
Impact of Mars

A planet changes its character, depending upon the Sign and the house it occupies, the lordship of that Sign and also the vibrations it receives from the other planets, posited in other Sign. Here, let us study the behavior of Mars. 

Significations of Mars

Agriculture, accidents, brothers, blood, carbuncle, commander-in –chief, cracks-in-flesh, courage, debts, fire, goldsmith, hemorrhage, injuries, instant death, sensuality, lacks morale, land, house, liberality, love, madness, passion, rage and strength. Lord Subramanya, vanity, wounds, bold speech, success in efforts, keen interest, bilious an windy complaints, mean life, criminal law, astrology, practice of mantras, atomic energy. Electrical, chemical and mechanical engineering, mining, military, electricity, petrol., ammunition, weapons, lime kilns, brick works, base metals, cruelty, hatred, odium, kitchen, gold, relatives, thieves, falsehood, butchery, red wine, enemy, quadruped, foreign travel, automobiles, machinery, youth, pungent taste, assembly-hall, flesh-eating, summer season, Lord Brahma, Sama Veda, iron, tending wild animals, independence, assertive nature, persistence, restlessness, coral, laboratories, skill in archery, southern direction, calumny, gossip, bakeries, drying of blood, head of a village, leanness. 

The various effects produced by Mars, posited in different houses are as follows:  

Mars in the ascendant 

Wound marks on the body or marks left behind by boils, itches and the like, stealing habit, medium size, cruel hearted, excess of anger, extraordinary, valor, suffers from a peculiar disease, association with low-class people.

  • If exalted, or in its own house – Enjoys excellent health, well-built body, reputation, favors from highly-placed people, long life, financial prosperity, learned.
  • If in enemy or malefic house – Poor longevity, few children, ugly-looking face.
  • If conjunct or aspected by malefic(s) or occupying a malefic house – Eye disease.

Mars in the 2nd House

Poor education.

  • If Mars, as the lord of the 11th, is posited in the 6th, the 12th or the 2nd house – Eye trouble. If aspected by a benefic – Good eye sight will result.
  • If exalted or in own house – Higher education, good eyesight.
  • If in malefic house or aspected by malefic – Eye-related ailments.

Mars in the 3rd House

Native’s wife will be of questionable character.

  • If aspected by a benefic – No blemish in wife’s character, no younger brother, poor income.
  • If Conjunct Rahu or Ketu – Intimacy with women of questionable character, bitterness with brothers, few brothers.
  • If conjunct or aspected by malefics – Loss of brothers.
  • If exalted or in own house, aspected by a benefic –  Prosperity, longevity for brothers, valorous.
  • If aspected by a friendly house – Weak constitution.
  • If occupying a friendly house – Courageous

Mars in the 4th House

Domestic adversities, death of father in the 8th year, ill health to mother.

  • If conjunct benefics – The native may not own a house; he may have to live in another’s house; he may have to live in an old or indecent house; poor income; failure in agriculture.
  • If conjunct benefic and exalted or in own house or in a friendly house –  Courageous, property, long life for mother.
  • If debilitated or conjunct malefic – Loss of mother, enmity with relatives, staying away from the native place, want of clothes and food.

Mars in the 5th House 

Poor income, no children, ungentlemanly actions, official disfavors, suffering from wounds or cuts in the 16th year, very shrewd.

  • If exalted or in own house – Good number of children, authoritative position, trouble from enemies.
  • Aspected or conjunct malefic – Loss of children, mental disorder and allied diseases.
  • If Mars is the lord of the 8th from the ascendant and conjunct malefic –  The native will become valorous, may be given away in adoption.

Mars in the 6th House 

Reputation, capability to achieve success in undertaking, defeats enemies, marital happiness, acquisition of conveyance in the 27th year.

  • In malefic house, in conjunction with a malefic or subject to malefic aspect – The above effects will be enjoyed in full measure. Rheumatic and shooting pains.
  • If posited in Virgo or Gemini Signs – Possibility of Leprosy
  • If aspected by a benefic – No such diseases as above.

Mars in the 7th House 

If mars is in the 7th from the ascendant, in a malefic Sign/ or conjunct malefic (even if the 7 the house happens to be Aries or Scorpio) – Loss of wife.

  • If conjunct or aspected by a benefic – The above malefic effects will not occur, Foreign travel.
  • If conjunct benefic and in exaltation, own house or friendly house with malefic aspect – Loss of wife or intimacy with a woman, other than his wife, sexual perversions.
  • If conjunction with Saturn – Sexual perversion.
  • If conjunct Ketu – Contacts with women. If there is also another malefic in conjunction – Loss of more than one wife
  • In conjunct ketu, receiving benefic aspect – Good character
  • If Mars is conjunct or aspected by its enemy – Loss of wife.
  • If conjunct of Rahu – Intimacy with the servant-maid or a widow.

Mars in the 8th House

Eye diseases, longevity below 60, loss of father, urinary diseases, few children.

  • If conjunct benefic – Good health, good longevity.
  • If occupying a malefic house or conjunct or aspected by malefics –  Rheumatic diseases, Tuberculosis.
  • If strongly disposed – Full longevity.

Mars in the 9th house

If mars is strong – Prosperity, adultery.

Mars in the 10th house

When favorably disposed, Long- lived brothers, good prosperity, interest in charity and hymns, devotional disposition.

  • If conjunct malefic – Failure in understanding, professional reverses, loss of reputation, capable of professional earning from the 18th year, stealing habit, robust constitution.
  • If conjunct with lords of the 9th or the 10th – Raja yoga will arise.
  • If conjunct Jupiter – Gain of landed property

Mars in the 11th house

Besides enjoying financial prosperity, the native will become a man of manifold activities.

  • If conjunct with the lord of 11th – Head of a township.
  • If conjunct benefic – - Prosperous brothers, very good Raja yoga is formed, prosperity.

Mars in the 12th House

Rheumatic problems, ungentlemanly actions, sinful deeds, inadequate income.


More by :  Shanker Adawal

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Views: 3659      Comments: 10

Comment I'm gemini ascendant having mars in 10th house(pieces) aspects with 4th aspect the ascendant having ketu in first house(gemini), aspects with 8th aspect the fifth house moon What does it signify?

Vishnu Ganesh
06-Dec-2016 09:29 AM

Comment pls explain good and bad consequences of mars in 7th house and saturn in 1st house. where 1st house being scorpio and lord of 7th house ( tarus in my case i.e venus ) is placed in 4th house from ASC (aqu)

07-Oct-2015 01:48 AM

Comment This refers to the question of Shri Sanjay Sharma.
The following pointers might be helpful in explaining the question he has posed:
The native in question has Kaala Sarpa Yoga – all planets sandwiched between Rahu and Ketu, which is very bad.
He has debilitated Saturn in 8th house. He had Saturn Dasa from Feb. 1972 for 19 years, after which he had Mercury Dasa for 17 years till 2008. Mercury is no better being Ascendant lord placed in the 12th. He is now running Ketu Dasa upto Feb. 2015. Ketu is a participant in the Kaala Sarpa Yoga. Thus, he hasn’t had a favourable period in his life so far.
His Mars in 11th is debilitated. Besides, it is in the star of Jupiter in the 12th (vyaya).
His Lagna (Ascendant) is afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis.
He hasn’t had Moon and Mars Dasa-s yet, for which he has to wait till 2041 and 2051. So, there is no point talking about the yoga in the 11th house. Even if that period comes, Mars’ debilitation will affect the results adversely.

14-Jul-2014 06:03 AM

Comment Hello,

You forget the exalted or debilitated or own house of mars . when mars is in 10th house. please explain.

28-Dec-2013 03:25 AM

Comment my husband has mars in 5th house im not able to undestand him hes behavong badly and troubles others,he doesnt have good job also,so what is the remedy hes always backbiting and wicked mind.

26-Nov-2013 07:18 AM

Comment What happens when mars and rahu are in the sixth house in a simha lagna chart?? Please give me some inputs.

Nawin Gopee Krisshnaa
25-Aug-2013 08:23 AM

Comment mars in 9th house in capricon will be very lucky if aspected by jupitar or other benific.keep beliving in yourself and your efforts

08-Jul-2013 22:46 PM

Comment Please advise whether a person having Mars in 9th house (exalted in capricorn) will face early separation from father? birth time-3:52 PM, DATE-19/12/2012. Place of Birth is Tirur (kerala).

03-Mar-2013 12:49 PM

Comment dear sir what are the adverse effects of mars + saturn in 4th house in dhanu rasi?please explain and tell the remedies

01-Jul-2012 06:15 AM

Comment Dear Sir,

What I understand from Joytish is like a excuse game. Some one predict some thing and if not happen then give number of excuses. I dont understand why people predict general things where as the game is so specific.

Check one horoscope
DOB 21st August 1968. 08.27AM. at Kanpur U.P.

This person has mars with moon ( own house) in 11th House. ( Kanya(Virgo) Lagna)
As per your site he should have

Mars in the 11th house

Besides enjoying financial prosperity, the native will become a man of manifold activities.

If conjunct with the lord of 11th – Head of a township.
If conjunct benefic – - Prosperous brothers, very good Raja yoga is formed, prosperity.

Where as i knew this person is fighting for his bread and daily expenses

Any suggasation.


Sanjay Sharma
27-Jul-2011 15:27 PM

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