Mar 14, 2025
Mar 14, 2025
Monsoon! Monsoon!
Please come quick
To water the plants
That looks like sticks
We need the rain
We need the rain
To trickle down
Our dried up drains
This poem caught my eyes while browsing internet. Monsoon brings joy as plants wear a green look, rivers swell to brim and dry lands become wet. The grim side of this season is increased humidity which troubles humans.
What is Humidity?
Humidity is the amount of water vapor in air. It is usually described as 'relative humidity' and expressed in percentage. 100% humidity means the water vapor in the air is at its maximum at that particular temperature. When humidity is low (amount of water vapor is less in air), the evaporation from the surrounding areas is rapid. Hence the clothes dry quickly, soil dries up, sweat evaporates from skin etc.
When humidity is high (amount of water vapor is more in air), clothes dry slowly, sweat does not evaporate from skin and we feel sticky and uncomfortable.
We feel comfortable when humidity is 45-50% and temperature 20 to 22 degree Celsius. Any broad variation in these may cause health problems.
Effects of Increased Humidity on Human Body
Human body maintains its temperature by transferring body heat to surrounding air through evaporation of perspiration (sweat). When humidity is high in air the evaporation of sweat decreases and maintenance of body temperature is altered. Along with high humidity if atmosphere temperature is high, the blood circulation increases on surface of skin and decreases in muscles and other organs. Hence we experience fatigue in climate which is high in temperature and humidity.
Molds, mildews, bacteria, virus, dust mites proliferate when humidity increases in surrounding air. They grow on air conditioners, shower heads, damp walls, toilets , wet carpets and on other moist substances. Their spores which are called bio-aerosols, are constantly released into air. Bio-aerosols cause infection and allergies. They trigger asthma attacks and other respiratory diseases.
Researchers have found that osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis flare up in high humid weather.
According to Ayurvedic texts the humidity increases during rainy season. The Agni (body fire or digestive power) which is reduced during summer decreases still further and gets vitiated by doshas. Doshas get vitiated due to changes in weather like increased humidity, coldness, dampness etc.
How to Reduce Humidity at Home
Ayurvedic Tips to Keep Healthy in Humid Conditions:
Ayurvedic Home remedies for Humidity Related Diseases
Dr.Savitha Suri has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 1989. After getting a graduation degree in Ayurveda (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) in 1988 from University of Mysore, India, she started practicing Ayurveda . Her articles about Ayurveda have been published in news papers, health magazines and websites. Dr.Savitha Suri lives in Mysore, Karnataka, India. She gives consultations in Mysore and also in Bangalore, the silicon valley of India. By arrangement with
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