Mar 16, 2025
Mar 16, 2025
by Amit Bhatt
Without a purpose, our achievements seem hollow, our future uncertain, our present chaotic. With a purpose, however, everything falls into place. We suddenly have a basis for making life decision. Determining our purpose, therefore, should be our first mental task.- Jack Canfield and Mark V Hansen
On July 6, 1946 a kid was born to a chorine and an Italian Immigrant. A forceps accident during his birth severed him paralyzed. He also suffered with rickets. At age 15, his parent's divorced. He was a homely, sickliest child. By this time, the kid had developed a passion to become a movie star. But the kid's face and even his deep voice were factors in his constant rejection for stage and film roles. He was turned down for uncountable times. Rather than give up, however, he turned to writing scripts - lots of scripts. He penned the screenplay for Rocky and went to sell it to producers with condition of he'll be the star in the movie. After tons of rejection a miracle happened. And an icon of machismo and Hollywood action heroism, Sylvester Stallone was born.
It's true, life really is generous to those who pursue their destiny. - Paulo Coelho
I am not sharing the story of The Italian Stallion because I am admirer of him, but to convey a Herculean point. At a very early age Stallone knew the purpose of his life, and this is one simple, yet profound fact that distinguishes him from mass. You see the biggest purpose of life is to have a life on purpose. At a very early age, I have developed a belief that we all are here to contribute something. Deep down our heart, we know that we have a mission on this planet. But strange fact is majority do not listen to their heart, and keep on doing the things which are forced on them either by society or so called responsibility. Consequently, we do not develop a passion for our life and fail to live life fully. If this is not adequate to convey my point, ask yourself a simple question. How many movers and shakers of this planet are doing the job, which they don't love? If you admire someone read his/her Interview or Biography, and it is highly unlikely that (s)he doesn't love his/her job.
Now the next obvious questions are,
Are you living the life of your purpose?
Have you recognized one thing, you are passionate about?
Are you living the life you want?
You were born with a god given mission to fulfill on this planet. Yet, for many of us, this purpose has become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of mundane life that we no longer even make an effort to think about it. Now this may sound brutal but I know that plurality was answering no to erstwhile questions. If you fall in plurality, carpe diem, seize the day, and find your purpose. This would be one of the best investments of your time. Don't let time pass bob otherwise you would fall under multitude about whom, Emerson said "Most men and Women die with their music still alive in them". The choice is yours.
Live Life You Want.
More by : Amit Bhatt