
Anyone for Purileaks?

Thanks to a recording device attached to my telephone I have succeeded in making transcripts of my various insightful remarks related to the current situation. It is all very sensational stuff. All newspapers may apply for exclusive rights to publish these messages culled from Purileaks. There will be no financial commitment attached to reproducing Purileaks. No payments will be demanded. However we will offer exclusive rights of publication to only very select newspapers of repute. We offer a few samples of the sensational information you might expect from the Purileaks revelations. 
“The Kerala and Bengal elections will be crucial for the CPI-M. If the party does badly in both states it might affect the future of CPI-M General Secretary Prakash Karat…”
“After the nuclear catastrophe in Japan there will be serious rethinking about the safety measures of nuclear reactors in India. But I do think that nuclear power will not be abandoned all together because India badly needs energy…”
“If the corruption cases being currently probed reveal the names of big leaders of the Congress it would seriously jeopardize the future of the UPA government…”
Isn’t this stuff sensational? No? Well, let me put it differently. Is it less sensational than what has come out so far from Wikileaks? From Wikileaks we learn that votes are actually bought with money in elections! We learn that the PM is committed to a dialogue with Pakistan despite opposition by some of his colleagues! We learn that there is a definite pro-US tilt in the government! What sensational stuff! 
No wonder the entire opposition was in uproar. No wonder the media is gasping with excitement. No wonder BJP MP Jaswant Singh was led to ask: “Is India policy drafted in Washington?” Wow! What a sharp, penetrating question. Maybe he should approach Strobe Talbot to get the answer. Because of the sensational Wikileaks revelations the opposition uproar is understandable.
But surely Purileaks revelations are as sensational? So won’t opposition be thrown into a tizzy after reading them? Oops! I forgot. The Wikileaks exposures are quoting the diplomatic minions of the Great Global Superpower that operates from distant Washington. The diplomats form their opinions partly after sniffing around journalists for their views. But then, they represent a great power and their views must necessarily be profound. Purileaks, alas, represents no power. So its revelations may not excite India’s politicians and media after all.    


More by :  Dr. Rajinder Puri

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