Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Dr. Pal, a distinguished lecturer in Hindi, a proud man of teaching national language, self-styled nationalist and much cold for English language had unusually reached in the vicinity of college today before the period started. The sluggish peon Ram Raj was surprised to gawp at him and dumped down his smoldering Bidi beneath his shoes as an ugly type of shame overtook him. Dr. Pal smiled nationalistically and tiptoed to close by him.
'Is Sahib here in office, Mr. Ram Raj?' His moustaches quivered as he enquired.
'No sir, so far Sahib has not come.' The peon grinned as he rubbed his fingers onto his front to adjust penis under the pant. Ugly habit, indeed.
Troubled Dr. Pal then recovered his equanimity and put the bunch of keys onto his hands and advised him to open Hindi Department Room. Peon saluted him greatly and again rubbed his fingers onto the bulge of his pant to calm down wildly aroused organ. Dr. Pal grew repulsive to observe the ugliness of peon's action and upset with an air of disappointment.
'What you do, Ram Raj, it is a co-educational college. Girls notice your silliness'.
The peon then again rubbed thrice as he spoke- sorry sir, sorry sir, sorry sir. Dr Pal smiled.
'Would you ever mend your ways, Ram Raj Ji?'
'Why not, sir?' And his hand stopped at the bulge, he did not rub it.
After a while, Dr. Pal went over to canteen and placed his order for hot coffee and immediately rushed back to his Hindi Department Room. The peon had arrived there and busied himself to remove the dirt.
Then Dr. Pal asked him to get attendance register there. He obeyed. Meanwhile, a couple of pretty lady lecturers with the bestowment of gifted breasts appeared in his room and beamed.
'Hello Mr. Pal, could we please get your priceless services on Hindi Divas celebrations. Perhaps you would be surprised, we are organizing inter-college declamation competitions and we want to crown you as our chief judge. Would you please accept our invitation?' The duo folded their hands as they stared at the peon. Peon rubbed and grinned - 'sorry sir'.
Dr. Pal with the movement of his eyes signaled him to leave the room instantly. The peon did no longer dare to disobey him. Within a split moment, he vanished. Dr. Pal afterwards felt himself liberated to stare at their gifts. Both ladies grew uncomfortable to his stares and covered their fronts with puffy Dupatta. Dr. Pal lowered his looks and requested them to have a seat there. Both ladies again smiled.
'Thank you, sir' Dr. Pal pulled the call bell to the canteen boy. He appeared instantly.
'Coffee or cold drink?' He again stared at where his eyes roved and smiled. Soft fingers of both ladies touched dupattas and again adjusted them.
'Nothing sir' Both smiled. But the order of coffee was placed.
'And journalist to Amar Ujaala would be our most esteemed guest if you desire.' One of the ladies spoke enthusiastically.
'Amar Ujaala is no doubt a leading Hindi daily.' Dr. Pal uttered as he pulled the call bell again. Canteen lad again at once tumbled in.
'Biscuits also' The canteen lad nodded and went off. Within minutes, coffee arrived. The duo enjoyed the sips of coffee as Dr. Pal enjoyed the luxury of their covered gifts (breasts). It was rather better habit than rubbing as peon. Could he ever stop himself glancing at women's bust line? No, Dr. Pal mused, it is the only fascination he had nurtured in his life'.
After their departure, Dr. Pal adjusted the curtain of his room and opened an English novel (In fact, Erotica) to have its reading. Then peon knocked at his room and informed him that Sahib had just come up.
Dr. Pal with a flurry shut down the book and headed for his period. Today, he had no mood to attend his class. The novel which he started to read night was on the verge of finish. He wanted to complete it as early as possible. But at this time stupid Principal had come therefore how he could neglect the period?
The period was utterly boring as his favorite students Miss Seema and Anju both- were not in the class (they were MA previous students). Both girls were good brains blended with beauties. Modesty was their dazzling virtue and Dr. Pal felt comfortable in class with their presence.
He loved to discuss his lessons with these witty girls before entering the class and marvelously enjoyed his teaching. He thought now he would motivate both witty girls to participate in inter-college declamation competition and he himself would put in writing the speech for them if they were ready to participate.
Dr Pal was not so pervert as peon Ram Raj thought about him. Only enjoying the luxury of women's beauty (In fact, beauty of the bust line) was his unquestionably aesthetic obsession. How could brainless peon understand?
For sure, he had not bad mind for his girl students ever. He never invited anybody to his home on tea except Seema and Anju (his favorite students) The stupid college peon had the silly opinion that beautiful girls are always brainless and they can be exploited or molested altogether. Were Seema or Anju brainless girls?
And Dr. Pal hated to molest any of his girl student. But peon, when spotted Dr. Pal surrounded with girls, irritated and the bulge on the front of his pant began to throb at the looks of beautiful girls. When girls moved their hips, Ram Raj rubbed his pant; girls took no notice of it. He had been jealous to Dr. Pal owing to his popularity among beautiful girls. Why did not beautiful girls visit his home instead? If he had a limp organ?
After a long wait when Seema sauntered over his office, Dr. Pal advised her to participate in the declamation contest. Seema relaxingly agreed as Dr. Pal assured her that he would write a speech for her.
'Oh how nice of you, sir' Dr. Pal grew much thrilled. He then glanced at her dusky face which was full of admiration for his great sir. How much Dr. Pal cared for her. Later, Dr. Pal revealed that he would be the chief judge of that contest.
'Sir, you are really great other colleges also invite you as their chief judge. Dr. Pal smiled at the admiration. Certainly, he was a great professor? Then why he was not popular among male students as among girls? Did he ever write an article from male students? Huh! they are always urchins. Did they ever respect him? Boys thought, he was a different professor who expected admiration only from girls. If girls did not come into his class, he evaded the period. What is the use of teaching in class without girls? Particularly without Seema and Anju.
With all girls in class, he dutifully would go into class in time and encourage them to take part in extracurricular activities. For girls, he was also different because he admired their beauty and virtues. Extra curricular activities not only attracted girls but also him. He would never let any student (boy) delve into gossiping.
His repulsive habit of nibbling teeth before boys made him every so often ridiculous (Girls did not take notice of it). Sometimes in class hours, he started to crack groundnuts as he gossiped with girls as he surreptitiously stared at the breasts of prudish socialite girls delicately.
What is more, his physical appearance evidently had been the derisive items for male students, particularly spoilt brat. Height was hardly 4.5 feet with the tummy plump and face was awkwardly beardless.
Spoilt brats sometimes shouted him 'eunuch' as though he had the coveted moustaches without beard. Although eunuchs hardly ever possessed the assets of moustaches.
When he would listen to disgusting comments on his physique, he felt exasperated and shouted at his fullest on them. Once upon a time, a student Mr. Rakesh Gilhotra called at him Football Shootball eunuch from the back bench. Professor ignored to listen to it as he knew he would be defamed among girls if he revealed it was the he to whom they called football shoot ball eunuch.
But this sordid adjective had widely spread out in college as a wild fire fiercely. Girls too began to use this adjective when they gossiped about professor Pal. At times, Dr. Pal deplorably eavesdropped the comments naughty boys hurled on him as he sat in the staff room.
'Sunil, tell-tell yaar. Is eunuch football shootball on leave today?' Someone behind the door asked dryly.
'I think he must have been.' The other breathed a plume of misdemeanor.
'You see, yesterday, he had come with unmatched necktie.' A girl disdainfully whispered. Dr. Pal recognized the sound. It was Sheela. Yes, definitely it must have been her voice. Her whisper was like boiling water seemed as if someone had poured down boiling water upon him. 'Stupid girl' Dr. Pal uttered with a peep at outside the aisle. He felt itchiness in his heart and stood up embarrassingly.
First time, during his ten years regular service, he had heard a girl commenting on him. All of a sudden, he went out of the room and spotted Sheela whispering something inaudible into a boy. Who was the boy? Professor Pal immediately recognized him. Sunil. He raced away with other boys to notice professor Pal. Sheela fell down her head in humiliation. She was unable to run because of her high heeled shoes. Really, she could not imagine professor would suddenly emerge out and pounded on her.
'Silly girl, what are you doing here around?'
'Sir, I had come here to see you, in fact.' She spoke with hesitation.
'See me? Why girl?' Dr. Pal yelled cruelly as he could not stop himself focusing his stares into her cleavage.
'Sir, I want to participate in declamation contest. I have heard you are looking for a good orator.' Sheela uttered confidently as she observed his professor was staring at her breasts. She did not care about it as she grinned.
'You think you are a good orator, at least.' Dr. Pal asked as if he wanted to insult the girl.
'Of course, sir.' Sheela said confidently looking straight at professor's look and adjusted her dupatta covering the upper front.
'But we can send two orators from our college and they are already chosen. You are too much late, girl. Now, how can I abandon one of them?
'Sir, it is my ambition to become a good orator. You always choose other girls (Seema and Anju) for inter-college competitions. Sir, is it not an injustice to my talent?' Professor Pal shocked.
'Why didn't you approach me earlier?'
'Sir, notice for the Hindi Divas Celebration was pasted on notice board after you chose the participants. How could I contact with you, sir?'
'Then, why don't you ask the principal?' Dr. Pal shrugged.
'It is his responsibility to run the college properly'
'Sir, please' Sheela began to fold her hands.
'No, you go around' On hearing frankly rejection from professor, the girl at once withered.
'Sir, please help me, I can do something for you if you justify my talent' She took his both hands in hers and raised them close to her cleavage. Her dupatta itself slid down and protuberant breasts riveted into Dr. Pal's starving eyes. A kind of odd sensation stimulated into his groin and hands began to quake and ultimately fell into her shirt.
'You want to defame me among college colleagues and students' Professor Pal immediately pulled his hands back and rebuked.
'Go around otherwise I will struck off your name'
'No, sir, you don't know how much I care for you'
'I know your like... talented girl' He mocked.
'Sir, I will visit your home request you, sir' Sheela smiled and put on her sunglasses. An earthquake like tremor began to move into Dr. Pal's mind. The more he thought over the girl, the more his face grew sweaty with terror and tension. Sheela observed the white gobs at the corner of his mouth. Dr. Pal with frightened looks instantly mumbled.
'Let me think over it how I do to make your participation must'.
'Thank you, sir' Sheela went off. Dr. Pal grew remorseful that he had inadvertently (actually mischievously) done wrong with his student. Is it not his foolishness to insert hand in her shirt?
Next day, his colleague professor Tiwari surprisingly revealed on him that Sheela is his daughter and she wants to participate in Hindi Divas declamation contest. Professor Tiwari explained further that she is a good orator yaar and will bag any position certainly. Why don't you give her chance to participate? Dr. Pal amazed to a great extent hearing it.
'Is she your daughter? Why didn't you tell me earlier?' And he apprehended if she told her father the something which had happened between them.
'I would send her your home evening' Professor Tiwari declared. Dr. Pal did not respond. Is his daughter really a loose girl? Instead Dr. Pal thought. It might be an accident. Should accidents not be forgotten?
'She was telling that you are too much repulsive to her. No yaar, don't silly with college talents' Dr. Pal felt as if he had been slapped in public meeting.
'I know, your Hindi is the language of fools but my daughter is also stupid and crazy for participating in Hindi speech competition, yaar.' Another slap, more ferocious.
'It is not the language of fools Mr. Tiwari. It is our national language and we should be proud of it but regretfully your like teachers are nuisance for the entire development of our national language.' Dr. Pal roared with vain fury that made professor Tiwari laugh at full volume.
'Dr. Pal, what has happened to you yaar? Sorry yaar, I must motivate my daughter to earn her post graduation in Hindi literature. Then, would you be happy? Would you give her tuition, Dr. Pal?' Professor Tiwari chuckled. Dr. Pal did not answer except for let out his breath.
Indeed, Professor Tiwari is an English lecturer and hates the idea to befriend with a Hindi lecturer. He has the opinion that Hindi teachers and even litterateurs are always low profile people and they can not earn too much to their expectation so as to maintain the standard of their living.
Therefore, national language disgusted him. He knew that Dr. Pal had to struggle too much to get the job of a Hindi lecturer. He could teach English very efficiently but chauvinism for national language in his character because of his proclivity for bigoted RSS outfit had been a domination point.
For the three years, he had been doing part time job then with the recommendation of a RSS Prachark, he was appointed full time lecturer and subsequently elevated to permanent. Since the day of his joining, Dr. Pal was very much disturbed as everybody showed his dominance over him because of his poor Hindi lectureship.
Even the silly daughter of his colleague too grew undisciplined. But Dr. Pal was very proud of his Hindi teaching as they mused it is the only Hindi language which could safeguard some human values. Thanks to Hindi, he sometimes would put good things in his students' mind.
'Beta, indiscipline would ruin your moral fiber therefore always come in time and attend the period regularly and most importantly obey your teachers.' The girls obediently listened to his advice and after he went off, they giggled in unison as if mocking at professor. Football shootball eunuch is really great, yaar.
Boys enjoyed their giggling and shouted more wildly. Professor understood the clamor in the class was because of boys but he did not dare to admonish the indiscipline boys. Oh God, where is youth of today going? Why don't some motivate them to join RSS shakha?
Next day, Sheela walked over to Dr. Pal and asked him check her speech she had copied (it was not original) from a book as Dr. Pal thought as he struggled to fail to remember the previous day episode. He again advised her plainly (not politely, not rashly) not to participate in Hindi Divas Celebration because the girls who he chose were fully prepared to show their performance.
Sheela tried to compel him but Dr. Pal superciliously did not move a look at her scribbled speech. She was professor Tiwari's daughter therefore he knew that principal must call upon him and ordered him to pick the silly girl Sheela.
How he could choose his daughter? Did Tiwari ever respect the national language? Swine! Hindi is the language of fools. Why his daughter wants to participate in fools' celebration? Dr. Pal decided that he would make his best efforts the girl not to participate in the competition.
Professor Tiwari was intimately close to principal and they regularly hobnobbed toasty drinks with friends. They both were childhood buddies. Dr. Pal then strategically applied commuted medical leaves for five days and went off the city. He neither talked to professor Tiwari nor principal on Hindi Divas function or his departure. Sheela was worried if they might allow her to participate the competition? The entry form of the two contestants was already submitted under the signatures of principal and he himself could not slip back his decision. How he would endure his helplessness? He himself was worried.
However, the day of celebration came along with the emergence of Dr. Pal. Dr. Pal joined his duty.
'Good morning, sir' He displayed his white teeth.
'Where is your fitness certificate, Mr. Pal?' Principal irritably enquired. Dr. Pal arrogantly showed it. Principal shot a casual look on it and threw it into drawer.
'Put your attendance in register' He asked staring at his wrist watch.
'Are you in time?'
'I think, I am' Dr. Pal uttered.
'Set yourself watch if it is out of order, sir' Principal burnt. How dare a lecturer, his subordinate had the insolence to insult him. He gulped his wrath and smiled.
'This watch is new one, Dr. Pal' In return, Dr. Pal did not respond. A smile on his lips had the expressions which he wanted to utter.
Then Dr. Pal went off and minutes later entered the office with two girls. Girls respectfully wished principal.
'Sir, we have to attend the Hindi Divas function now. If I need relieving letter to join the function where they people have invited me as a chief judge' Principal as if slapped, stared at him following girls.
'Before I allow you to go, I have some talk to you, Dr. Pal' He urged.
'Yes, sir' Dr. Pal signaled the girls to go off.
'Dr. Pal, it is rumored that you're not behaving properly with students.' Principal blurted out with a spit on the floor as if a poisonous beetle inside his mouth.
'I wonder you believe in rumors, sir' Dr. Pal spoke boldly. Another slap, more fierce.
'Indeed, it is not a rumor; I have complaints against you.' Principal shouted as if intending to frighten Dr. Pal.
'Has professor Tiwari complained against me or his silly daughter, lets clear it sir?' Dr. Pal took chair by himself and sat on it in a relaxed manner.
'Sheela is not at all silly girl. She is a gifted scholar' Principal displayed extreme ire. Dr. Pal silenced.
'Why didn't you send her name to participate in the function? Had I not recommended you?'
'Sir, she was too late. The entry forms of two participants had been sent before with your permission.
'Don't try to befool me? You intentionally did not send her name and hoodwink me also'
'No, sir, it is not so' Dr. Pal grew defensive.
'I know you had insulted the girl despite knowing she is professor Tiwari's daughter and professor Tiwari is my friend. In fact, you have slapped me not sending her name for participation'
'Sir, it is amazing how people misguide you? Sir, reality is that, that girl has insulted me. She is an insolent girl. Are insolent students ever gifted? Never. That girl is a blot to the institution' Dr. Pal expressed his whines.
'Has she insulted you-she?' Principal laughed mockingly.
'Yes sir, you know what she names me- eunuch. Am I an eunuch, sir?
'What rubbish you talk, professor?' Principal spat out at the floor again as he stared at the peon peeping into tapestry trying to eavesdrop the conversation. He halted for a split minute, looked around and pressed down the knob of the call bell. Peon at once appeared, saluted him.
'What are you looking inside?'
'Sir, I was away at bauji office' Peon saluted again.
'Bauji office? Why don't you lie, Bhencho...? I see you stupidly overhear our conversation.' Principal thumped on the table on express his raising anger then staring into Dr. Pal's eyes.
'Yes professor, he is really Bhencho. I, so many times notice him, he eavesdrops when I talk to someone professor on important issue.' Peon folded his hands in apology and lowered his eyes.
'Sahib, Galti Ho Gaya.' And then he rubbed his pyjama close to organ clumsily.
'Mend your way otherwise I shall suspend you.' He scolded him.
'Get out and fetch water..... and don't rub your this... again' He pointed out at his pyjama.
'I shall cut it off' Principal almost cried out. Peon lumbered back and fetched water. They both drank. Principal belched to show his dominance over Dr. Pal.
'Professor, it is better you pick Sheela for your good Hindi Divas celebration otherwise the poor girl would be humiliated and discouraged' Principal declared authoritatively.
'At this juncture, it is difficult, sir. Isn't it?' Dr. Pal showed helplessness and smiled derisively.
'I know nothing; don't force me to complain against you to the management.'
Principal threatened and he then commanded the superintendent to give relieving letter to professor for three four hours. Dr. Pal folded his hands and stood up.
'Thank you, sir.'
'Tell me, could I ring up professor Tiwari to send his daughter?' Dr. Pal evaded the answer and strutted out. And after sometimes when Dr. Pal got to competition venue he grew surprised to see that Sheela was already there.
'Sorry sir.' She folded her both hands sheepishly. Dr. Pal stared into her black eyes with scorn and smiled meekly.
'How are you, daughter?' He patted her back. He wanted to forget the sordid episode. He deliberately used the word 'daughter to humiliate her.
'Fine sir. Sir, principal sir has sent me here. He has asked me to feel sorry out of you. Sir, sorry, sorry. I had really done wrong, sir. In fact, I misunderstood I could bait you this way.' And then tears flowed down from her blank, embarrassed eyes. Dr. Pal had no other way but to pardon her as his ego which was big hindrance in his way to pick girl for competition, had absolutely satisfied. Sheela sought apology many times, sorry sir, sorry sir, sorry sir and realized her folly as well. Dr. Pal acquiesced, melted. Shouldn't he do something, something? The competition was about to start and they had already sent off the names of participants at dais.
At the last moments, it was not easy to make any alteration. He requested the organizers to add one more participant if they could. They were reluctant to make changes but miraculously they had enormous regard in their hearts for Dr. Pal. The lady lecturers who had visited him days before advised the organizers to oblige Dr. Pal as most as possible as he was the most esteemed professor. And, at the last moment, the name of Miss Sheela was added for Hindi speech unopposed. She took Dr. Pal's both hands into hers and exclaimed.
'Thank you, sir. Thank you very much.' Dr. Pal showed smile and let his hands released. He blessed the girl and thought himself proudly as a great man as he had excused someone. Forgiveness is a virtue. Why teachers always pardon their students? They should do as they are the ambassadors of goodness and a pride for nation.
He mused that he would speak on stage whenever, at the conclusion of great Hindi Divas celebration, he was asked over to give his precious suggestions for the welfare of the students. Miraculously, the girl- Sheela, who had been added at the last run and who had copied her speech from a book, bagged first position and amazed all the participants. Except for Dr. Pal, two other judges were in the panel. They all were spellbound to her oratory. Dr. Pal praised the girl at dais. Sheela again thanked Dr. Pal folding her hands. At evening, Dr. Pal rang up principal sahib.
'Sir, let me congratulate on you. Professor Tiwari's daughter bagged the first prize, sir'
'Really professor?' Principal delightedly surprised to hear the news and asked wonderfully.
'Dr. Pal, had you picked her for participation?'
'Yes sir, it was my duty to obey you. Sir, really, she is very intelligent girl and dazzling orator'
'Thanks, Dr. Pal. I personally thank you. And as well I would convey your feeling for Sheela to Mr. Tiwari.' And he put the phone down. He had been in confusion how Dr. Pal picked the girl who he denied. There must be something wrong at the bottom. Enquiry? Shouldn't I make an enquiry?
Next day, professor Tiwari thanked Dr. Pal as he came to college with a small box of fresh Burfi. And at evening, his daughter Sheela too visited Dr. Pal's home to express her gratitude in person. The other two participants Seema and Anju who could not have bagged prize grew disheartened. They had much irritation for Dr. Pal. They rumored that the judgement had been influenced because of Dr. Pal, as his interest in Miss Sheela was obvious, as her name had been added at the last minute.
They resolved that they would take revenge on him whenever the opportunity came. Later, it came into Dr. Pal's knowledge that Seema is the pampered daughter of a local Congress Party Chief Babu Lal Ji who had the good rapports with local MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly).
At evening, Congress party chief poured out the whole episode to the legislator and Dr. Pal was called on at Congress party office. MLA Sahib asked Dr. Pal why he had picked Sheela at the last moment.
'Sir, we hope she would get and she got, sir'
'What she got, we know you... and your character?'
'Character?' Dr. Pal felt the slap on his cheeks
'Is She Tiwari's daughter?'
'Sir, we have nothing to do professor Tiwari. Her speech was really fascinating'
'Her body is not fascinating which charms you?' Dr. Pal stunned, feeling a volley of slaps on his both cheeks. MLA sahib commanded him to seek apology from Seema..
'My fault, sir?' He froze for a moment, voice faltered.
'You have played a havoc with her and put a blot on the image of our grand Congress Party. Do you know our Congress is great for its sacrifices and you are insulting it at the behest of fascist RSS?' MLA Sahib coughed up phlegm on the floor and wiped out his mouth with the small towel in his hand.
'Sir, believe, our Hindi Divas had nothing to do with the RSS.'
'But you work for RSS pigs.' MLA Sahib hit down his hand with a surprised thump on sofa.
'They are not pigs, sir.' Dr. Pal accentuated. MLA Sahib chuckled clumsily.
'Then you are pig who influences the judgement.' He stared at him.
'It was the panel of three judges, sir and it was the collective decision' Dr. Pal struggled to defend himself.
'For the top prize to Tiwari's daughter' MLA Sahib interposed bluntly.
'Sir, please believe me' Dr. Pal begged pleadingly.
'Mend your ways, Pal; otherwise you have to face dire consequences.' Dr. Pal received threat without his fault. He almost began to weep.
'Sir, I swear I have nothing to do with the judgement.' He folded his hands more times than he could fold. Then horrible silence filled in the room.
'Now you go, don't weep, you are not a child' Dr. Pal rose from chair.
'Dr. Pal, in future you should be careful about our men.' MLA Sahib handed out his limp hand towards him. Dr. Pal shook it obsequiously. He again folded his hands two three times.
At home, Dr. Pal realized that he had been much insulted only because of principal and professor Tiwari. If they both had not pressurized him he would not have picked Sheela for speech competition. He decided that in future he would never endure any pressure whether it might be from principal or manager. He would for all times do the right.
At night, again, his eyes soaked with tears. He wept bitterly thrusting his head into pillow. The cruel face of MLA cruelly began to spin before his eyes, and your character... Her body is not fascinating which charms you? Gosh! Am I really characterless? Whose body charms me? He remained hitting his head with pillow all night.
Next morning, he applied for casual leave for some days. Meanwhile, two lady lecturers under whose supervision the Hindi Divas had been celebrated, came up to his home asking after his health. Now, who could forbid him glancing the luxury of their beauty in his own home? Dr. Pal's distraught eyes automatically began to measure their body to wane his mental crisis. He whispered to himself...and your character...Her body is not fascinating which charms you?
'Sir, we have heard MLA sahib misbehave with you? Is it right, sir?' Dr. Pal nodded in innocence. He hated to hide anything from them....and your character... Might it be good character to hide anything from dear ones?
'You both madams are really beautiful mind.' Dr. Pal said as both ladies put their hands over his forehead to measure the temperature of body. Both ladies beamed and sat up on bed close by him and went off after chatting on commonplace things. Dr. Pal did not shoot a look on their breasts....and your character?
After a week, Dr. Pal joined the college. All the students greeted him except for Seema and Anju (her favorite students) Principal and professor Tiwari showed enormous pleasure for him. Sheela sought apology for not visiting his home to ask after his health. Seema hurried into class late and hooted his teaching. Dr. Pal ignored because he knew that she is the daughter of congress party chief Babu Lal. How he could face the fury of MLA sahib again? After the roll call finished, Anju yawned noisily and expressed her boredom for Dr. Pal's class.
'Sir, please don't teach us, today.' Seema (Anju was sitting along with her the same desk) spoke with a desultory nod of his bored sleepy head.
'Why?' Dr. Pal breathed deeply in astonishment at her clumsy gestures.
'Sir, we all girls want to chat with you.' She voiced dramatically in an insolent way. And her gestures made all the students laugh. Girls laughed more disrespectfully. Dr. Pal humiliated.
'No, today we discuss an important chapter on bhasha vigyan' And, as he opened the book, a wild laugh progressively turned into storm. Dr. Pal decided to leave the class...and your character...Should he leave the class without punishment to undisciplined student? He shouted at Seema hysterically.
'Stupid girl, go out of my class?' Seema remained careless at his shout.
'Otherwise, I would be compelled to strike off your name' She stood up from seat, grinned and walked up to Dr. Pal.
'Sir, you always do injustice to me, why?' And she screamed like wild cat.
'We all girls know your story with Miss Sheela.'
'Story?' Dr. Pal stunned as he narrowed his tiny eyes. Seema walked off insolently.
'What is your relationship with Sheela, sir?' Then Anju rose from her seat and asked frankly. Dr. Pal looked around the class. Sheela had been noticed nowhere, absenting from the class conspicuously.
'Relationship? She is the daughter of my colleague' He answered honestly. It dissatisfied Anju. She pouted. With the flurry of emotions, at once, a boy- Sunil rose from seat and yelped.
'Sir, why do you befool us? We know whose daughter she is. But we want to know what her relationship with you is.' Dr. Pal fell into humiliation. He moved his mouth to form words but perspiration flowed down and on the side of his neck pulse began to pound.
'She is my..... daughter' He wiped out his sweat with the back of his hand, forehead creased. Class silenced. Dr. Pal struggled to focus at blackboard. As he turned his face, girls started to giggle, boys hooted. Then a piercing sound from backseats struck his ears.
'Sir, she is your mistress, not daughter' Dr. Pal did not answer pretending as if he heard nothing. He then left the class. Deeply depressed, he hurried into staff room and whispered the peon to fetch water. Peon noticed the drops of perspiration onto his face and asked the reason, Dr. Pal did no longer respond. Gulping water, he asked peon to go and see if the principal had been in the office. Peon went and said ...yes...yes...yes... rubbing his pant where he usually rubbed. Dr. Pal approached the principal and poured out the entire episode honestly. Principal grew concerned, thumped his head with the palms of his hands and shouted out peon.
'Ram Raj, say professor Tiwari to come in office, soon.' Within minutes, professor Tiwari appeared in principal office. Principal explained the whole episode to Tiwari. How he could put up with the infamy of his daughter?
'Whose Bhencho conspiracy you think, behind the rumors?' Professor Tiwari shouted, face crinkled. He stared into Dr. Pal.
'Do you know, professor? Think, it is not my daughter, it is your, then' Dr. Pal pained to hear the expressions of doubts out of Tiwari.
'Really, I don't know, professor sahib. I had been on leave for days' Dr. Pal put his hand on Tiwari's arm to wane his embarrassment.
'Tell, what should we do, professor?' Principal asked thumping on three-legs table standing aside.
'Let me struck off her name, sir' Dr. Pal sighed.
'Do you know she is the daughter of congress chief?' Professor Tiwari warned him. Dr. Pal shook his head wearing bravery.
'Yes, I know well.' He said boldly. For moments, he had forgotten the previous episode of his insult before MLA Sahib. Now, he was determined to brave the consequences. What will he do Bhencho MLA? He decided that he would explain the whole episode to RSS pracharks.
And, next day, with the permission of principal, Seema was fortunately (for congress party men, unfortunately) rusticated from the college. Most of the girls were too much happy except for her two three friends including Anju. Dr. Pal knew that MLA sahib would try to snub him again. He remained waiting his phone call all day but nobody rang up him. Two days later, Babu Lal himself visited college with his party colleagues to get his daughter's report from principal. Hearing the whole episode, he felt ashamed and rang up daughter who freely chatted on computer all day after the name struck off.
'Have you offended Dr. Pal?' Babu Lal interrogated daughter dragging his chair close to principal and rested his elbows on the table.
'All the boys were shouting outside the class what I openly said inside the class' Seema argued.
'What the boys were shouting outside the class?' The principal asked angrily.
'Sir, they doubted over Dr. Pal's character?' ...and your character... The face of MLA suddenly revolved before Dr. Pal's eyes.
'Indeed, your daughter is too much silly, Mr. Babu Lal Ji.' Professor Tiwari complained.
'Beti, say sorry to your teacher'
'Sorry...for what? Papa'please you don't insult me this way?' Seema begged. Babu Lal Ji stared at daughter and repeated.
'Otherwise you would never get readmitted in college, daughter' He said finally and looked at principal to endorse his decision. Principal nodded and looked at Dr. Pal. The girl shivered to her bones and murmured.
'Sorry sir.' And wept bitterly. Babu Lal shook hands with both professors and bustled off trailing daughter behind. Dr. Pal felt relaxed. It was the good opportunity to retain his lost glory.
'Don't weep daughter, don't weep, please. We are not against you. Is it good to insult a teacher in class?' Dr. Pal patted her back and sent the girl back to class. Principal smiled administratively.
'Take care, daughter.' He avoided patting on her back.
'Next time, we must give you a chance participating the function' Dr. Pal assured her. Seema did not go to class to attend, afterwards. Dr. Pal broodingly left principal office. He also grew upset on not her attending the class. The desired victory had embraced him. But smile on his face was eluded. Then, almost a week or two- all went on normally. He would go to class regularly... and in time also. Students awfully respected him. They folded their hands as they approached him. Even naughty boys and garrulous girls talked to him politely and in controlled manners.
Dr. Pal was happy. He began to teach students devotedly. He put them more and more questions in class and freely enjoyed the luxury of beauty when girls answered his questions. Everybody in the class, despite his odd habit, respected him.
One day, when he was teaching in class, he noticed students were impertinent and stared at Seema and Sunil who sat huddled on last back desk. He had already warned students to be disciplined in class but they did not appear to have paid any heed on his advice. The humiliation, which enveloped Seema days back, had nowhere to be seen. Then peon with a register in his hand came by the door to get his signature. He knocked the door mildly. Dr. Pal put his signatures and resumed his chapter.
And after some time, he was stunned to hear the scream from the last bench which had been from Seema and Sunil in unison. All the class girls looked back at them. They knew what cooked between them? As Dr. Pal rushed close to them, they lowered down their faces.
'Sorry sir' Seema put her palms on eyes pretending to weep. Dr. Pal noticed Sunil struggling to close the zip of his pant? Dr. Pal was terribly shaken to watch it.
'What are you doing?'
'Nothing sir' Sunil frightened, shivered. Dr. Pal slapped forcefully onto his cheeks and stared at Seema.
'Sorry Sir.' Seema, with tears and shame in her eyes wept.
'What do you mean by sorry?' Dr. Pal yelled with anger and slapped onto her face too.
'I will report to the principal. Have you no sense of shame, silly girl?' Seema sobbed and covered up his face with handkerchief in her hands. Her face grew reddened with humiliation. All the class students were stunned to notice their stupidity in the class. A boy, next bench to them had watched her putting her hand inside his pant.
'Get out my class.' Dr. Pal again screamed with fury. They both silently (shamefully, actually) shuffled out of the class. Their shoes sounded shrilly, rudely making sucking sounds showed their humiliation. Dr. Pal sighed deeply. He noticed girls' reaction. There was a hushed up silence in the class of sixty students.
All the faces were downcast, girls feeling unpleasant. Boys were different, their faces wore smile, surreptitiously gawped at girls. Dr. Pal thought for a minute then walked off the class. Shouldn't he clearly explain the all thing to principal? Principal, on hearing grew flabbergasted. He scanned into Dr. Pal's wounded eyes and thumped on the table aggressively.
'The reputation of our institute is day by day falling, Mr. Pal.' He said as he nibbled his nails in nervousness.
'In fact sir, we have to face the ugliness of political intervention step by step.' Dr. Pal stressed the words 'ugliness' as he sank into chair.
'What if we call for management meeting and revealed the whole episode to all members.'
'It is not bad idea, sir.' Dr. Pal supported and looked into principal's eyes. He wanted congress chief's daughter should be publicly disgraced. Peon then tiptoed into room holding a silver tray on it full glasses of water in one hand and the other hand rubbing onto his usual bulge. Professor Tiwari too was invited in office and he also suggested calling management meeting as early as possible as he too detested to Seema who had dared to disgrace his daughter. The following evening the management meeting was called including all the teaching staff. The chairman of the management on hearing the comments from Dr. Pal broke out.
'Mr. Pal, we have so many complaints against you instead therefore mend your ways, professor.' Dr. Pal surprised. He looked into principal's eyes.
'Who had complained against me, by the way, sir?'
'By the way, almost all the girls are terrified by your nasty looks, professor.' The chairman sneered.
'No sir, it is just accusation, just blame. No truth in it at all.' Dr. Pal frustrated as his face immediately shriveled like stale cucumber. Principal wonderingly sometimes looked into chairman's eyes sometimes into Dr. Pal's. The meeting unfortunately was sidetracked from its agenda.
More by : Ashwini Ahuja