
Analyzing Anna’s Victory

Rarely in the history of propaganda have hidden persuaders notched a greater achievement to their credit than they did in the recently concluded soap opera featuring Mr. Anna Hazare. The fasting legend described his success as only a half victory. Much more, he said, will have to be done. Doubtless he will attempt what needs to be done. But what has he done so far?

He has aroused hope across the nation that now corruption will end. But it has not ended as yet. However, already Team Hazare members have called of the agitation and will organize victory marches in different cities across the nation.  Mr. Hazare himself will tour the nation to ensure that people choose only clean candidates for the legislatures. People are dancing across India to celebrate the victory against corruption. People are intoxicated at the prospect of real change and an end to corruption.

Before the advent of Mr. Hazare’s movement national attention was riveted on the progress of the corruption cases in the 2G scam, the CWG scam, the Hasan Ali scam and other scandals. Does anyone remember those cases now? Instead many of the tainted ruling politicians hogged the limelight as they negotiated to loud public applause with members of Team Hazare to end the fast. With the fast being called off the overriding national gratitude encompassed even these ruling politicians who in the past were being reviled for promoting corruption. 

Up till now therefore the Anna Hazare movement has ignited anger against the notion of corruption, created hope for real change, and diverted attention from the ongoing corruption cases that had gripped national attention in the past.

In the future the movement may well become the instrument of ending corruption and cleaning up the system. As yet it has only diverted national attention from specific corruption cases. We must see whether those cases reclaim national attention. That is the harsh truth that people might ponder even as they dance for a better future. Future events need careful watching.


More by :  Dr. Rajinder Puri

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Comment Some time back a term was in fashion, viz., Hindu rate of growth. But it appears to me that in general people are not happy with the Hindu rate of growth. India, it seems, in general, want to join the G8 as fast as possible. The fast track growth in a corruption-less-society in a democratic set-up seems to me to be unachievable. It is only when you do not weigh pros and cons, which is obviously a time consuming process, that you skip steps and fall prey. Indian middle class, I am sorry to say, is most selfish. They want to eat the cake and have it too! You want have the benefits of an American type society and you want an Anna to cleanse your system! How funny! It is mindless.

Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
29-Aug-2011 00:29 AM

Comment Further to Agnifake's drama, the reason for promoting this movement with full ELM support emerges. The main aim was to neutralize the relentless Swami Ramdev and anti-Kkkangress forces and deflect people's attention from the scams.
We wait and watch.

28-Aug-2011 23:08 PM

Comment My grandfather during last decade of 20th century, said once that it would take another 25 years for India to end corruption, I calculated and figured out that he pointed to year 2011.

A few months back I reminded him of what he said 25 years back, and he replied - the prediction was not only for India, it was for whole world.

Well, that's what is happening.

I am sorry that he is no more to see today's first victory, had he lived a few days more he would have enjoyed the long awaited moment.

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
28-Aug-2011 14:52 PM

Comment Dear Sir,

You have rightly pointed out the characteristic of voter class in a democracy. The support is for betterment of the system that directly impacts individual's life, and not for 2G, CWG or other scams.

Had there be high ethical expectations among mass as before, even single scam such as bofors in past could topple the govt.

It needed to reach abyss before the mass to woke up to support some leader's call against corruption. Had there been 2G and CWG and other scams without impacting an aam aadmi's life so much, then this period would have gone unnoticed and unchanged.

This is the precise reason why upper middle class is so indifferent towards corruption issues - due to industrial growth, they are well to do and able to sustain inflation and ensure reasonable economic future.

But now, Anna Hazare's movement and first success is definitely going to kindle hope in sections that were not hopeful at all. There is going to be even greater support and participation now.

I am very happy that Anna Hazare mentioned it was only partial success - clearly setting expectation in mass that more and longer support is needed.

[If Anna sit on fast for complete investigation of 2G scam of CWG scam, he is unlikely to get support from the same mass - for the reasons mentioned above.]

[Hence] now is the time for heroes to jump in and use the opportunities to hit hard on specific big scams. Hoping that enactment of Lokpal will fuel thrust and speed for completion of investigation in these grave and monster scams.

Yes, that moment has come.

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
28-Aug-2011 14:45 PM

Comment Your observation is very logical, sensible and thought provoking. Anna Hazare and their team have successfully diverted the public attention from the existing cases of corruption and shout victory while the big scamsters are yet to be tried and punished.
I am sorry, I fail to understand the democracy prevailing in India!

G Swaminathan
28-Aug-2011 11:59 AM

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