this plot to develop a home.

S.K. Singh
24-May-2014 05:44 AM

Comment we plan to purchase a east facing plot
1. behind the plot(west side of our plot) there is an open land(alloted for park)
2. behind the plot(west side of our plot) there could be a temple
is this OK to buy this plot.

does this impact?

18-May-2014 10:13 AM

Comment I m having a south facing plot with following dimensions

North side- 50 feet
South side- 32 feet
East side - 40 feet
West side- 52 feet

the corner (south and east ) is not at 90 degree and it form a side with 20 feet
give me a suggestion

17-May-2014 11:08 AM

Comment sir,

I m having a north facing plot with following dimensions

North side- 30 feet
South side- 32 feet
East side - 42.5 feet
West side- 52.5 feet

means a extended south southwest corner.

we made the plot rectangular by leaving the extended portion.
Kindly give us with suggestions on how to utilise this vacant space.

can we use this side for bathroom on the south side

11-May-2014 21:45 PM

Comment Respected Guruji

I was offered a plot for purchase. It is facing T. However, it has a road on East side and T is facing at NE corner of the East. North side of the plot is open space meant for Park.

Is it good? Please advice.

Raja Sekhar
10-Mar-2014 02:39 AM

Comment I already purchased a rectangular plot facing north with a slight cut on North East corner. All other corners are 90 degree s. How can I rectify the plot ?

Sam francis
02-Mar-2014 22:02 PM

Comment Sir,

My plot size odd like east facing plot 25x35 , north 25 but south 36. and please advice my mail gate of plot. now the gate east- north in 3 ft.

22-Feb-2014 06:08 AM

Comment Sir,

Our site is facing northside road.thier is any problem


site 30' N opposite 30' road
Kindly inform sir
with reagards,

21-Feb-2014 07:46 AM

Comment Sir,

I am planning to buy a plot which has road in south and west direction(S-W Corner Plot).
South 28 * 54 West plot. Is it advisable to buy it sir.

Thanks in Advance

Jerryn M
12-Feb-2014 10:51 AM

Comment Dear Sir
I have a south facing plot with projection t/w north east and a therukuthu in south east what are the effects of this plot and what are the remedies

08-Feb-2014 02:53 AM

Comment Dear sir,

we have a south facing plot exact rectangle shape(20x60) south and north are 20 ft and east and west are 60 ft can we construct a house facing east side entrance.Please advice me how to built the house.

Mohan M

Mohan M
05-Feb-2014 01:23 AM

Comment hello sir

we have a south facing plot exact rectangle shape(30x50) south and north are 30 ft and east and west are 50 ft can we construct a house facing east side entrance

jyothsna reddy
02-Feb-2014 03:54 AM

Comment Sir,

I am having 1700 sq feet plot of 34x50 ft. south facing plot, east and west corner are 7 feet more is this plot is good for construction of house

North south 50 feet and east west 34 feet. the plot is not in the shape of right angle
northeast corner and southwest corner is 7 feet more

please help me

Thank you

Mohamed Akramulla

Mohamed Akramulla
29-Jan-2014 12:40 PM


My friend and myself have entered into a partenership and purchased a plot and constructed a school building. Unfortunately she has turned against me and is fighting to own the property somehow and run the business herself . Now this building is built on a triangular shaped site and I recently found out that triangular shaped sites are not favorable for residence does it hold true for commercial businesses as well ? Could this be a reason for my friend to turn hostile against me? In that case I feel it is better for me to exit out of this venture. Any advise or comment on this would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

11-Jan-2014 16:11 PM

Comment Sir, our plot is east facing. South West Corner is increased, for which as a remedy we constructed a wall covering the increased area, which made the plot rectangle. Is it Ok?
Our house is end house in the colony, as the wall separates the two layouts.but other lay out's road touches at south east corner, where the kitchen is exposed, but our entire plot has compound walls as per vastu.
Kindly tell us any odd things and remedy.

03-Jan-2014 22:36 PM

Comment Respected sir,

i am going for new construction, but my plot size is east-68 ft.west-62 ft. north-81.5 ft. south-80 ft.and diagonal agni to vayva is 101.5 ft. eshan to nairut is 105 ft.there are two side road (main) north other west.where we put the gate becos north wall non straight.
pl. help me what is the correct dimention of boundry wall and how can put main gate on north side.

thanks & regards

satya narayan

satya narayan
03-Jan-2014 01:36 AM

Comment my plot slop all sides. can i by?

18-Dec-2013 19:21 PM

Comment we purchased a new house (already constructed as per vasthu)., but the road is higher than compound wall of the house....means house level is not same with road...will it have any bad effects?

01-Dec-2013 04:55 AM

Comment Sir,
A colony is develped near hindu funeral site on a farm (arund 50 meter distance) at south east side. Should I puchase the house their or not).



18-Nov-2013 07:15 AM

Comment Hello sir,
East side is extended towards south of my house and in north-east corner mandir is situated. Face of house is west.Plz tell me is there any tip to overcome this problem without any loss.. Because we are in loss.. We dont know about this.. Plz sir i need ur help.

Jyoti sadhnani
25-Oct-2013 01:33 AM

Comment Sir we are going a plot. Next to the plot there is a park in that the goverment is digging a well towards east side of my plot. will it affect us. can i buy the plot. suggest me.

15-Sep-2013 11:45 AM

Comment hi iam going to buy a rectungular plot, length of north is less than length on west side. having roads on both north and west side. its 1830 sq ft. there is a small factory on north east side but a around 600 m distance. there is a small cut on north west corner making the plot non rectangular due to junction of north and west roads. can i go for it. any remidies???

thanking you,

08-Aug-2013 13:06 PM

Comment Respected Sir,

I have constructed house, in that West-South of the house is cut . Pl. let us know the remide or Effect.



prashantha Kumar.TP
23-Jul-2013 06:14 AM

Comment respected sir,
my flat has a sout-east(agni) corner cut,i think this is the real for my financial loss,please provide me a remedy for for this defect,i am gone tottaly bankrupt,please mail me the remedy,i'll be oliedged to you for my entire life

amit k gusani
17-Jun-2013 14:00 PM

Comment Dear sir,
I am writing from Canada, planning to buy a house facing South , the plot is rectangular facing SW. The east side of the plot is cut diagona as it the corner plot.
I read in the article NE cut is not good, I would like to know any effect if East cut

05-Jun-2013 23:36 PM

Comment My plot is of south facing plot
I have constructed gate as per your suggestion at G which is given on your site. My house door is facing to east.
but there is straight road before my gate which turns to east and east i.e T.
As this gate is very convenient for entering in the house. but some people says that this gate before straight road is not good for health of familly memebers.

can you advise

kiran mirji
23-May-2013 23:52 PM

Comment i have a flat built in rectangular plot but the north east corner is cut. what is the effect and it remedy.please reply.

28-Feb-2013 11:04 AM

Comment Sir,
my home plot is north east corner compound is cut.
what is the solution.?

pl mail me

07-Jul-2012 07:26 AM

Comment Sir,
Looking Vastu for already built house East facing - Between house floore
& road floore height in compound area is 2feet down as per Vastu is it
acceptable or shall i increase the height by filling to maintan same height
in between(compond area)


03-Jul-2012 02:21 AM

Comment Sir,

I am having having 100 cents plot of 300X400 ft.,
South facing plot, so there is a compound wall in all four sides, a big gate at south side of southeast, What I want, a small building in 10 cents land, on south west corner. Can I construct four cement/Tar roads in all the four sides of the future constructing building inside the compound wall and keep another 3 gates on east side of northeast, north side north east, and west side of northwest, of compound walls and making such a way to get veedhi shoolas ( THERUKUTHU) and wants to construct a small HOSPITAL,in ground floor and residence in 1 st floor and 2nd floor.Your valuable advise wanted with your blessings

Thanking you sir,


23-Aug-2011 05:55 AM