
Know the Spirit:

Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 7

Continued from "Practice of Restraint": Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 6 

This chapter of 30 slokas, known as gjnaana vigjnaana yoga, Spiritual knowledge and Secular intelligence, is about understanding the nature of the Supreme through knowing and meditation. However, s20-s23 besides breaking the continuity in the character of the discourse, would advocate worship of gods for boon seeking that Krishna chastises is s42-s44, ch.2. And thus these slokas undoubtedly are interpolations.   

Thus spoke the Lord:
How to retain Me in mind
He in yoga comes to know.

Make thee privy that knowledge 
Leaves that no scope for some more.

Rarely beings seek their self
Of them but a few Me grasp.

Earth ’n ether, fire ’n air
Water, mind, sense ’n self
Elements are of My Nature.

It’s this Nature holds all worlds
But above ’n apart is My Nature. 

While My Higher Nature brings
Ends all that Low Nature Mine.

Better than Me none exists
On Me hinges whatever exists.

I’m that what is sapid in water 
I’m the glow of sun and moon
I’m the thunder above in skies
Verily I’m the virility of males.

Odour of this earth is Me
Heat of fire ’n life in being 
As well wisdom in forsake.

I’m the seed of all beings
Intellect as well man’s valour. 

It’s Me strength of even life
As well ardour of sex in order.

Virtue, passion so too delusion 
Send I forth though all of them
Come to dwell in none of them.

Spellbound by My these natures 
Knows not man My true nature. 

If thee forsake well and true
To Me then thou come ’n grasp
Natures these Mine illusions. 

Who in Supreme hath no faith
Gripped are by these illusions 
And thus go on path wayward.

Distressed, desirous ’n knowing
Such pious are those Me worship.

Of these but the steadfast man
With pure intent gets My nod.

Noble as all worship Me  
The knower true is selfsame Me.

Once in a while
Births after many,
Born who knows
I pervade worlds.

Unmanifest Am State Supreme
But saddle Me with form uncouth.

Dull in delusion won’t perceive
Me that’s unborn veiled from them.

Am privy to what goes on 
But man hath no grasp of Me. 

Illusions dual, want and wrath
Ever in delusion keep they man. 

Pure minded sans illusions
On Me such of virtue lean.

Seek all those who My refuge 
See they Brahman ever in self.

Me Be-All ’n End -All grasps
Me he ponders on deathbed.  

Ends thus:
Know the Spirit,
The Seventh Chapter
Of Bhagavad-Gita
Treatise of self-help.

Continued to "Cycle of Creation": Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 8 


More by :  BS Murthy

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