Book Reviews

Breaking India: Western Interventions

in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines

Long ago, we were taught in the geology class that a fault line was one where rocks had been displaced in the solid earth-structure which made it a weak spot threatening the overall stability at some unspecified point of time. Similarities abound in creation and what is true of the material world is reflected in the social life of a nation.  India is, of course, one and indivisible despite the myopic 1947 dismembering indulged in by myopic politicians.  The Indian nation is one from the Sethu to the Himalayas, aa Sethu Himachala.  But then, it has its fault lines too in the sociological structure.  A point noted by Subramania Bharati who did worry about damage to India’s unity one hundred years ago and declared defiantly that this is “sethamillaadha Hindusthanam” (indestructible India) which will remain so even if the Himalayas should crumble away.

A visionary poet’s words are never in vain and one can be sure that India cannot be broken.  The Partition of 1947 was only the despicable act of a handful of political careerists.  Even as it was being implemented, the Tiruchirapalli Radio broadcast Sri Aurobindo’s message on 15th August, 1947. He did not find it to be a solution at all.  Rather, it was an opening for a dangerous future when civil strife would always remain possible:

“This must not be; the partition must go. Let us hope that that may come about naturally, by an increasing recognition of the necessity not only of peace and concord but of common action, by the practice of common action and the creation of means for that purpose. In this way unity may finally come about under whatever form - the exact form may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance. But by whatever means, in whatever way, the division must go; unity must and will be achieved, for it is necessary for the greatness of India's future.”

While we still await the day of a happy reunion, there are other dangers that have raised their heads with menacing glee.  They have always been there but the generosity of Sanatana Dharma has preferred to remain on its positive course, always sheltering the persecuted who have come here from foreign climes.  As for the maltreated groups in the name of caste and gender within the country, there has been a repeated appearance of reformers who have sought to apply correctives to the situation.  With the renaissance in India that brought to light a number of great personalities like Kandukuri Veeresaling Pantulu and  Mahatma Gandhi, it appeared as if the Indian people were at last emerging from the dark shadows of the past.

Unfortunately for India, the Western style of democracy with its universal suffrage has proved a bane to its unity.  Where illiteracy is still widely prevalent and symbols are a must for electoral candidates, the ruthless politicians have divided the people in terms of vote banks.  Caste that seemed to be waning, has now become stronger than ever with hundreds of caste-based associations and political parties proliferating all over India as the Yadava vote, the Dalit vote or the Minority vote.  With a visionless Parliament still adhering to the Reservation Policy even after sixty years of overprotection, the self-serving politicians have tasted blood.  Sloganeering has helped them consolidate their presence and today India that had boasted of being a single nation protected by the oceans and the Himalayas is in danger of breaking up.  A truth not realized by the common man who is in a drunken doze,  as he is being fed with the flurried excitement of freebies, scams, Niiraleaks, CBI raids, announcements, imprisonments and burning of buses and public property.

Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan have now sounded the first warning by placing in our hands Breaking India.  They reveal the hidden hands that are stirring a witches’ brew.  The three witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth had only six hands but now, oh, how many!  The authors of this closely-argued compendium have taken only one instance:  the way the West is dislodging the rocks along two faultlines: Dravidian separatism and the Dalit problem.  The Church with its “intimate strategic alliance” with one Deivanayagam is merrily fabricating the myth of St. Thomas as converting Tiruvalluvar to separate the Tamils from the Vedic stream.  Since even academic institutions are corruption-ridden, Deivanayagam’s thesis on Tiruvalluvar-St. Thomas axis gets a doctorate with electrical ease!  The Institute of Asian Studies merrily allows the Czech scholar Kamil Zvelebil to denigrate the Bhakti Movement and divide Indians into Sanskrit-Aryans and Tamil-Dravidians. Under the aegis of the Institute, Subramania himself becomes a Christian deity!  The director of the Institute considers himself as the Knight Errant who has come forward to free the “Dravidians” from “Aryan oppression”.  We then have Devakala assuring us at seminars that Sanskrit originated after Jesus and came to India with Christianity.  

As for the innumerable missionaries beginning with Robert de Nobili who have played havoc with South India’s unity for serving their proselytization work, the less said the better! Then there are individual Christian zealots who infect the cultural scenario with Christian indoctrination.  After Leela Samson took over as the director of the famous Kalakshetra, she has been systematically unseating the place of Hindu gods and goddesses in the institution.  A person belonging to the ‘Minority Community’ cannot be questioned.  This is why the steady Pakistanisation of areas within India is being winked at by our vote-catchers all over the nation.

As Rajiv and Aravindan pile up cold, hard, printed facts, one is deeply disturbed that so much is going on in India itself.  There are then the forces abroad wearing the veil of academia which are funding the attempts to destabilize India by this new evangelism that wants to gobble up people, places and history itself.  The West is made to believe that Indians who come in the Vedic stream are by nature racist, the oppressors of the South Indians.  Ah, not all South Indians are racist, they add.  The Brahmins are the culprits. It is no use arguing with the Tamil-based ‘Dravidians’ that it is in the language and literature of the Brahmins that Tamil is found in its Dravidian purity.  In an orthodox Vaishnava household, even today, they will not refer to rasam and payasam but speak of “saatramudhu” (saaru + amudhu, essence + nectar) and “kannamudhu” (kannal + amudhu, jaggery + nectar)!   

But why would I blame the West?  How about our homegrown theoreticians abroad like Vijay Prashad, Angana Chatterji and Meera Nanda?  As the vicious rug is being woven by such dubious scholars who sell their souls for a hatful of foreign money, the US Government is contributing its own gargantuan mite to destabilize India through encouraging conspiracy theories of Hindu terrorism.  In the hands of such avaricious power-centres, the Dalit population is subjected to systematic indoctrination.  The Dalits are kept in the dark about how much the so-called Sanskrit-brahminhood has done to bring them out of the clutches of other castes then and the Dravidian politicians now.  Religious leaders like Adi Sankara and Ramanuja not only denounced untouchability but sought to apply proper correctives.   The work of eminent Brahmins like C. Rajagopalachari and Subramania Bharati are being blacked out.  And even the elite do not know that it was a Vedic scholar, an eminent yogi and disciple of Ramana Maharishi, Kavya Kantha Ganapati Muni braved the orthodoxy by proving that untouchability had no Vedic or Sahstraic sanction. At the 1922 All India Congress session in Belgaum, Ganapati Muni delivered an address in Sanskrit leading to the conclusion that “it is not against scriptures to remove untouchability.”

So when are we going to throw aside our Oblomovian doze?  Is it going to be ‘Fragment India’ or ‘Build up India’?  Breaking India has the political chess-board ready with the chessmen in display. How shall we checkmate the former and win the latter? 

About the authors of Breaking India
Rajiv Malhotra: Rajiv Malhotra is a public intellectual on current affairs, world religions and cross-cultural encounters between East and West. His career has spanned the corporate world as a senior executive, strategic consultant and successful entrepreneur in the information technology and media industries. His Infinity Foundation, seeks to foster a better global understanding of Indian civilization. Rajiv's work argues that the dharma offers a complex and open framework for a genuine dialogue among diverse peoples, rather then a zero sum game. He shows the limitations of globalization when it is a parochial imposition of Western paradigms. He is well known as a speaker and writer for a wide audience and is frequently interviewed and invited to deliver keynote addresses. He serves on the Board of Governors of the India Studies program at the University of Massachusetts, and served as a Chairman for the Asian Studies Education Committee of the State of New Jersey.

Aravindan Neelakandan: Aravindan Neelakandan is 31 years old and is working with an ecological NGO called Vivekananda Kendra - Natural Resources Development Project - in Kanyakumari.  A post-graduate in Economics, Aravindan has been actively involved in NGO activities related to rural women/youth empowerment. He has a special interest in studying missionary strategies and conversion tactics.

Breaking India:  Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines 
by Rajiv Malhotra, Aravindan Neelakandan 
(Amaryllis, J-39, Ground Floor, Jor Bagh Lane, New Delhi 110003  xiv + 650 pages.  2011.  Rs. 695.)


More by :  Dr. Prema Nandakumar

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Views: 3613      Comments: 12

Comment Thanks for this book review. Well written, well argued, with some extra information for the reader to look up. I found out about this book only two days ago and have been reading about it all over the net. Your review apprised me of some other scholars who I would like to follow.

I have read excerpts from the book and I know I have to get my hands on it.

Charu Uppal
13-Jan-2015 11:49 AM

Comment A well argued case by an eminent scholar and writer. I was alarmed however by the author's comments on Leela Samson 'removing Hindu deities'. A dancer of Samson's integrity would never indulge in such a underhand practise.

Sanjeevini Dutta
11-Jan-2013 11:40 AM

Comment I have been deeply disturbed ever since reading this book. I am happy that a bold review has been published, while the so called mainstream all India English language newspapers are acting stooges of the powers who are governed by alien mentality and orientation. It is a pity that a fabrication like Aryan invasion which has been disowned by most reputable scholars and which has no shred of historical evidence is still allowed to be taught in our schools and colleges , without even a note that it was a 19th century theory which has not been proved at all and for which there is no evidence in the ancient literature of any Indian language, including the so called Dravidian languages. At the same time, facts like the existence of the ancient river Saraswati ,the discovery of old Dwaraka, the existence of Rama sethu etc for which absolute scientific proof is available are blacked out both by our mainstream media and public education system. Obviously, the tribe of Goebbels is still at work. This review will open many eyes.

19-Dec-2012 10:19 AM

Comment Thanks a lot to Smt. Prema Nandakumar. It is timely, thought provoking and an eye opener to many of our prsesent politicians to wake from the selfishness and to sacrifice motivated rotton mischievous caste dividing work. The dream of Tamil Poet Subramania Bharathi "No castiesm" "Jaathikal illaiadi paapa" will become true.

S. Rajagopalan
19-Apr-2011 08:21 AM

Comment Good Review

Please visit teh following sites to know how the westren biased historians have taught us wrong history. Please read how was India's technological and science developement and How our education system was in 18th century.

13-Apr-2011 03:53 AM

Comment A Bold and unpartisan review by the erusite Smt.Prema Nandakumar with relevant quotes from other sources which brings out the so called pseudo secularism of our own country's so called academicians who just want to impress the west with their "Put down India attitude" to find petty favors.Kudos to RAjiv and Aravindan also for bringing out this book in the present time against all odds.


11-Apr-2011 05:57 AM

Comment The biggest enemy inside or outside of india is corruption. That is preventing India from becoming strong and united, look at China,from where it used to be to be the 2nd most powerful(economically and militarily)nation in the world(India could have achieved the same). Of course economic reformes are also needed to tap into a vast talent that the people of india are.Lack of opportunities due to a corrupt system prevents people from getting ahead in life.i live in Australia and have lived in the UK visited at least 13 other countries am in thailand as i write,it is 100 times corruption free than India

baldev singh
11-Apr-2011 04:37 AM

Comment The comments & views presented is very interesting . Despite many faultlines Indian society at large can remain united & promote unity in diversity .

Partha Roy
11-Apr-2011 03:51 AM

Comment Books and Reviews are good software tools. They wont work without compatible, committed hardware. Please define the hardware and spell out means to bring it about.

11-Apr-2011 00:29 AM

Comment Dear Dr. Prema Nandakumar,

Thanks for a forceful review of a book that is bound to make the mainstream media uncomfortable, obsessed as it is with "the flurried excitement of freebies, scams, Niiraleaks, CBI raids, announcements, imprisonments and burning of buses and public property".

It takes courage to look in the eye the ".. cold, hard, printed facts, one is deeply disturbed that so much is going on in India itself. There are then the forces abroad wearing the veil of academia which are funding the attempts to destabilize India by this new evangelism that wants to gobble up people, places and history itself. " as you put it.

One hopes this will inspire more readers to wake up & deeply inquire into these issues which affect their & India's very immediate future.

Best Wishes

10-Apr-2011 08:45 AM

Comment Dr. Prema Nandakumar's analysis of the situation is very thought provoking. The book is a timely entry to the "MOST SECULAR" minded country. This analysis will add the much needed support for the causes of the book. Still, I feel the majority of the "knee jerk class" of people from our own communities, would like to bring down the book. What is needed in INDIA is a mass movement and mass awareness programs by eminent personalities like Dr. Prema Nandakumar, Sr. N.S. Rajaram and others. They should talk on this book and the implications at as many places as possible and also in universities and colleges with an inter-active sessions. The youth should take this as their cause to fight for their culture & tradition. This book should be translated into as many Indian languages as possible and should be priced little low, so that more & more people can afford to buy the book.

V S Rangachar
10-Apr-2011 07:18 AM

Comment It is million dollar review. It is candid, and covers the issue in context. As told by the veteran critic and reviewer "The Indian nation is one from the Sethu to the Himalayas, aa Sethu Himachala. But then, it has its fault lines too in the sociological structure. A point noted by Subramania Bharati who did worry about damage to India’s unity one hundred years ago and declared defiantly that this is “sethamillaadha Hindusthanam” (indestructible India) which will remain so even if the Himalayas should crumble away."

The Dalits are kept in the dark about how much the so-called Sanskrit-brahminhood has done to bring them out of the clutches of other castes then and the Dravidian politicians now. Religious leaders like Adi Sankara and Ramanuja not only denounced untouchability but sought to apply proper correctives. The work of eminent Brahmins like C. Rajagopalachari and Subramania Bharati are being blacked out. And even the elite do not know that it was a Vedic scholar, an eminent yogi and disciple of Ramana Maharishi, Kavya Kantha Ganapati Muni braved the orthodoxy by proving that untouchability had no Vedic or Sahstraic sanction. At the 1922 All India Congress session in Belgaum, Ganapati Muni delivered an address in Sanskrit leading to the conclusion that “it is not against scriptures to remove untouchability.”

Is an eye opener.
We must work to protect Bharat from its internal and external enemies.


10-Apr-2011 03:27 AM

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