Mar 29, 2025
Mar 29, 2025
![]() Vijay Bhatnagar The Eminent Writer
No gift is greater than the gift of knowledge and at times knowledge is in fact a reflection of the mind. The thoughts woven around the situations and circumferences create a reflective impact on the mind, and at times the transparency of the thoughts is redirected in words. A writer is always very close to his writing and a living replica at times of his conscious and subconscious acts that displays his personality.
The best sources of knowledge are always nature and also one's own mistakes. These two factors process you towards self realization. Vijay Bhatnagar’s introductory incident about smoking of a cigarette was a happening that helps him explore the depths of truth that links an illusion to reality of life. The solitude that wraps a person always draws one towards its own focal point of silence and in silence you seek, you attain and you cherish. As our philosopher and poet Ravindranath Tagore has truly said "Only a few blessed ones know the absolute truth, others merely live on its interpretation".
Vijay Bhatnagar has developed just and firm acceptance of reality for being what he is in reflected in his own words "Sacrifices of parents shape the future of children". 'Glimpses of memory Lane' as the title of the book beautifully reflects with the vast expanse of known and unknown horizon is in a way an autobiography that has trodden the path of life. Going through testimonials of life one defiantly matures as one lives and overcomes the moments of struggle, hardship, joy, sorrow, patience and all the possible facts of life that give a handy first hand experience to know ones self better and better. Walking through the lane of life, one leans to be model role through experience. The only supporting source is God that exists in conscience . Truly going through pain and pleasure is a package deal. The web of relations is an intricate bifurcation in various directions.
A Child in the cradle is the father of the nation is a common saying, and simultaneously a chils is also the creator of mankind. All said and done the major lighthouse of life is marriage which is strong bond that grows, strengthens and sustains the family. As a base of every relation marriage should synchronise and try to sustain the multiple responsibilities related to physical, mental, moral and spiritual. well-being.
The richness of life is painted in colours of love when you begin to love and begin to live as quoted by a Philanthropist stands true to Vijay Bhatnagar – a man of sincere emotional outstanding of firmness. The emotional balance is the outcome of the best frame work of mind that has borne the struggle, fall, rise and learnt to sustain self, and that in itself is a drilled culture, rather than just civilization that is just superficially impose rather than drilled.
The different phases of Vijay’s life as he has gone through and in the process of reflecting, feels that his thoughts guide him to the smoothest, melodious sanctuary where one disturbs him in that melancholy canopy with self.
Shri. Yogendra says "when I came into the world, the only thing that really belonged to me was my body when I shall have to leave it is not the only thing that must give away to death. " As man is a spiritual being has much more momentum and potentiality to reproduce. Life reaps ts own rewards but at the right time and in right place. Man has to have understanding and patience , as for every act the time-frame is already set up.
I extend my good wishes for giving us the best shared moments of his life and the truth "Give, give and give to have God on your side"
Book: Glimpses of Memory lane, Author: Vijay Bhatnagar
More by : Devi Nangrani