
Decadent India’s Last Ditch Stand

Against Resurgent India

Decadent India comprising political leaders, the polity as a whole, their sycophantic media elites and some among the political analysts are in 2011 fighting a last-ditch stand against Resurgent India comprising India’s youth power, a belatedly awakened middle class recognizing the costs of not politically empowering, and dedicated social activists like Anna Hazare who awakened the conscience of the latter recently. Decadent India stung by the loss of control over public discourse and their monopoly in steering its course is striking back at Resurgent India by unfound allegations, innuendos, charges of corruption against Anna Hazare’s core team, all designed to politically divide and discredit them.

India’s political leaders and the entire political ‘tribe’ (cannot be termed as class as there is no class in them) today can rightly be termed as “Decadent India’ and so also their camp-followers in the media who prop them. The dictionary meaning of “decadent” is being’ in a state of decline’ and marked by ‘unrestrained gratification and self-indulgence’. The tragedy of India in 2011 is that only few good people exist in India’s polity. At best they are a fringe element. One laughs when patently dishonest politicians on TV talk shows protest that all politicians should not be tarred by the same brush.

Indian polity’s fringe elements of good and honest politicians cannot absolve themselves of blame for they have not raised their voices of protest against corruption in ringing tones against their party leaderships oblivious to the corruption that springs from their acts of commission or omission. They should have all stood up to be counted if they had moral courage and conviction.

Resurgent India is the term I have deliberately selected for Anna Hazare, his committed core around him, India’s youth who turned out in thousands all over India to organize ‘vigils’ and the thousands of middle class Indians and even ordinary countrymen who flocked to Anna’s call. The dictionary meaning of “resurgent” is ‘process of bringing about renewal or revival’ and further ‘rising again to a new life and vigor’.

Am I wrong in the choice of my words to describe the two warring sides that are in a face-ff in India today? Decadent India in my opinion is fighting a last ditch battle to retain the status-quo of political-cronyism, corruption and the arrogance of power that they have accumulated over the last 63 years. They had started believing like ‘Mughal Samrats’ secure in the belief that the manipulative political system that they had contrived and put in place would ensure their eternal existence in dynastic longevities. And this applies to all political parties without exception.

Resurgent India in the manner of political awakening and political consciousness brought about by Anna Hazare in India’s public who were so far apathetic to abounding political corruption swamping their existence will now throw up many more Anna Hazares to follow and supplement his crusade.

The Battle will be bitter and tiring for Resurgent India to dislodge Decadent India from their entrenched positions as they have many camp-followers who will join their battle against Anna Hazare in a more vicious manner as they stand to lose the riches that they could pick up by their proximity to political leaders.

Yet, the battle must be fought with vigor and dedication against Decadent India so that “The Real Soul of India Can Be Renewed and Revived” It is Resurgent India that can spearhead the political transformation and political renewal of India. 


More by :  Dr. Subhash Kapila

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Comment The author states that a 'last ditch' battle is occurring. This explains the mass arrests, beatings and intimidation of 'India's youth and belatedly awakened middle class' which we can see on T.V. It is much worse than what happened in Iran when Ahmedinijad sent in Basijis to quell the middle class/youth rebellion. Mubarak caused jets to fly over Tahrir Square and unleashed the secret police to commit crimes and create panic. The Indian politicians being even more desperate in their 'last-ditch' stand' sent Nuclear bombs to Jantar Mantar in their attempt to intimidate the protestors.

At present, thanks to the military intervention of U.S, China, N.A,T.O and Pakistan, no-fly zones have been created. Manmohan Singh has retreated to his base in Assam. Rebels have already seized Meerut, Ranchi and Karol Bagh. I appeal to President Obama and Zardari and Hu (of Gu or Poo or whatever the Chinese dude is called) to bring about regime change as 'Decadent India' is in a 'last ditch stand' against the revolting masses.

As the author points out- 'Decadent India stung by the loss of control over public discourse and their monopoly in steering its course is striking back at Resurgent India by unfound allegations, innuendos, charges of corruption against Anna Hazare’s core team, all designed to politically divide and discredit them.'
Decadent India's total control of public discourse for the last fifty years is shown by the fact that not one single person has ever pointed out the corruption, criminality and downright silliness of politicians, babus, netas, worthless fasts-unto-death, self defeating gheraos, bandhs, calls for 'sampoorna kranti' (which involves 360 degree revolution), rasta roko and other such nonsense.

I don['t know how 'Decadent India' achieved this 'total control of public discourse', but what is amazing is that the author does not rebut the findings of the Sawant Commission re. Hazare- his goons extorted money in the name of 'anti-corruption' and he refused to look into the matter. Perhaps the author wanted to address this issue but the 'total control' exercised by 'Decadent India' somehow stopped him from doing it. Probably, they invaded his home or office and fought a 'last ditch stand' with him over the key-board. Every time he tried to type in a sensible sentence they would spill his tea or eat his biscuits in an aggressive and intimidating manner thus preventing him from becoming 'Resurgent'.

The only way to root out corruption is by passing a law and setting up a new Govt. body. It is an infallible remedy. The recent murder of the child laborer Moin in Delhi shows how Swami Agnivesh's campaign as well as the relevant legislation and public bodies and U.N resolutions and so on have managed to eradicate the problem of child labor, or slavery, in India.
I urge all leaders of Civil Society to immediately fast unto death- or breakfast, whichever comes sooner- on any and every issue facing us. Young people must plunge into the struggle instead of just slouching around the house watching T.V and eating up all the nice biscuits and then saying 'Papa, you know Doctor said you are not allowed to have them'.
Would Mahatma Gandhi have tolerated such behavior? He urged all youth to go out immediately and get arrested already. Pandit Nehru too was no cowardly soul. The moment Indira started hinting he needed a hair-piece, that great man did not loose his wig, he merely urged her to join the Freedom Struggle and get arrested already. Not only that, these great men also got their wives and mother-in-laws to go out and court arrest. That was why there was so little Divorce in those days. I pity the decadent societies of the West because of their lack of fasts-unto-death and 'jail bharao' campaigns.
On balance the author has written a timely article which I will email my son and read out to my wife also after she has cooked dinner.

21-Apr-2011 02:23 AM

Comment Hazare and Ram dev have caused an eruption by challenging the youth, sit back and enjoy the tsunami that will destroy the shameless politicians and corrupt officials.

18-Apr-2011 09:31 AM

Comment I see a similarity to those involved in "The Egyptian Spring" and the American "Tea Party". I see the young, educated, and idealistic demanding a total sweep of the old cynical establishment.

Bill Kinzie
17-Apr-2011 16:53 PM

Comment Arise! "Insurgent India" Remember Swami Vivekanand's message. This is that movement to Arise. All those who already graduated from different Institutions IIT's & Management Schools, India needs you. Don't look for jobs. The nation building is your job. We got rid of all the kings & Maharajas; but the new set of kings are emerging which we don't need. Let us stay free & Democratic Nation. Its our birth right. Uphold it. Bring back all the ill gotten wealth from the foreign banks and dedicate the same to build infrastructure of our beloved country. Jai Hazare! Jai Hind. By the way I heartily congratulate Dr. Kapila for the above article. Well said & timely.

Shyam Shetty
17-Apr-2011 13:12 PM

Comment Nicely said!

Your depiction of the two sides and the terminologies used are correct. Your description of the modus operanda and the mindset of the Decadent India are right on the mark.

What remains to be seen is how poised and perseverant the Resurgent India is?
It is our moral and social obligation to support them in every way possible.

16-Apr-2011 23:42 PM

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