
Nine Tips for Healthy Hair

No matter what type of hair nature blessed you with, there are things you can do to keep it healthy, lustrous, looking its best. Here are some tips for a healthy head of hair from the tradition of Ayurveda, the 5,000-year old healing tradition that originated in India:

  1. Like everything else about true, lasting beauty, healthy hair begins within your body. Start with your diet. Include lots of green leafy vegetables and sweet juicy fruits. Dairy products such as milk and fresh yogurt will also help. Fresh coconut is also considered excellent "hair food" - sprinkle grated coconut over salads, diced fresh fruit, or rice.  

  2. Cut down on refined, processed and canned foods. Ayurveda considers foods with artificial preservatives and chemical additives stripped of their inherent "intelligence" and therefore not helpful in supplying nutrition to your body and mind. Ice-cold beverages also hamper the process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients. 

  3. Cooking with certain spices adds flavor to your food and provides nourishment for your hair. Cumin, turmeric and black pepper are some "hair-friendly" spices. Add a healthy pinch of each to single-portion soups and stews as they are cooking. Saut - 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon each of the three spices in a teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter) or olive oil and add to cooked veggies. Roasted ground cumin and ground black pepper can be sprinkled over fresh yogurt. 

  4. Stress can be seriously injurious to long-term health and color of hair. Try and manage your time and tasks to minimize time-related pressures. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation. Seek out tranquil sights in nature to help restore balance to your mind. Relaxing or uplifting music can be therapeutic. Get adequate, good quality sleep to help the natural process of rejuvenation. 

  5. Ayurvedic herbs that help hair health include Eclipta alba and Gotu Kola. Eclipta alba is called "Bhringaraj" - literally, king of tresses. It nourishes the hair and helps resistance to stress as well. Brahmi, sometimes called Gotu Kola, also helps balance the mind and nourishes the hair and scalp. Since Ayurveda considers the health, color and luster of hair so dependent on overall mind/body health, synergistic Ayurvedic herbal preparations for hair can also include herbs such as Country Mallow, which is supposed to strengthen the physiology, and Winter Cherry, which aids resistance to stress. 

  6. Stay away from harsh chemical topical products that can damage hair over time. Look for gentle, natural cleansers and conditioners, especially if you wash your hair more than three times a week. Shampoos and conditioners that contain nourishing botanicals are even better. Read labels carefully - sometimes, products that say "herbal" or "natural" can include no-no chemicals. 

  7. A warm oil scalp massage two or three times a week will help stimulate and moisturize the scalp. You can use good quality coconut, almond or olive oil Ayurvedic hair oils also contain some of the herbs mentioned earlier. Apply some mildly warmed oil to your hair and gently massage into your scalp evenly with your fingertips. Leave on overnight if you can, if not, leave on for at least an hour or two, then get it out by shampooing your hair. The scalp massage helps you relax and aids sound sleep as well. 

  8. Never attack wet hair with a brush, no matter how rushed for time you are. Tangles in wet hair are best removed with a wide-toothed comb. Use a wooden comb if you can find one; it won't generate static electricity. Excessive blow-drying can damage hair in the long-term, making it brittle and causing split ends. If you can, let your hair dry naturally, then brush into place. 

  9. Last, but not least, brushing your hair regularly to stimulate the scalp will keep it looking healthy and lustrous. Brush each night in all directions in turn - left to right, right to left, front to back and back to front Use smooth long strokes from scalp to hair-tips.

Your hair can indeed be your crowning glory if you treat it right!

Note: Information in this article is solely for the purpose of imparting education on Ayurveda and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult a health professional. 

Read also:
Ten Tips to Increase Healthy Hair Growth    
Baldness (Alopecia) and Alopacia Areata and its Ayurvedic Management


More by :  Vasu Nargundkar

Top | Women

Views: 3592      Comments: 62

Comment i want my hair to be long,shining and healthy but there is spiltenes and hairfall too plz give me some sugestions...............................................

sakshi sharma
05-Jan-2013 02:33 AM

Comment am 22 years old..... my hair is silky..... bt i have hair fall problem.... and i have grey hair problem also... please tell me what kind of shampoo and hair oil to use......

02-Jan-2013 00:59 AM

Comment I am facing hair damage problem.Due to this problem,my hair were not growing.It also affect on my studies.What can i do?

Neha Sharma
31-Dec-2012 00:51 AM

Comment I want my hair to be long & healthy.but hair fall and dandruff problem to much .. So, Please give me some tips for healthy & beautiful hair,

Charanjeet Kaur
08-Dec-2012 05:10 AM

Comment i am suffering from hair fall problem and my hair is very thin what should i do?

nisha Gupta
05-Dec-2012 02:14 AM

Comment hi im 22 years old my hair becoming thin so please give me a conlusion and tell me which type of shampoo and oil is good for healthy hair?

vijay kumar
20-Nov-2012 03:36 AM

Comment hello sir

i am 22 year old. my hair is very smooth and silky but i have too much hair fall problem please give me a suggestion on this problem

04-Nov-2012 04:50 AM

Comment Hi
Iam Rahi 22 years old. i have hair fall problem my hairs are very smoth and shiny but very less in quantity please give me the solution to avoid hair fall and i have drandruff too.

02-Nov-2012 01:45 AM

Comment hai dis is ameera ,i hav dandruff and more hairfall .can u help me to get rid of these?

ameera tabassum
21-Oct-2012 06:59 AM

Comment Hi
Iam seema 35year old lady. i have hair fall problem my hairs are very smoth and shiny but very less in quantity please give me the solution to avoid hair fall.

15-Oct-2012 07:56 AM

Comment i'm 24year old staying in south india and the water is very salty here. i am loosing my hairs at a frequent rate and all the hairs are completly damaged and i'm very tensed.please help me sir.

Pooja Singh
05-Oct-2012 05:14 AM

Comment dear Sir,
my hairfall is becoming too much and i litteraly feel lyk crying.is it due to protein intake or anything like that???

plz help me....awaiting for your reply.

04-Oct-2012 00:22 AM

Comment sir,
i lost my hair when i am in vizag hostel when i am studying inter.i want my hair to grow.please will u tell me some tips which would help me PLEASE SIR.

13-Aug-2012 11:30 AM

Comment Thank you for the tips, very useful, I am using a good product that is helping me with my damaged hair.

Hemlata @ indiamarks.com
10-Aug-2012 02:22 AM

Comment sir,
i used trichup oil for my hair but the hairfall problem is not control also my hair not so long . what can i do for my hair so that they become healthy and longer?
please help me my marrige will be held on November. so i have not more enough time

Tiya Roy
09-Aug-2012 13:34 PM


02-Jul-2012 04:40 AM

Comment hi my nam is ramya, iam very much depressed about my hair now a days, because at my childhood days i have long and thick hair, present days i have very much hairfall , my hair has become very thin and dull , and even the sclap also visable please helf out from this problem with any thing like medicine and food habbits please advise me.........


07-Jun-2012 10:19 AM

Comment Hi ,

I am facing the problem of haie loss and according to the doctor its early bald ness problem and it is not recoverable.
I am 29 years and he said regroving of hairs are possible upto 30 years means one more year only.

i am worried so much and feeling always down because of hair problem.
I already lost so much hairs and my head sceen is started to visible now a days.

Hair loss started before 9 years back and i think its because of my tummy fatt and tensionfull lifestyle.

Please help me!!!.

02-Jun-2012 17:52 PM

Comment hiii my hatr is damaged want long &silky hair give me tips for that & i am using trichup oil-shampoo is it good for my hair??

vohera dolly v.
01-Jun-2012 11:18 AM

Comment hi!!! i want long and damage free hair. my hair hair growth is slow. so please suggest me some hair product n tips..........mahak

30-May-2012 00:33 AM

Comment my hair is very fine and I don't have much on my head also. it gets oily to the scalp in 24 hours but the hair itself is normal to dry. i have to wash it everyday or 2 and it is now falling and my hair strands are getting dry. please help me restore my hair to healthy, bouncy beautiful hair.

Christal Ramsaran
18-May-2012 09:58 AM

Comment sir. my hair becoming thin day by day & i'm suffering from hair fall also..so please help me out..n give me some tipsfor healthy & beautiful hair.

15-May-2012 04:32 AM

Comment hi,
I am sandra from bangalore.i have hair fall problem.my hair is becoming thin day by day.so please give me some healthy hair care tips,please.

12-May-2012 11:31 AM

Comment i loose a lot of hair the moment i brush them.i have even dandruff is it bcoz of that.suuggest sum tips.thank you...............

12-May-2012 05:21 AM

Comment my hair line is gradually going back.. n ihave very scanty hair, please give some tips for that

29-Apr-2012 03:30 AM

Comment i have very much damaged hair.my hair is rough,thin and i also suffer from hair fall and split ends.please suggest home made remedies

27-Apr-2012 05:13 AM

Comment hi sir, iam maha i have become fed up with the problem of hair fall. My hair become thin day by day.Kindly suggest me some tips for get rid of this problem.
Thank you...

maha parvez
21-Apr-2012 09:39 AM

Comment hi..... me sonia actuallt my probleum is day by day i loss my hair.... kindly suggest me how to care my hair........

sonia rana
20-Apr-2012 00:50 AM

Comment i have a silky long hair........but now day by day im loosing the thickness and shine of my hair..and i have a premature hair...please suggest me some tips for healty,black and beautiful hair....

04-Apr-2012 02:34 AM

Comment Respected sir,my hair are falling and there is little baldness on the left and right side.which looks bad so please help me to cure this baldness.thanks

23-Mar-2012 05:55 AM

Comment hi i m Ranjita . and i m suffering from my hair fall problem. and my hair is curly , so much rough and dry. there is no shine , actually my hair starts fall from middle of my head, near to my ears, i want to do hair rebounding for changing my curliness , and roughness . so plz. tell me might be its better for me . or should i consult to a doctor first . plz. help me some . and suggest me that what step should it take first . for getting my hair shinier , health, and silky, and always in straight position.


13-Mar-2012 06:05 AM

Comment hi i m pooja . and i m suffering from my hair fall problem. and my hair is curly , so much rough and dry. there is no shine , actually my hair starts fall from middle of my head, near to my ears, i want to do hair rebounding for changing my curliness , and roughness . so plz. tell me might be its better for me . or should i consult to a doctor first . plz. help me some . and suggest me that what step should it take first . for getting my hair shinier , health, and silky, and always in straight position.

01-Mar-2012 03:42 AM

Comment hello sir,
I have damage and rough hair and,i want my hair shiny any smooth and health
with natural product and for last three years i am getting white hair i am just 25 is that any reason for that. please, suggest me what i should do to get beautiful hair.

28-Feb-2012 04:08 AM

Comment I want my hair to be long & healthy... Please give me some tips for healthy & beautiful hair...

28-Feb-2012 04:03 AM

Comment hi sir i hav long hair but day by day loosing my hair please give me some tips

shruthi umesh
25-Feb-2012 10:04 AM

Comment Hello sir,
My hair start getting grey at too early age and become too rough with split ends, even i am using a herbal shampoo. Please give me some tips to make my hair look straight & shine.

Somya Sharma
15-Feb-2012 07:54 AM

Comment Hi Sir,

I am getting hairfall also i have dandruff and some pimples on the forehead due to dandruff.....My hair are very thin and i have lot of Split ends....since 1 year my hair started getting Gray....
How to get away the pimples on overhead and avoid Graying and thinning of Hair??????/ Please Sr Reply

04-Feb-2012 11:12 AM

Comment hey sir,

my problem is my hair falls regularly and it is badly damaged due to hair straightner chemicals. and my hair is becoming too rough and dry day by day. soo can u please suggest what should i do to over come this problem.....

chamika mihirangi
30-Jan-2012 01:51 AM

Comment Dear sir, please let me know how to avoid dandruff.. my hairs are curly and a little rough.. I m a teenage girl who is highly irritated by itching problem caused due to dandruff.. :'( plz help me..

27-Jan-2012 15:28 PM

Comment good sugesstions to follow about hair. All this procedure take time any quik remedy can u suggest for hair fall. Livon hair gain is good product to use plz revert.

11-Jan-2012 06:05 AM

Comment hai am neha my problem is that my hairs are falling regularly and also
they are very rough and dry. please i kindly request you to give me some remedy to avoid hairfall and some tips to maintain healthy and shinier hair...................thankyou

09-Jan-2012 23:59 PM

sir. . i have a soft hair. . its looks shiny but my hair is thin. . can u tell some suggestions to be a long hair

27-Nov-2011 01:51 AM

Comment hi,
how to i avoid hair fall,and split ends.
i do yoga daily also. please tell me the best yoga for hair fall.

thank you.......

madhu goyal
21-Nov-2011 02:13 AM

Comment I am getting hairfall, i have dandruff and some pimples in overhead due to dandruff....i took oil massage for twice a week...but no result, plz give some tips....

My hair is curly and dry....last 4month back i lost so much of hair....Plz advice me....

How to get away the pimples on overhead??????/

19-Nov-2011 06:17 AM

Comment hello sir,
I have damage and rough hair and,i want my hair shiny any smooth and health
with natural product and for last three years i am getting white hair i am just 25 is that any reason for that. please, suggest me what i should do to get beautiful hair.

15-Nov-2011 00:04 AM

Comment my scalp is flaky,its something different than dandruff flak. its looks like psoriasis flake,because when i used to remove the flak it comes with the local hair with it.

shetal chaudhari
05-Nov-2011 03:37 AM

Comment hello sir,
gud evening my problem my hair. my hair is too rough and curl hair. i want my hair to be long and healthy so please give me some easy & home made tips.
thank you.........

krishna veni
27-Oct-2011 09:37 AM

Comment My hair is too rough. I use l'orial condenser and use oil over night

Manisha Dugar
21-Oct-2011 07:27 AM

Comment hi... my hair turn into brown colour no matter wat shampoo or conditioner i use..... i keep oil over night and shampoo my hair,,, suggest me a a tip to get black hair...

18-Oct-2011 08:02 AM

Comment how can i avoid split ends?

07-Oct-2011 09:31 AM

Comment Hello sir, how to avoid hair fall & how to aviod dandruff.

05-Oct-2011 03:55 AM

Comment iam anitha. iam suffering with dandruff.so please give me some tips to get rid of this dandruff.

28-Sep-2011 05:44 AM

Comment Hi,

I am Aditi Aggarwal from Delhi. I am having Problem with my Hair. My Hair doesn't grow and very light in texture though a bit wavy but i need Straight and silky Hair. Please tell me some easy and home made remedies because i am working and have very little time for me.


Aditi Aggarwal

Aditi Aggarwal
25-Sep-2011 00:00 AM

Comment hello sir, my hair start getting gray at very early age.. i had to use hair color,, the texture of my hair d good.. they are bouncy n beautifull but grows gray from roots.. pls tell some remedy .

15-Sep-2011 10:47 AM

Comment i want to keep nice & black hair and so much hair falling

03-Sep-2011 01:36 AM

Comment i want healthy hair so give me some tips

01-Sep-2011 12:16 PM

Comment my hair is rough and curls, its sheddin a lot.how to control it

28-Aug-2011 07:34 AM

Comment i want long hair, but day by day i m loosing my hair.

11-Aug-2011 08:13 AM

Comment Hello Sir,
As u said 2 apply oil & then 2 leave it over night.. and finally shampoo it. Does dat really help??? Because i m doing dat from past 3 months and my hair has become even more rough than before... please suggest what should i do 2 hav a healthy smooth hair.

Harshita Maharana
10-Aug-2011 12:41 PM

Comment it is great & nice tips to all... Thanks Mr. Vasu Nargundkar

07-Aug-2011 07:04 AM

Comment my hair getting oily even in one day if i don't have head bath and also loosing hair day by day . please give me some tips for that

kiran kumar
14-Jul-2011 06:40 AM

Comment I want my hair to be long & healthy... Please give me some tips for healthy & beautiful hair...

Angel Carvalho
09-Jun-2011 03:23 AM