Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
In the recent years because of the massive growth in the electronic and communications field the beating has been taken by pure science and research. Ever since engineering became the craze of the middle class and the bright students, science has been put in back burner and very few only opt for the pure science courses like physics, chemistry and mathematics. Other areas on the verge of extinct are arts and language.
These areas are now chosen by the rejects from the engineering streams. What a pathetic condition? Even engineering to become a technology basic science is essential. But the youths and the students are vigorously influenced to go for engineering studies irrespective of their individual interests. Further, none of the parents or schools also promotes science or arts course as a promising prospect for the future.
Many of the national labs and scientists are trying to attract and rope in fresh talents to do study and involve in basic science research which is equally important for the growth of the nation. But, the status of the Indian science groups and scientists are not that attractive as they themselves have reached a stage of stagnation because of the lack of fresh ideas and interest from bright and fresh brains.
I cannot talk about other countries; but in India a person’s intelligence is based on the money he earns and the position he/she holds. Is that right? Similarly, art and language studies are essential for the future as communication is as essential as inventions.
English language has already assumed a new form in the short messages, and the spoken form of the modern generation; memory power, writing and reading habits are relegated to the background through gadgets like computers. It is true that computers and computation softwares have made our life easier; but at what cost? We are slowly losing our grip on many matters because we feel that can be taken care of by just by pressing a button.
Science supported by technology only has brought these changes. Let us not forget that and if we start fawning over the comforts and forget the origin, the future generation at one point will turn either zombies or money making machines.
Studies on science and scientific research should not be at cross roads; it should be brought to its original status where the prominent scientists like CV Raman, Chandrasekar and others brought glory to the nation and the subjects they have worked on. In fact, it is amazing to note that CV Raman’s initial studies were focused on the musical instruments and the sound produced from them. Can there be a better example for the perfect marriage of arts and science than this?
More by : G Swaminathan