
Sade-Sati of Saturn

Nothing strikes greater fear in many hearts than the mention of an impending sade-sati of Shani maharaj as Saturn is ‘affectionately’ known in India! Through the tireless efforts of ‘modern’ jyotishis, judging from the number of questions I receive through web-portals, kalasarpa yoga, sarpa yoga, mangal dosha are gaining a lot of ground and rapidly in the arena of fear-causing astrological indicators! I am not trying to minimize the potential negative influence of these factors when these are in full sway, but it would be equally reckless not to point out that the negativity is not unconditional and must not be applied blindly in any and all charts. While I am not in favor of sugar-coating and pussy-footing around negative indications (as is done by some modern astrologers who turn their noses at any and all forms of arcane ‘gloom and doom’ astrology), but I am even more strongly against amplifying and over-reacting to all that is potentially-negative but challenging in ones life. With this principle guiding me, I hope to focus in a balanced manner on the phenomenon of sade-sati in this article.

Saturn is the outermost of the three superior (outside the orbit of earth) planets (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) planets that are considered in traditional jyotish. Saturn takes on an average a little over 29 months to traverse through each constellation or sign or rashi of the zodiac. This can be rounded up to 2.5 years per sign or 30 years for one revolution around the zodiac. Saturn is the outermost planet that describes more than one revolution around the zodiac during the lifetime of most human beings. Now, the sign in which the moon is placed in the birth chart of an individual is considered to be of a very significant factor in jyotish. Moon is the indicator of the mind and is considered to be especially sensitive to astrological influences. The moon-sign or janma-rashi, then, becomes the astrological i.d. of an individual, particularly to influences that are of an ongoing nature as one progresses in life. The moonsign, understandably, plays a significant role in judging the influence of transiting planets during ones lifetime and forms the basis of gochara or transit readings in jyotish.

When Saturn arrives in the sign that is in the 12th house from the natal moon (that is, just previous to the moonsign) one understandably enters into a new phase in life. This period lasts till Saturn exits from the sign that is after the moonsign. Its transit through these three signs, namely, the sign in 12th from the natal moon, the moon sign itself and the sign next to the moonsign, takes about 7.5 years and the term for 7.5 in hindi is ‘sade-saat’. Hence, the sade-sati of Saturn refers to its transit through the trio of the two signs flanking the natal moon and the moonsign itself. This phase of 7.5 years repeats again in about 30 years and so, many individuals may experience 2 to 3 such periods during their lifetime. To a somewhat smaller extent, the ‘influence’ is also believed to occur when Saturn transits the signs that is fourth and eighth from natal moon. These 2.5 year periods are known as panoti, dhayia oradhayia in folklore jyotish. As a matter of fact, none of these periods, and for that matter sade-sati itself are mentioned prominently in most of the standard classic texts in jyotish; it is remarkable that their impact in the jyotish framework is so deep-rooted and known to even beginners.

To give an example of the periods described above, if we assume that one was born in the Mesha or Aries rashi, in other words, with the natal moon in Aries rashi in the birth chart; when Saturn transits the signs of Pisces, Aries and Taurus, the individual will experience sade-sati. When Saturn transits the sign of Karka or Cancer and again when it crosses Scorpio or Vrischik, the individual will experience the panoti or adhayia of Saturn.

Nit-pickers may immediately wonder – what if the natal moon is in the last degree of a sign? Will Saturn then have a different influence than if the natal moon were in the first degree of a sign? In the former case, Saturn will have to travel almost 5 years before it meets up with the natal moon but will only spend 2.5 years of the sade-satiafter it has crossed the moon. Could the effects/influences of this be different from that experienced by an individual who has the moon in the first degree of a sign and who therefore experiences a longer proportion of the period of sade-sati after transit Saturn has contacted the natal moon? On a related but different note one also wonders with some trepidation, “Is the entire period of 7.5 years going to be an encounter with hell or only certain months during these 7.5 years?”

Saturn invokes the image of an emaciated, irritable, cold-hearted, curmudgeonly old man with a very stern way of making his presence felt. He is unforgiving, treacherous, negative, sans emotions or flexibility and represents chronic and debilitating illness; is lame, of poor eyesight and the giver of worries placing obstacles in ones path. Imagine seven and a half years of problems, failures, frustrations, illnesses and deaths surrounding you and who would not cringe in fear as ones sade-sati approaches which ones net-jyotishi menacingly warns one about. But is the picture always so gloomy and hopeless?

Saturn’s association with Saturday, blue sapphire and mustard (oil) are exploited within the similia similibus framework employed by some jyotishis for recommending the remedial procedures associated with these and others Saturn-related factors and devices. If only life were magically simple and antidotes so effective! Give a horoscope to five different astrologers and you may walk away with more than one recommendation and different diagnoses. Interpretations can be so very different.

There is also a bigger picture view of Saturn which is a product of experience, imagination and a different way of looking at life. This provides one with a slightly different take on Saturn and what it is supposed to represent and do to us in our human experience of a lifetime. Saturn is about removal or all that is unnecessary, all that is old and in need for an overhaul. The deathly winter of Saturn can only be followed by the spring of regeneration. This kind of optimistic thinking gives one some hope, that if we can only cling to the root that is sticking out in the river, we would be able to survive the rapids, the twister that sade-sati is.

We also see Saturn as the teacher whose sole purpose in our life is to make us realize our mistakes, our moments of laziness and inaction that landed us in the deplorable state, today and which we need to address and reverse now so that we fare better during the next encounter with Saturn. The accounts of karma need to be paid now and the piper is at our door beckoning for that which is now due.

Such is the powerful imagery of that which is negative and painful in astrology that the benefic planets really do not stand a fighting chance in claiming a lion’s share in our discussion of jyotish principles. We remember the negatives more vividly as we complain about and curse our fates and God, while conveniently forgetting our escapes and all the grace that we have enjoyed in past. Saturn, mars, Rahu and Ketu, particularly the first three are generally regarded as evil planets at a basic and somewhat crude level of jyotish, with afflicted sun, waning moon and mercury with evil associations also being attributed with malefic properties. Saturn, of course, takes the cake in terms of its ability to wreak havoc upon the human soul and according to orthodox view, must be held in esteem and at a distance if possible.

Sade-sati in such a framework is believed to expose one to the distilled and fully concentrated vitriol that Saturn is capable of inflicting on someone. Hence the need for fear, prevention and remedies galore! But, does that work? Is undoing of ones karma that simple and capable of being brought about by the mere act of buying and wearing a gemstone or footing the bill for doing a pooja for appeasing Saturn, a worship to appease the gods, or for that matter even an act of self-discipline through fasting, denying oneself of some joy or luxury and volunteer service offered to the needy? The latter procedures of self-denial, self-discipline intuitively do make sense but perhaps more so when done without any ulterior motives. If the charity or sacrifice begins with the incentive and intent to seek pardon for ones undesirable actions of the past, then understandably, its efficacy is rightly of a diminutive nature when compared with the similar activities done with no ‘selfish’ intent behind such practices. But, practical and ideal are often two different sides of reality.

Twins and others with the moon in the same sign often do not experience the same degree of negative effects in life while concurrently going through a period of sade-sati. This is very commonly seen and is frequent enough to raise doubts about the uniformity of negative experiences during sade-sati in the life of a nativity, thus bringing to the fore the same thing that many jyotishis keep repeating. One swallow does not indicate the arrival of summer! As one sifts through writings, mostly in modern texts as opposed to scriptural texts which are generally silent about sade-sati (though not about Saturn and its negative impact on most humans) – one comes across references to the strength and beneficences of Saturn and of moon resulting in a mollifying effect on the sade-sati influences. In other words, if one is born with moon in strength and in benefic combinations and/or if Saturn is also likewise disposed, then the individual will not experience drastic effects during sade-sati. When moon is beneficially disposed, this is like saying that the person has a stable and well-disposed mental ability. The mind is not driven by ego and is compassionate, kind, fair and even-keeled; not given to impulse and selfish gratification. On the other hand, if Saturn is similarly disposed, the individual is aware of the need for justice and fairness, is hard-working and aware of ones duties and limits. During sade-sati, these qualities are expected to make one endure duress and to avoid taking steps that would make life more miserable than it should. The sense of fairness is the more important trait, I think and is what reduces ones entanglement in the illusions of human experience: the maya. Expectations and ambitions beyond the scope of ones efforts are what often cause problems when they encounter the Saturnine framework and frustration and anguish ensue.

A chart with such a situation where the two primary astro-indicators, namely, moon and Saturn are well-fortified indicates one who has been working at what gives power to sade-sati and has the karmic balance which is more ‘black’ than “red” as ledgers go. Yet, no one is perfect and sade-sati will bring such situations and opportunities when negative influences can operate and surface in ones life and one can experience defeat and distress or experience a degree of helplessness that is associated with negative destiny. Mahatma Gandhi was born in Tula lagna (Libra ascendant) and was assassinated when transit Saturn was very close to natal moon and transit moon was close to the ascendant. Saturn is considered a benefic and yogakarak for Libra ascendants. In other charts, people have experienced rise and gains during sade-sati, though often with some degree of mental turmoil or uncertainties that plagued ones mind and disturbed if not destroyed mental peace. Ifsade-sati is beginning to sound like a factor to be taken into account but not expected to override everything else at a given moment, then that is indeed what is observed. With approaching sade-sati, if one can adopt a certain degree of mental detachment towards the outcome and goals and can take the opportunity to exercise some self-discipline and a sense of fairness, the better one will be prepared to withstand what the period has to offer. On the one hand, this smacks of astrological opportunism, but on the other hand, this can be taken as an opportunity for one to practice certain ways of living and reacting to life, ways that are in tune with and harmonious with what the astrological rhythms and signatures signify. 

karmayogi, one who carries out ones duties without excessive attachment to the goals and fruits of such actions will be less affected during sade-sati than another who continues to cling to a goal-oriented life and has difficulty in letting go of control. While such a perspective of living throughout life is very welcome, we are all creatures of desires and passions and cannot be ‘good’ all the time. But, if we can live as we should and as we are supposed to in order to attain spiritual growth, even for short periods of time, then we do come out that much better in life. 

As they say, there is a time to sow, a time to care for the crop and a time for harvesting – then this is exactly what the astrological periods and rhythms of life are indicating to us. When we do manage to work with astrological cycles, life seems to be smoother and more wholesome than otherwise. The emphasis is obviously on right action (and right speech and thought as well) at the proper time. Approached thus, sade-sati takes on a different form and Saturn can almost become an ally, a teacher and not the menacing destroyer that it is often made out to be. However, the best time to act is ‘now’ and not necessarily when the piper begins knocking on the door. Even so, I hasten to add, that proper action never goes to waste in the long run, so those who awaken late may not reap immediate benefits, but eventually will, if they go through their tests with a certain degree of detachment. This, though difficult to do, is basically what a devotee does. The surest form of detachment is through spiritual surrender. Surrender is what Bhakti or devotion is all about. Surrender is not the same as shirking ones responsibilities or assumption of passivity. One never surrenders actions, one surrenders the goals, or more specifically the desire and expectation of the fruits, the outcome of proper action. This is the primary lesson that Saturn in our charts is supposed to provide us to the degree that we require, in the manner that is necessary to get our attention.

Sade-sati is about ones duties and proper discharge of those and it is about ones dharma. It often makes its influence known through its impact on our ‘luck’ or our escape buffer. This is the benefic reserve that we enjoy through our past good actions. The navamsha chart which provides an important background of our destiny (9th house) has rightfully been recommended as the secondary chart by many jyotishis, ancient and subsequent. It holds an important role in the determination of the influences during the sade-sati of Saturn. In fact it defines the bounds of sade-sati. Though it is nominally considered to stretch over 7.5 years while Saturn transits the three houses around ones natal moon (12th, 1st and 2nd from natal moon), the critical focus is when it makes two cycles around the navamsha chart, and contacts the natal moon in navamsha, thrice. Sade-sati, in this scheme begins when Saturn enters the navamsha occupied by the natal moon while it is behind the moon (generally about 40-43 degrees behind the natal moon in rashi). Over the next several years, it goes around the 12 signs in navamsha and contacts the moon again, and then another cycle and it leaves the moon-navamsha. Saturn’s influence begins with the first contact and ends with the third contact with natal moon in navamsha. Saturn stays in one navamsha sign for approximately 3.3 months. During the two cycles, it travels through 24 navamshas in approximately 6.5 years. This is the core duration of the period during which the ‘sade-sati’ influence is experienced. During its transit through the navamshas, it contacts other planets and influences the areas and attributes represented by those. These must be considered when determining the course of sade-sati in a horoscope and during a reading. During this period, if transit Saturn makes contact with natal Saturn, natal mars or natal rahu, the negative influences if unchecked can be experienced and these are also the periods when ones clarity of vision and thinking may be compromised. Conversely, when transit Saturn comes across natal benefics, a certain degree of relief may be experienced with a change in perception and insight. These are times for initiating spiritual activities with an aim for improved spiritual understanding and not merely for escaping from pain and troubles. As always, it is necessary to gauge the benefic state of those planet in individual charts and one must not go with a look-up table like approach. One must not blindly associate readings with a given combination as unfortunately is also done in otherwise revered and valuable ancient texts in jyotish. Without keeping into context the rest of the specific horoscope, advice rendered based on nascent interpretation of combinations (yogas and arishtas) can be less than useful and even misleading. 

Please do not post reading requests in the comments section here. ONLY comments on the contents of this article are welcome here. If you wish to order an astrological session (SKYPE Interactive Only!) with Rohiniranjan - Click here


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Comment TUNTUN and others

All reading requests must be routed through crystalpages

When filling out request form, you may give the rectified to seconds time but also indicate the original documented time! I do not rely on rectifications done by others. Often there are problems with those!


08-Jun-2014 09:55 AM

Comment P.P.Guruji

My DOB : 08-01-1975
My TOB : 14:45:00
Place : Jamnagar , Gujarat, India.

Kindly send me details prediction.

Nilesh Trivedi
25-May-2014 07:47 AM

Comment Hi,

After reading this great article about Saturn and its effects on humans is exceptional.

I have been under Saturn's effects for many years. My life has been a disaster No money, No Job , No Family, No friends, No firm supporter in life and things which cannot be shared here.

I was born on 06 Jan 1986 at 18:35 ( New Delhi ).
Please share your wisdom and help us all out of our misery.

Thank You

Tarun Maurya
08-May-2014 08:54 AM

Comment hello sir, my DOB is 15-11-1990 , TIME - 23:07 , PLACE - ROORKEE (UTTARANCHAL), i am facing lot of trouble during this face, my mind is not focused , i feel i dont know what i am doing , life is miserable , even money matters not good, lot of expenditure of no use, nothing is worthy. can you tell me when things will be fine for me? and when will i get married? and how succesful i will be in my career as i am doing fashion designing.. plz help me out . thank you sir!

18-Apr-2014 22:59 PM

Comment Dear Guruji,

My DOB-03.02.1967
Time-09.30 AM
Place-Debra, West Bengal,India
Name: Ashok Sasmal

I am facing lots of problem in terms of finance, family and friends from Oct End 2011. I understand Sade Sati started from 15.11.2011. I ve lost the job from that period only. Now please please tell when my problem will be solved and how?

Warm Regards

Ashok Sasmal

Ashok Sasmal
09-Apr-2014 08:32 AM

Comment Folks,

Each article here written by me has a para added by Site Owner!
"Please do not post reading requests in the comments section here. ONLY comments on the contents of this article are welcome here. If you wish to order an astrological session (SKYPE Interactive Only!) with Rohiniranjan - Click here -"

If you want a reading, you will need to click on the link in the article :-)

It will take you to my reading site. Please do not waste your precious time making requests at



04-Apr-2014 16:40 PM

Comment My D.O.B is 28/03/1967 time 6.10 A.M kindly advice the steps to be taken for this period

03-Apr-2014 17:28 PM

Comment Dear mr. Ranjan sir

DOB 21.8.1963
TOB 21:36:40 HRS

undergoing through last phase of sadhesati till sani will remain in tula rasi upto nov 2014.

sani is in 10th house in kumbha rasi.

sasha yog due to good placing of sani.

but I am facing lot of problem since 2009 and till date. whatever worst could be done in profession and services were done during sani sadhesati.
No doubt in coming conclusion that all were done due to evil effect of same.
I am frighten of sani mahadasha after Jupiter particularly when ashtak varg will give zero.
kindly guide

14-Mar-2014 07:58 AM

Comment I am suffering from a drastic life since childhood. I had overcome many a problems well qualified getting employed in MNCs but again and again getting loss of job for a long period. My DOB 07 Oct 1974 time 23:55 PM born in Chennai. I do not have peace of mind and clear focus. Request you to help me for a permanent career. It is very urgent please - Natarajan

10-Mar-2014 08:57 AM

Comment my birth date 26-12-84 time 18:50 and i dont know whether i am facing with sadesathi but as per my guru he is saying according to your kundli ur facing with the last year of sadesathi. i am pissed off with this life and i want quit this race,my mom & dad are realyy frustrated with my drinking problem.

can u please kindly help me.

waiting for a positive genuine feedback.

shailesh metkari
08-Mar-2014 07:05 AM

Comment DOB 4-4-1969
TOB 19:20
POB lucknow (up)

Dear Sir,

Facing problems since August 2012,money is stuck ,new projects getting delyed.Please advice and guide.


07-Mar-2014 00:12 AM

Comment Jai Guru Dev,

Please tell me that, i born on 14th june-1984, with thula raashi but i am suffering a lot in my life, one of us told that now it is saade sathi for me, request you to tel me when it started and when it will end.

06-Mar-2014 07:55 AM

Comment Hi Rohini,

I am suffering from a depression.I have lost my good job....lost friends ....facing family problems..misunderstandings.....I am single ...marriage date was finalized but cancel for no reason .Please tell me when I will see a good days in my life

Birth Date - 24/08/1982
time: 9.35 AM (MORNING)

Please help me..


27-Feb-2014 12:46 PM

Comment hi my full name is ranjana devi. dob:26.11.1988. please tsll every thing about nyzelf esp my xarrer n married life. thanks

16-Feb-2014 06:24 AM

Comment Respected'

My Dob: 15.8.66 time 5.25pm place kolkata

ques: facing health problems regarding mouth surgery. will it be resolved soon and successfully?

shraboni das
07-Feb-2014 11:39 AM

Comment Dear Sir,

My date of birth is 20.07.1967 and time is 13.44 afternoon born in belgaum Karnataka. My astrologer has said sadesathi will commence in the month of Oct. 2014. I need to know how the seven and half years period will be and what precautions I need to take. Pl help.

sandeep kaushik

sandeep kaushik
05-Feb-2014 03:05 AM

Comment Dear Rohini Ranjan

I have gone through your above nice article.

My date of birth is 01.01.1962, Time of birth 08.08 a.m. and place of birth Thane (Maharashtra) and of Tula Rashi (moon Rashi). Currently I am in 2nd phase of sade sati. Since begining of sade sati I started suffering as in my earlier job I was not having work satisfaction and left same and went to different city in view of opportunity came to me and rosy picture was created. After I joined there I found that the said company was financially weak and the management heir tried to took advantage to my contacts for purchasing raw material and ultimately not paid huge amount to supplier which is still pending. I fought for same but of no use and hence decided to left that job.

Now I am working with my friend but noticing that business opportunities which are coming in my way are some how lost in later stage and hence under severe pressure. In this assignment also I lost significantly as I am getting only 30% of what I used to get in my earlier jobs and 5 members of family are dependent apart from me.and hence I am worried a lot financially. Please advise what do you feel about my financial future and if same is happening only because of sade sati. Also advise how will be third phase of sade sati which will start from November 2014 onwards.
Thanks and Regards,

Advise if any remidical measures for improvement..

27-Jan-2014 07:03 AM

Comment Sade sati is invention of astrologers not found in reality,in south India astrologers have condemned it .my guru has taught me first identify basing upon lagna whether u are guru group or shani group if u are shani group transit over moon will not cause problem provided your benifics rahu,mercury,Venus and shani are good.kuta theory in astrology is only correct way to decide.Jupiters transit over moon for sani lagna is too is ketus. there is lot of misconception kindly do not multiply it.

15-Jan-2014 03:24 AM

Comment Rohini Ranjan ji
Thanks for the reply to my query. I chanced to revisit this link (where you had responded to my query) from Barbara Pijan Lama‘s site. Thanks to Barbara and Boloji too for the same.

08-Jan-2014 06:35 AM

Comment My date of birth is 08th October 1975
Time : 00.05am
Place of Birth : Mumbai - Kandivali (W).
Birth Star is Vishakha.

Please help me to know when will shani dasha will end and will get a good, progressive job ?



03-Jan-2014 02:24 AM

Comment Hello ,

My date of Birth is 24th June,1977.
My Rahu Dasha only got completed last year after 18 long years.Since 2004 specially I have been having a very torrid time like financial shortage,change of jobs and change of place.Somehow since November 2012 things have become a little better but still facing lot of challenges.I would like to know if currently I am under SADE SATTI and also in the coming years how is my time.

Mrinmoy Satpathy
26-Dec-2013 05:56 AM

Comment Name:Sweta Kumari
DOB:-29 NOV-1986
TIME-2:30 TO 2:30 Approx.

i am suffering a lot finanically, socially, mentally and somehow physically too due to saturn panoti. Please, tell me in which period i am in sade sathi now, and when it is started and when this period would be over.. how bad still has to come I got exhausted with this situation now.
I loss my confident,I am not in that situation ki What i have to do and what i will be do and what i am doing now ,Is it right way to choose my carrier bright or that is right to built my carrier i am totally confuse about this....i did'nt got any +ve attitude of my life...Its going totally opposite from happiness.
Please Help me...give right way...and reply me

sweta kumari
26-Dec-2013 00:32 AM

Comment Dear Sir,

My moon sigh is Virgo & presently im going through sade sathi and suffering from lots of problems, my husband do not have job. please help me

Yonu Lokshom
15-Nov-2013 06:12 AM

Comment Sure! "click" on the *click here* at the end of the article and voi-la!


22-Aug-2013 22:32 PM

Comment i need your father is trying to get my sister married off so he got a boy's nakshatram and rashi but the problem now is it seems like they are trying to cheat us by giving wrong birth date and time.the boy's name is dinesh for which the nakshatram is aslesha when inquired which is not good for my mother.but he has given his nakhshatra to be vishaka which does not suit his name that is dinesh.many astrologers seem to be confused can you help.he has given his birth date to be 11 th august 1978 but we now doubt it is not so.

22-Aug-2013 14:24 PM

Comment Hi,
This is ravi, Tula rasi vishakha nakshatra, simha lagna. I am having Shani madasha and rahu anthardasha along with sade sathi.
I am facing problems in carrier. State of mind will always be disturbed. Can you please guide me.
Place of birth: Belgaum, Karnataka
Dob: 10-12-1985
Time: 00:45

Thanks !!

30-Jul-2013 03:06 AM

Comment This is ravi, Tula rasi vishakha nakshatra. I am having Shani madasha and rahu anthardasha along with sade sathi.
I am facing problems in carrier. State of mind will always be disturbed. Can you please guide me.
Place of birth: Belgaum, Karnataka
Dob: 10-12-1985
Time: 00:45

Thanks !!

26-Jul-2013 01:32 AM

Comment Prasanna,

Sorry to hear about your bad experiences.

"What should I do?", you ask! Well, for starters, before posting a reading request, read a few comments here. Including the one that was posted just prior to yours!

Have faith and as they say when there is software-malfunction: "REBOOT"


25-Jul-2013 09:04 AM

Comment Dear Author,

I am born on 28.10.1976 between 10:55- 11:00 PM. I am a Scorpio/Vrischik. I have never faced tough times as these, I have always had a alternative job in hand. In the month of feb this year. I opted to take 6 months advance pay and quit my job after 5 years of continued work with a large company with an intention to fetch another job. Every interview I am attending goes close to offering me an appointment letter and they dont move forward after 3 rounds of interviews. Not sure why this is happening to me.

I am close to loosing confidence In myself, I have all that required for a job in the industry I have been operating for over a decade.

Can you help cite a solution to this ongoing concern?

Prasanna Ashili
25-Jul-2013 01:33 AM

Comment To all reading seekers,

Once again, instead of using boloji for posting reading requests, would you please contact me at:

I am more or less allowed to respond to reading requests made via that link.

If you continue to seek readings here, I have no means to respond to you and I need to follow a certain protocol.



26-Jun-2013 08:44 AM

Comment Dears,

I have gone thru your post which was helpful to me which forecast that some thing I should be prepared... Hence this request to you...

My DOB is 07.02.1961, Time is 09:30 AM at Trivandrum, Kerala..
It is told I am under Sade Satte period ..
I lost my job 5 months back as the organization was not doing well.
I was in a Sr.Management Post... I am not able to get job so far even if I am trying earnestly..
I have started experiencing the pain of Sade Satte.. I have started to suffer mentally, financially and physically ,...
I request yourself to refer my natal chart and to guide me about the period/future ahead..
I will be very much grateful to you for the help...



26-Jun-2013 04:11 AM

Comment Namaste, I need your help to know if myself or my wife are experiencing sade sati . We both are from San Fernando Trinidad and Tobago which 9.30 hrs behind India time. We both don't know our moon sign or rasi and our birth star or nakshatra my bod is 4th Feb 1965 8.00 am and her bod is 21st Dec 1969 2.30 pm . Thank You so much for your time Andre

Andre Ishwar Bhola
22-Jun-2013 05:53 AM

Comment Dear sir,

my D O B 26-05-1969
time 9:15 Am

I lost my job this month , i do not have job what i can do sir, i am facing big problems. please suguest

my Rashi Kanya Nakstra, Uttara Paluguni


21-May-2013 00:36 AM

Comment Mam,I m under the effect of sadesati plz check my chart and help me and tel wat I wil become professionally.My days are going details are born 18th january Nalbari assam.time 8.40 am..latitude 26.26N..Longitude 91.26E...thnx in advance

17-May-2013 15:11 PM

Comment Hi Rohini,

When will I get married, provide the two best possible dates.

My details are as under:

Name : Dinesh N. Naik
DOB : 18/06/1982
TOB : 5.35 am
POB : Mumbai

Dinesh N. Naik

Dinesh N Naik
08-May-2013 02:50 AM

Comment Respected Sir/mam,
My DOB & Time is 19/02/1976 ,05:45 pm, indore ( M. P. ) .
As you know that i am facing saade saati of saturn from last few years. I want to know that when my sade saati period will end . AND what will be my proffessional future.

Nilay Yadav.

nilay yadav
13-Apr-2013 07:22 AM

Comment Please read message posted just before your comment! Thanks!!


14-Mar-2013 20:07 PM

Comment Dear Rohini Rajan
i'm facing lots of troubles since 2002.i dont know what to do.any astrologist didnt tell me a i expected.i'm suffering from a joint diseas.i dont know what happened to me.i want to know which stream i want to go in education.
Birth date>1990 March 05,8.35p.m Anuradhapura Town,Sri Lanka.
Thank you very much:)

14-Mar-2013 07:05 AM

Comment Atul and similar others,

Please understand that I do not wish to take up bandwidth of giving snippets of readings. This is simply inappropriate to do so and an insult to Jyotish in a sense.

Only skype readings, and for that please contact me through my "about authors" page, at this site.



08-Mar-2013 09:07 AM

Comment Dear R.K,

My Details are as under :

Name : Atul Kumar Sahu
DOB : 25.04.1978
Time : 6.32 am
Place : Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh
Country : India

My Problem is that since last 3 years i am unsatisfied with my job and Life. Though, i got married and had two chidren and even changed jobs twice which is giving me good salary . I try to put in full effort in my job , but still i fail to satisfy my bosses and fear every day that my job will be lost. I dont know how this feeling comes in my mind . I fell as if i have lost my thinking ability as my minds keeps on thinking so many issues every moments .

I have got my kundli ckecked and it is said that i am running through sade sati -saturn period . I requesty you to kindly provide me my sade sati period chart based on my date of birth and tell me whether this feeling is due to sade sati -saturn effects. Please guide me , as i am having lot of problems on married life, finance , career and health issues for myself ,wife and children inspite of having job.

Atul Kumar Sahu

Atul Kumar Sahu
07-Mar-2013 23:41 PM

Comment As per my kundli i am in SadeSati Phase, i am suffering from loss of JOBs from 2009 till date getting JOBs but for few months

My DOB is 4/11/67, 7.30 AM, Patna, Bihar
suggest me the best treatment to minimize the effect

Mukul Kumar
11-Feb-2013 06:44 AM

Comment I am suffering from effects of sadesatti-i need help.

04-Feb-2013 05:35 AM

Comment My DOB is 07.07.1987 at 1.27 am.

My Rasi is TULA (LIBRA)

Presently I am suffering from Sade Sati

What can I do during this period ?

Ranit Mukherjee
17-Jan-2013 05:55 AM

Comment Sudhir Joshi,

Thanks for kind words of appreciation. The precursor concept was originally conveyed by Nandan Chirmuley on Jyotish list (Ben Collin's). He referred to Marathi jyotishi Mr. Katve who gave the concept of using the 90d zone around the natal saturn, as opposed to taking the entire three signs whether saturn was at 1 degree or 29 in a sign! A saturn at 15 degrees in a sign, would be utilizing the sign before (45 deg from natal position) and the sign after (45 deg after natal saturn). This calculation is available in Parashara's light.

It seemed a bit approximate, so I began observing if navamsha has a role to play. It did and so I began using the point of transit saturn entering the natal navamsha of saturn in the sign prior to sign of placement and until transit saturn left the navamsha in the sign after natal saturn sign.

Your email does not show up at boloji hence posting this publicly rather than as requested.


20-Dec-2012 12:54 PM

Comment Dear Hari,

The keyword of Shani-essence in our beings is "humility". If rituals are carried out faithfully like a parrot but without the inner feeling of genuine humility, then such procedures do not appease the Shani within! They might appease or connect to other planetary essences, though.

The signs and planets etc are external (such as when we look up at the sky and see those, with naked eyes or a binocular or telescope etc.), however, in astrological framework, those must be visualized as the corresponding internal 'essences'. Macrocosmic indicators mystically yoke or couple with the microcosm.

The stronger and beneficial the shani is in a chart, the easier it would be for the individual to embrace a humble state of mind, deep within. The weaker the saturn is the opposite.

The same rule or algorithm (if that is the right term in this context) can be applied to other indicators and indications in jyotish, as observed by me.

GENERAL NOTE: This is not intended to be a discussion forum and also reading requestors, please do not post here. Please take a few seconds and read my bio at this site and proceed accordingly. Thanks! Rohiniranjan

20-Dec-2012 10:08 AM

Comment Dear Sir
Does Shanidev with all the experiences he gives fortifies a person?s faith in God or otherwise? Although the son of Surya he is considered an Asura Graha. The dasa period of Shanideva starts after that of Guru which normally enhances a person‘s spiritual aspirations and experiences. I understand Shanidev teaches a lesson to be a Karmayogi and as you very well explained Bhakti and Vairagya is the path to Karmayoga. But what place does religious rituals and even a Brahmin‘s nityakarma like Sandhyavandana have on Shani‘s scheme of things?

19-Dec-2012 22:42 PM

Comment I am impressed by your article on Sadesati. Especially on sadesati by Navamasha. Can you plese tell me where did you get this theory of sadesati by Navamsha. Is it referenced in any book or in our Purana.
Pl do write to me by e mailabove.

Sudhir Joshi
29-Nov-2012 13:17 PM

Comment sir,
i am kanya dt of birth july3rd 1957 b.p is vadodara ( at 15;35.p.m(gujarat)
currently under the last phace of sade sat. and in the shani mahadasa.
untill 2006 i had no idea about the shani and its sade sati or mahadasa. but from dec.2006 life almost change and then all the life is disturb. then i started to see the fplanet and thend i found out about the sade sati. and ssfrom 2010 i started to chanted and pray lord saturn, now every day i chant aum pram preem praum saha shaniaischarai. and shani chalisa and also shankat nashan ganesh and ganesh athatvasish.
if you can through some light or guide how will be my shani mahadasa. as i my asc. is tula lagna and it is a yog karak for tula lagna.that is what i read every where. but to my mind there is always a light at the end of the dtunnnel
pradip seeking bleesing

pradip vyas
25-Nov-2012 11:24 AM

Comment Dear Sir,
An interesting and claryfying article various myths around Lord Shanidev. Congtratulations.

My DOB: 08/10/1946
Time: 06:32AM
Place: Chennai, Tamilnadu

My wife's details:-
DOB: 03/11/1953
Time: 05:30AM
Place: Amritsar, Punjab

Can you tell us about our Sade Sathi periods during our life time and remedial measures to be taken to reduce or mitigate the ill effects, if any.

Thanking you.

22-Nov-2012 02:06 AM

Comment Respected Sri Rohini Ranjan,
Fantastic article on Sade Sathi. Quite comprehensive. May Lord Sani bless you!

I have just completed the Sade Sati on 3rd Aug.
Please, can you advise me - what I can generally expect as an outcome of having been through the Sani Sade Sati.

Many Thanks.


07-Aug-2012 01:53 AM

Comment Hi,

My lagna lord Saturn is Retrograde in Scorpio.What do I have to do to propitiate Saturn ?

Dob : 25/05/1987

Time : 00.19 a.m. ( midnight)

Place : Kolkata , West Bengal , India

Thank you very much

Shreya Mukherjee
06-Aug-2012 00:44 AM

Comment please help Im starting having Shaade Sati what should I do ?

melanee seemeerickheea
28-Jun-2012 03:54 AM

Comment Repected Pandit ji

I am libra and badly sufferin from shani sade sati bad effects. I lost my younger son 20 yrs on 30 Mar 2012 in unnatural death found dead in suspicious conditons. Still I am in a lot of stress and tension. please tell me the solutions to neutarlize the effects of shani sadee sati over my life.

with warm regards

RamBabu Sharma
Date of birth 20 Mar 1962
time 2000 hrs 10 mins
place gangapur city Raj.
Mob 09533572662

14-Jun-2012 02:44 AM

Comment from Ashish Mangalore
birthdate is 10 Dec 1967
birth time 14 hours 10 minutes
sex male
Born in Mumbai, India
My wife
name Enny birthdate is 28 Jan 1974
birth time 10 hours 0 minutes
Born in Bandung, Indonesia
My son
Name Aniket
birth date 13 Aug 2004
birth time 12 noon
Born in Bandung, Indonesia

Kindly advise predictions.
Other Astrologers have predicted that we are having the same birth sign and rashi.
So, there is no matrimonial harmony. Also, because of sade sati, there is danger to my life within the next 2 years.

The astrologers say that my son is likely to be involved in the next 2 years for
performing funeral rites. The danger to my life is predicted on the basis of the above
findings particularly, because of my son's likely hood of involvement mentioned above.

Kindly advise your opinion and also any remedial measures.

11-May-2012 04:50 AM

Comment Birth Date 15-03-1979 at Jamnagar (Gujarat) 4.10 morning
i am suffering a lot finanically, socially, mentally and somehow physically too due to saturn panoti. Please, tell me how bad still has to come and when this period would be over. I got exausted with this situation now.
Pl. do reply

05-Feb-2012 14:16 PM


I am presently going through sade sati -saturn is now transitting my 12th house started 15th November 2011. Can you tell me what remedies I should
apply for my difficult time.

Many thanks

Satyavati d.d.
27-Jan-2012 13:17 PM

Comment Dear R.K.,

Depending on what Saturn represents (in chara reality), it takes you to realms where you can find true reality and what spiritualists call, "Phoenix-experience"! And it stays by your side, streadfastly, and supportively! The status of saturn and other details must be taken into consideration, obviously, but it is a blessing!


24-Jan-2012 22:58 PM

Comment thank you for the great article. Can you tell me what are the effects on a person when shani is in the 12th house?

23-Jan-2012 22:04 PM

Comment Dear Rohini Ranjan

This is an absolutely well written article for the general understanding of sade-sati. I have no idea of astrology, but this has made me want to understand more about astrology. Well done and thank you.



15-Nov-2011 07:27 AM