
Most Corrupt Generation

in the History of Our Nation!

Lately I have been reading a lot about this man Abdul Kalam. It may also be that he has started speaking a lot lately on the critical issue of the corruption rampant in our nation and its debilitating impact on all of us. Needless to say he is the past President of India. But even more impressive than that is the fact that he is quite a man!
My wife and I run a charity in the eastern Uttar Pradesh. We strive to provide quality education free of cost to underprivileged rural girls. Our goal is to make them socially, emotionally and intellectually competent individuals as they graduate from our school after the 12th grade. We have been doing this for the past 6 years. One of the great opportunities I have been privileged with is to teach each grade one period a week.  There is no fixed subject or topic. The girls are asked to put away their books and stop taking notes. We just talk. No subjects are barred. Typically I ask a lot of questions. The girls are encouraged repeatedly to come up with the answers. No judgment is passed on their answers. We talk about social issues, emotional issues, family issues, ethical issues and the ubiquitous corruption issues. We talk about ethical and corruption issues within the family, society, school and the country. 
Those of you who know how schools are run in eastern Uttar Pradesh would understand how depressing this job can be. Most of the schools are run as pure business to make money without any commitment to provide education. In most cases, particularly in the government aided schools, the teachers get the comparatively high salary jobs after paying a hefty bribe and therefore consider the appointment as a retirement benefit. Since many times teachers do not show up in the classrooms, the students are forced to pay for coaching classes they take from the same teachers to get any education. Of course, during the final examinations, depending upon the amount of bribe the students can pay; appropriate facilities are offered to assist them in cheating through the exams. This is quite an ingenious enterprise. Everyone benefits in the system up and down the chain including the teachers, the school managers and of course the master minds – the government bureaucrats. We should be able to market this business model abroad. Unfortunately, the biggest loser in all this is the student around whom the whole enterprise revolves.
Now that I have succeeded in spreading some of this gloom to you, let me continue on with the real story. Since I deal with all this ingenious corruption every day, I find that the daily class I hold with the girls offers an escape for me to talk about it with the young minds and possibly come up with some solutions. I have found that these rural girls are as intellectually gifted as any other students from within India or abroad. They have remarkable ability to apply deductive and inductive logic to complex and abstract issues. Their mind is still fresh, inquisitive and not corrupted.  Their answers, therefore, are very refreshing and sometimes totally surprising. We hold regular parent-teacher conference for each grade every 3 months. We have “used” the students to compel their parents to attend these meetings. After the regular progress review of the students with their parents, we discuss the family, social and ethical issues that the girls bring out in my classes. Most of the time the parents are stunned and dumbfounded but then they slowly start responding and communicating. The point I am making is that we are teaching ethics and social responsibility to parents through their children.
Now, let me reintroduce you to this remarkable man Abdul Kalam. In his speech today at Kokarajhar he gave an experience of a lifetime for the students of strife-torn western Assam.  For a corruption-free society, Kalam asked students to ensure that their parents desist from it. "Corruption can be rooted out of society if every youth takes the responsibility of making their parents desist from practicing corruption at home," Kalam said.
Let us pause and think about the gravity of this statement. Here is an older generation begging from its youth to bail it out of its own bondage with corruption. We are admitting that we are addicts of corruption like an alcoholic and need help from our own children. What an irony? Help us out our dear children before we turn you into an addict of corruption just like ourselves!
We are a failed generation who have let our children down and our nation down! We are telling our children that we have ruined your future. You are better off not using us as your role model. We are handing over a nation to you worse off than what our forefathers, the freedom fighters, handed over to us. Soon, your shoulders will be slumped with the burden of our sins!
In the future, generations to come will read about us in the history books.  They will read about the Maurya Period, the Gupta Period, the Mogul Period, the British Period and then The Dark Period!  The Dark Period will remind them of their forefathers who plunged into the darkness of selfishness, greed and corruption with utter disregard for their future generations and the nation.  They will wonder in despair about what kind of people these were?

Congratulations! We are writing our own history in golden letters.  We will be remembered as the most corrupt generation in the history of our nation!


More by :  Dr. Gopal Singh

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Views: 3681      Comments: 3

Comment Every word written is true. In addition it is obvious that majority of Citizens, the Governments and the Politicians are not only greedy, selfish and corrupt, but "SHAMELESS" also.

The remedy exists, but no one talks about it. The missing factor is the "PUNISHMENT". If the Government Ministers, Bureaucrats, and the businessmen are told in no uncertain terms that if found guilty of corruption and neglect of duty, they will go to jail for a long time, these cowards will think twice.

Paul Sayal
18-Sep-2012 08:42 AM

Comment It is not that people are unaware of widespread corruption in daily life, it is just that they cannot do any thing about it individually. It was long time ago that we discarded joint family system that afforded support and strength for the individual. At this point in our national life, we are so corrupt and completely devoid of ethics that we no longer belong to a social group where common achievements or problems are openly discussed. We are now so obsessed with our illegitimate practices or gains that we lead more secretive and protective lifestyle. And, in the process, corruption has become a norm in our day to day life. Dr. Gopal Singh's interaction with his students reminds me of my fifth grade teacher who in his own small efforts to instill sense of morality and ethics told us to desist from asking or accepting dowry when we married. I never ever forgot what he told us and later when my own children got married, no one talked about dowry. I think it is time that people like Dr. Singh unite in professional associations and as a group help create legislations to bring about discipline in the educational field.

06-Feb-2011 22:19 PM

Comment congratulations and thanks for this article.literally from the mouth of babes can such persuasion be applied to so called mature adults to mend their a way child is truly the father of man.

05-Feb-2011 23:54 PM

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