
Ayurvedic Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Ayurveda defines Erectile dysfunction or ED as follows.

Sankalpapravano nityam priyaam vashyaamapi sthreeyam ||
na yaathi lingashaithilyaath kadaachidyaathi vaa yadi |
Shwaasaarthaha swinnagaatrshcha moghasankalpacheshtitaha ||
mlaanashishnashcha nirbeejaha syodetat klaibyalaxanam |

This means even though a man has a strong desire to perform sexual act with a cooperative partner, he cannot perform sexual act because of looseness (absence of erection) of his phallus (penis). Even if he performs sexual act with his determined efforts he does not get erection and gets afflicted with tiredness, perspiration and frustration to perform sex.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) thus is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Erectile dysfunction may sometimes be even termed as "impotence". The term "erectile dysfunction" can mean the inability to achieve erection, an inconsistent ability to do so, or the ability to achieve only brief erections.

Physiology of Erection

The two chambers of penis (corpora cavernosa,) which run throught the organ are filled with spongy tissue. The corpora cavernosa are surrounded by a membrane, called the tunica albuginea. The spongy tissue contains smooth muscles, fibrous tissues, spaces, veins, and arteries. The urethra, which is the channel for urine and semen runs along underside of the corpora cavernosa ...

Due to sensory or mental stimulation, or both, the erection begins. Due to impulses from brain and local nerves the muscles of corpora cavernosa relax and allow blood to flow in and fill the spaces of spongy tissue. 

The flow of blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand. The tunica albuginea helps trap the blood in the chambers, thereby sustaining erection. When muscles in the penis contract to stop the inflow of blood and open outflow channels, erection recedes.

In ayurveda physiology of erection and ejaculation is described as follows

Vrishunow basthimedram cha naabhyuuru vankshnow gudam |
Apaanasthaanamantrasthaha shukra mootra shakrunti cha ||

The 'apaanavayu' one of the five types of vayu is located in the testicles, urinary bladder, phallus, umbilicus, thighs, groin, anus and colon. Its functions are ejaculation of semen, voiding of urine and stools. 

Shushruta explains the process of erection and ejaculation as  - When a man has desire (iccha) to have sex, his response to touch increases. (Vayu located in skin causes flow of signals from skin to brain, thus causing sensation of touch). This causes arousal or 'harsha' . Arousal or Harsha intensifies actions of vayu and at this moment highly active vayu liberates the 'teja' or heat of pitta. Thus tejas and vayu increase body temperature, heart beat and blood flow causing erection. 

Causes of ED 

Erection requires a sequence of events. Erectile dysfunction can occur when any of the events is disturbed. Nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and around the corpora cavernosa constitute this sequence of events. Injury to any of these parts which are part of this sequence (nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissue) can cause ED. 

Lowered Level of Testosterone Hormone: The primary male hormone is testosterone. After age 40, a man's testosterone level gradually declines. About 5% of men that doctors see for erectile dysfunction have low testosterone levels. In many of these cases, low testosterone causes lower sexual interest, not erectile dysfunction.

The whole male body responds to testosterone. 

Even sushruta has illustrated about this response of body to the element 'Shukra' . He has said

"yatha payasi sarpistu goodashchekshow raso yatha shareereshu tatha shukram nrinaam vidyaadhbishagwara"

This means " The shukra (the element which helps in reproduction) is present all over the body.

This can be explained with the following examples.

  1. The ghee is present in milk in an invisible form. This is extracted from milk using many processes.
  2. The sugar is present all over the sugarcane. It is extracted by subjecting the sugarcane to number of processes.

Same way shukra is present all over the body. But the cream of shukra (semen) comes out of the body only during the process of ejaculation. But this process of ejaculation needs a joyful union of mind and body.

Decrease in production of 'Shukra' causes erectile dysfunction.

Over Exertion - physically and mentally : Working for long hours in office, mental stress at office and home, short temperedness ,insufficient sleep cause erectile dysfunction. 

These causes are explained in Ayurveda as "shoka, chintaa, bhaya, traasaat .... " which means that erectile dysfunction or Impotence occurs due to grief, fear, anxiety and terror.

Strained relationship with sexual partner: Erectile dysfunction also occurs when there is a disliking towards sexual partner.

Ayurveda describes this as "naarinaamarasamjnatwaat..." means disliking for women.

Diseases that Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Neurological disorders, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, anemia, depression, arthritis, endocrine disorders, diabetes, diseases related to cardiovascular system also become reasons for erectile dysfunction..

According to ayurveda the diseases which cause erectile dysfunction are "Hritpaandurogatamakakaamalashrama..." - Heart diseases , anemia , asthma , liver disorders , tiredness .Apart from these the imbalance in tridoshas also cause impotence or erectile dysfunction.

Consumption of medicines, drugs and tobacco: Using anti-depressants, tranquilizers and antihypertensive medicines for a long time, addiction to tobacco especially smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, addiction to cocaine, heroin and marijuana cause erectile dysfunction.
In Ayurveda texts these causes have been said in brief as "rukshamannapaanam tathoushadham" - "dry food, drinks and medicines" cause impotence or erectile dysfunction.

Trauma to pelvic region: accidental injury to pelvic region and surgeries for the conditions of prostate, bladder, colon, or rectal area may lead to erectile dysfunction.

These causes are mentioned as abhighata (trauma), shastradantanakhakshataha (injury from weapons, teeth and nail.) in Ayurveda.

Other reasons

Obesity, prolonged bicycle riding, past history of sexual abuse and old age also cause Erectile dysfunction.

Ayurveda describes the cause of impotence or erectile dysfunction due to old age as follows. " diminution of - tissue elements, strength, energy, span of life, inability to take nourishing food, physical and mental fatigue lead to impotence"

Remedies for ED

ED is treatable at any age. The total treatment in for impotence is called as Vajikarana therapy in Ayurveda. As this therapy increases the strength of a man to perform sexual act, like a horse, it is called 'Vaajikarana'. (' Vaaji' = Horse.)

Vaajikarana therapy leads to

Good strength.
Potency to produce offspring.
Increased span of erection.

Eligibility for Vajikarana therapy:

  1. The vajikarana therapy should be administered to persons who are between 18 to 70 years of age.
  2. These therapies should be administered only to a self controlled person. If this therapy is administered to a person who does not have self control, he becomes nuisance to society through his illegitimate sex acts.


Decreasing anxiety associated with intercourse, with psychologically based treatment helps to cure ED. The patient's partner can help with the techniques, which include gradual development of intimacy and stimulation. Such techniques also can help relieve anxiety when ED from physical causes is being treated.

Same treatment is illustrated in Ayurveda. It has been said 'A woman who understands a man and is liked by him, along with erotic environment act as best aphrodisiac.'

Drug Therapy 

Numerous herbal preparations are mentioned in Ayurveda to treat ED or impotence. It has been said that people who have strong sexual urge, who want to enjoy sex regularly have to consume these preparations regularly to replenish the energy, vigor, stamina and strength. These preparations also supply the nutrients which are necessary for production of semen.

Ayurveda tips to overcome ED

Erectile dysfunction which is a very common complaint can be generally rectified by following few simple steps. Here goes the list of simple but effective tips to rectify erectile dysfunction.

  • Avoid consumption of alcohol. If you are addicted to alcohol restrict the intake. Alcohol acts on central nervous system and causes erectile dysfunction.
  • Keep away from smoking. Men who smoke suffer from erectile dysfunction than men who do not. It is evident from researches. Smoking causes formation of plaques in arteries (atherosclerosis) which obstruct the blood flow.
  • Avoid working for long hours. Take a break from regular routine at week ends and spend time with your partner.
  • Practice Yoga and meditation regularly to keep away anxiety, depression and stress. Meditation and Yoga are best stress busters.
  • Do not have the fear of not getting hard erections or do not doubt your ability to satisfy your partner. It will lead to psychological ED.
  • Happy and comfortable atmosphere at home is very essential to stimulate sexual desire and keep sexually healthy.
  • Exercise regularly and daily. Brisk walk for 45 minutes is the best exercise which keeps the cardiovascular system healthy. Researches have shown that the incidences of erectile dysfunction are less in men who regularly exercise.
  • Weight reduction helps to increase testosterone level and increases sexual energy and stamina. Weight reduction helps to keep hypertension and diabetes in control. Diabetes causes erectile dysfunction and anti hypertensive medications may cause erectile dysfunction.
  • Marijuana, heroin, cocaine etc cause erectile dysfunction. Withdrawing from addiction to the above mentioned substances really helps in increasing erections and sexual stamina.
  • Reduce the frequency of masturbation. Masturbating twice in a week is ideal. .
  • Massage whole body with herbal oil at least once in a week. This increases sexual energy and stamina. Body massage (abhyanga) is mentioned as the best aphrodisiac in Ayurveda.
  • Sleep at least for 8 hours a day. Body gets energized with good sleep.
  • Do not control natural urges. Empty your bladder before going to bed with your partner.
  • Take all steps to prevent indigestion and constipation. Indigestion and constipation vitiate doshas and cause diseases. Hard erections will not occur when body is not healthy.
  • Avoid hot, spicy and bitter foods which imbalance vata . According to Ayurveda imbalanced vata causes erectile dysfunction.
  • Give a gap of four days between two consecutive intercourses.
  • Regularly consume Vajikarana Preparations. Vajikarana preparations always keep men sexually healthy.

Give a gap of four days between two consecutive intercourses.

Dr. Savitha Suri , B.A.M.S is Chief Consultant physician at Chaitanya Integrated Medical Center, Udayagiri, Mysore, Karnataka, India. She is practicing Indian Systems of Medicines since 12 years. By arrangement with http://www.ayurhelp.com

Information provided in this article is for the sole purpose of imparting education on Ayurveda and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.  


More by :  Dr. Savitha Suri

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Views: 3704      Comments: 118

Comment D/ Dr. I am 43 year old and this is the first time i observed ED when tried have sex with my partner. could you pl. suggest how can i over come this .
I dont have any problem of diabeties , blood pressure or any such diesieses.

07-Jan-2013 21:21 PM

Comment Dear Dr,
I'm 54 years of age living in pollachi, & i'm suffering with severe ED.
no diabetes/pressure/cholesterol.
it is only little swelling! not strengthning! plz recommend me a permanent, Ayurvedic medicine solution for the dis function which not get any side effects plzzz!

07-Jan-2013 09:28 AM

Comment Dear Dr,
I'm 54 years of age living in pollachi, & i'm suffering with severe ED.
no diabetes/pressure/cholesterol.
it is only little swelling! not strengthning! plz recommend me a permanent, Ayurvedic medicine solution for the dis function which not get any side effects plzzz!

07-Jan-2013 05:22 AM

Comment Dr sahiba
madam muje erection ki problem three month se ho gyee hai .mera anxity or insomnia k a treatment six year se chal rha hai.lekin koi fayda nahi ho rha.koi permanent treatment suggest karen pls.
with regards

karan bhanot
05-Jan-2013 13:24 PM

Comment i am 36 and i am suffering from erectile dysfunction since 2 years, consulted urologist he prescribed cialis but it did not work, i stopped going to the doctor, i don't have diabetes, heart problem, i tried man force 100 mg tablet it is also not working, my friend suggested me himalaya ashwagandha 250mg capsules. Since 1 month i am taking but not change, please help me.

05-Jan-2013 07:46 AM

Comment I m suffering from ED. Please ttell me permanent solution or any medicine which have no side effect . Pleaseeeeee madam

03-Jan-2013 12:42 PM

Comment Dear doctor,

I am 49 years age, i hve erectile dysfunction since few months, i am also
a diabetic, but i take ayurvedic medicines.pl. let me know any treatment for
this problem and to increase the semen strength.


03-Jan-2013 11:50 AM

Comment vajikarana therapy
it appears a lot of peolpe are looking yp to you for help
in the interest of a crating a healty society post an article of the vajikarana therapy fo everybody
this will be your service to society

02-Jan-2013 04:16 AM

Comment mam
i m suffering from erection problem since 2-3 months
pls pls help me so that i can overcome my erection problem
because next year m going to marry
i was addicted to porn....but i never consume alcoholic drinks and smoking
pls provide some medicine

30-Dec-2012 04:15 AM

Comment dear,madam,
my age is 32,i dont hv eraction due to mastburation pls give me suggetion pls pls pls.

29-Dec-2012 01:38 AM

Comment Hello mam, When i came to this page, I am seeing many are facing same pbms as I have... Yes erectile dysfunction for past 5 years... just married due to family situations , but not happy ... completely vexed... Can you please let me know the details of this therapy like how to undergo this, how long will it take to undergo treatment and approx cost ..etc i am staying in bangalore and my mail id is drillraja@gmail.com.. can you please send the details to this mail id mam...
thanks for your help to the society..

28-Dec-2012 12:50 PM

Comment Respected mam, am 42yr male, am suffering for erection problem...early morning i hav hard erection but when i go for sex ,i hav loose my erection..kindly suggest me natural formula or treatment... am taking ashvshila capsules one daily.....of patanjali

Ashok Kumar
28-Dec-2012 01:17 AM

Comment I am a 34-year-old male who is suffering from erectile dysfunction and looseness in erections unable to perform sex with my wife . I want a genuine treatment for this and levels of testosterone are also little low. i stay in pune . Please guide as to who is the concerned doctor who can really cure my problem. U can given the contact number of that person. Please email at the earliest.

I am waiting for your reply,


surendran Pillay
27-Dec-2012 06:46 AM

Comment Respected sir madam, i am 19 yrs old and i am sufring from night fall (swapn dose) daily since last 4 years i am not marrid and now at this stage i got a lot of problems like ed and tirednes even my body stop groing in al maners my mind power is dicreasing day by day . I think al this is due to doing masterbasan i have done it aprox. 1 year regularly in the age of 13-15 years. Please tel me how can i curred from night fal. I wil be higly thank ful to you thanks for reading this. My contact no.9919972184 email kumar94nitesh12@gmail.com i am wating for yr reply thanks

nitesh kumar
26-Dec-2012 23:52 PM

Comment iam aged 29. I'm suffering from erectile dysfunction from past 1 years. I feel that the main reason for this is excess masturbation. i am not addicted to smoking, alcohol and drugs.nxt year i am going to get married.

Please suggest me how to get well on this health issue. plz mail me

26-Dec-2012 11:57 AM

Comment Respected Sir/Madam,
Myself Karan, aged 26. I'm suffering from erectile dysfunction from past 2-3 years. I feel that the main reason for this is excess masturbation(4-5 times/day). I got addicted to this at a very small age, might be while i was in 8th standard(grade). . Since then i was kind of addicted to it. Even if i didn't feel like doing it i forced myself to have pleasure. i am not addicted to smoking, alcohol and drugs. .i am physically fit.nxt year i am going to married.

Please suggest me how to get well on this health issue. I am scared of my state. I will be waiting for your precious reply.

Thank you

19-Dec-2012 09:07 AM

Comment Respected Madam,
Namaskar.I am an Indian reside in hyderabad.I am 29 yrs.I have developed erectile dis function and i am getting semen discharge within 2 to 3 seconds while intercourse for last 1 yr . i got married before 4 years and i had a son.I face problem during sex for my above problem and more or less zero interested.where ever i go for doctors they are asking me 6 to 10 thousands per month for 6 months and i don't have the payable capacity for that. my salary is just 6000 per month. I want take Ayurvedic medicine which is affordable by me and easily available in market. please help me madam.
With due regards.

11-Dec-2012 09:49 AM

Comment I have noted from your site that u are giving treatment for "Vajikaran Thearapy". If I need to take this treatment, please let me know duration of this treatment, place, contact details, your approx.fee for this thearapy etc and any other information u need before conducting this treatment to my above mail address.

Harshad Mistry
09-Dec-2012 08:11 AM

Comment Respected Sir/Madam,
Myself Kiran, aged 21. I'm suffering from erectile dysfunction from past 2-3 years. I feel that the main reason for this is excess masturbation(4-5 times/day). I got addicted to this at a very small age, might be while i was in 3rd standard(grade). I had a neighbor friend who was elder to me. I was taught by him. Since then i was kind of addicted to it. Even if i didn't feel like doing it i forced myself to have pleasure. After all this when i grew up along with my previous addiction i am addicted to smoking, alcohol and drugs. And also i don't have a healthy sleep. I am fat and don't do exercise.
But i have decided to quit my addictions.
Please suggest me how to get well on this health issue. I am scared of my state. I will be waiting for your precious reply.

Thank you.

06-Dec-2012 12:48 PM

Comment I am 66 yr old and was enjoying sex well 7 months back I was diagonised as heart patient and 6 months before I went for Heart Bypass surgery. After recovery when tried for sex I found ED problem. After Bypass surgery I am taking medicines. I am also Hyperthyroidism patient and taking medicines. Suggest something to enjoy Sex life as I was out for more than 8 mpnths earlier it was alright.

Ram Chotrani
28-Nov-2012 06:09 AM

Hi ,

I am suffering premature ejaculation and hard stiffness problems. Can u please suggest ayurvedic medicine and others this for me.

Please suggest.

Thanks and Regards

21-Nov-2012 15:43 PM

Comment Hello sir/madam.
I am 24yr old guy, I am non smoker, dont drink, only bad habbit I have is maturbation
.i hv been maturbating frm the age of 18 now I am 24... I used to mastrbt min twice a week max thrice... I felt that is normal... In the recent 2 weeks I lost my erection... I dont get any
Arousal sensation even if I see any porn videos... I am scare d much... Feeling as if lost my life.i gave up masturb for the past 2 weeks... But still I have erection problem... Please suggest me will the problem gets solved if I give up mastrb, or should I have to consult doctor..?? I feel shameful to meet any doctor... Please advice me any medicine to be taken without any side effects.... I am unmarried.... Please help me... Can I get back to normal life as earlier..... Please reply....

11-Nov-2012 23:21 PM

Comment Dear Doctor,

I am 33 year old. I have strong desire of sex but my penis is not standing . Everything was fine 2 years back . Seamen is also less . I am unable to have child . Many times i loose errection in the middle of the sex . My wife is depressed . Please let me know the medication required . I used Megalis 20mg .. i will get strong errction with this but i hear its not safe to continue . Please help .


09-Nov-2012 13:32 PM

Comment Dear Doctor,

I am 38 years old and going to marry after 3 months.Due to excess masturbation or some other reason dont know my organ seems to less erect. I tried sex with my girlfriend however due to erection problem was not succeded.

Request you to suggest me any best Ayurvedic medicine to overcome this problem.


B.S Purohit,
06-Nov-2012 08:41 AM

Comment Had prostatectomy 4 years ago. Age is 70. I have lot of libido but penis does not get long and hard despite arousal. I do achieve orgasm in a sense eventually. Any remedies to correct ED? Caverta is not much use, only marginal.

05-Nov-2012 09:34 AM

Comment my name Faisal 26 yrs old i m from Mumbai. i have problem Erectile dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation,Penis not developed normally i had done lot of Habit of Masturbation please let me know any cure ness for this

03-Nov-2012 18:14 PM

Comment I am suffering for premature ejaculation and hard stiffness. plz suggest me the yogasan and Ayurveda medicine to overcome this problem.

Mallikarjun Molkeri
31-Oct-2012 00:18 AM

Comment I am 37yr.old,Due to excess Mastrubation since early age, thats why my penis size is 4"last,now I am finding difficulty in arousal with my partner.

Do you still advice me for any ayurvedic medicine to overcome my problem or penis development medicine, I can overcome and can lead an enjoyable sexual life with my wife?

Please advice as I am feeling very guilty / inferior / shameful.

24-Oct-2012 07:37 AM

Comment I am an Indian reside at Allahabad. I am 50 yrs.I have high BP for which I take Envas Tab 2.5 MG daily at the evening time..My BP is now 140/90mg most the times and some times .My wife is 45+ and very active sexually.I cannt give fully satification to my wife during sex due to ED problem.I have taken some ayurvedic medicine, but some time it helps to me but now I am feeling ED problem. So, I want take Ayurvedic medicine which has no side effects and it gives the permanent solution. Pl advise which Ayurvedic medicine should i take for effective treatment of impotence and easily available in Indian market.
With due regards.


10-Oct-2012 07:40 AM

Comment sir/madam am a48yr man having 2 baby girls from last 6 years am suffering from ed , by erection, size, premature ijaculation .i use to take alchohol&smoking. please help me to regain my sexuel life. thanks®ards.

rajendra kumar
08-Oct-2012 08:15 AM

Comment Hello mam,
Iam 33yrs old married for last 15yrs have two kids boy & girl , from last 4yrs having problem in SEX, cannot satisfy my partner i dont know because of ED or something else . Penis is not hard enough while doin Sex, even after kissing , making oral love with my partner , no feeling or any kind of sensation i can feel below, i did tried medicines like Viagra, Levitra but still had no effects. Also wen i mastrubate Penis again is not hard enough, it doesn't stand hard enough , sperm counts (erractions) are normal.
Iam a v fit guy with no kind of problems like( Diabetic, arthiritis, high or low pressure) i go gym regular keep my self fit. I dont drink but i do smoke like 2 to 3 ciggrates only a day(not a chain smoker) . Every nite when i make my self & my partner ready for sex i get nervous, hands feet sweat n get cold, i start making oral love but no hardness or warmness inside me or Penis , i have to wear socks wen i sleep.
Please advise me wht shld i do in this situation from last 4yrs i live in Texas USA with fmly from last 9yrs. 12 yrs before in india i had kidney stone problem which i had removed frm laser via pipe insertrd through my Penis to kidneys. Pls help me Mam wld b gratefull. Thnx.

03-Oct-2012 21:37 PM

Comment Hi Doc You havent send me any email or any solution please reply me
I am very much confused

I am 25 year guy since last few months I am suffering from erectile dysfunction and l have also observing its getting loosen erection. I am confuse and not able to understand why its happening, cause of ED I am not able to perform sex with my partner. Early I use to get hard erection while have in sex or even of imagination and also even in early morning, but since last few months I am facing problem in having erection. I am dam tense can you please advice me why this is happening with me ayurvedic tretments to get my penis erect. Can you please guide as to who is the concerned doctor who can really cure my problem. Please email at the earliest.

02-Oct-2012 08:22 AM

Comment best ever advise i have read online thanks Dr.

01-Oct-2012 15:22 PM

Comment Respected Doc.

i am 30 year old and i am facing the problems in erection and sudden leakage of seman during intercourse with my wife.I am not able to satisfy her because of premature ejaculation. please give me advise and the way of treatment to clear this problems.

thanx a lot.

Sanath Kumar
28-Sep-2012 04:13 AM

Comment I am aged 45 yrs ,my penis is very small and errection is lost,please advice me

22-Sep-2012 23:33 PM

Comment Dear Doc,
I am a 57 year old person, since last three years I oftenly face trouble in eraction, I am a sportsman, I do not take tobacco but I do take one or two alcohalic drinks dauly, max. Please be kind enough to let me know what you can do helping me for my sexual desires.
Tks a lot,

15-Sep-2012 03:19 AM

Comment HI Doctor, i am from Hyderabad. can u suggest me some medicines for my sexual problem. i got married in 2010, now i had a baby of 1 year. now a days i am facing some problems in my sexual life. bcoz i am not satisfying my wife in the sexual time. bcoz now i feel my penis became narrow in the base and
the penis size is drastically reduced,.the girth and length were reduced and
even if i have erection i cant last longer. the erect penis size is only 10

Now my penis lookslike a child penis. now i am not satisfying my wife.

but when i participated in sex with my wife i am struggling and my pines size is reduced. i am not using my pines in the sex for some amount of time also ..


Johny basha
09-Sep-2012 08:28 AM

Comment Hi,

I am 25 year guy since last few months I am suffering from erectile dysfunction and l have also observing its getting loosen erection. I am confuse and not able to understand why its happening, cause of ED I am not able to perform sex with my partner. Early I use to get hard erection while have in sex or even of imagination and also even in early morning, but since last few months I am facing problem in having erection. I am dam tense can you please advice me why this is happening with me ayurvedic tretments to get my penis erect. Can you please guide as to who is the concerned doctor who can really cure my problem. Please email at the earliest.


09-Sep-2012 01:53 AM

Comment I am 43 year male suffering from ED since begining of my sexual life i.e., marriage. It is 15 years passed since my marriage. I am taking tadalafil since last 5years regularly, which is also not available in local marke, with consultation with urologist at visakhapatnam. I want to know whether there is permanent treatment of ED available in Ayurveda. If yes, the details i.e., from where available and to whom contact along with the cost of the treatment.

Thank you.

debendra prasad dash
07-Sep-2012 02:51 AM

Comment hi
i am 36 and am suffering from ED and unable to get an erection. please suggest me some remedy.



27-Aug-2012 11:26 AM

Comment Hello Madam,

I am 42 year old unmarried who has erectile dysfunction and also semen production is less. I stay in a remote village which is my work place who visits once in a while for a meeting n returns same day to my work place.

I have weak erection I had intercourse with my friend whom I plan to marry but unfortunately i could not get an erection. The semen production is not good also my sperm count is low which would disable us from having children.

Madam, if you could suggest a course of medication to be followed, I shall follow the regimen and do let me know your fees for consultation. I shall have it sent. I am sorry as I cannot meet you in person seeking advice in this manner , please pardon me. But please do help me .


Debashish Ghosh.

Debashish Ghosh
22-Aug-2012 11:49 AM

Comment i have a problem with my foreskin. i am 30 and still not opening properly. little touch and gets ejaculated. please help with medicine.

19-Aug-2012 04:59 AM

Comment Dear Mam, i am suffering from ED,night fall from last 7 year i am 24 year old and very soon help me

pawan jain
16-Aug-2012 09:14 AM

Comment i live here in madikeri.i have erectyle disfunction.
how to contact you to get the medicine.

08-Aug-2012 10:25 AM

Comment GUYS
Here comes the solution If you are watching porn or thinking of porn
for a long time and indulgining in porn for a long time u are going to suffer from ED .
As SO completely refraing from porn and imagination and any kind of erections and mastuburations for 3 months and than u will be compltely well .
Search this on google u will get lot of articles
Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Is a Growing Problem ...
even Doctors in INDIA doent know about this..

06-Aug-2012 01:44 AM

Comment hi sir how are u
i m diabitic patient 9 year mey age is 23years sir mujhe impotence ki problem ho gayi is problem ko kaise solve karoon pls muje iski medicine batathiye
my no. 9311831596

30-Jul-2012 07:23 AM

Comment Dear doc I am 38 yr old physically fit father of 2 children married 12 yrs back was totally active in sex , suddenly from last month facing ED , pls give me some remedy / cure
Pls tell me some exercise or herbal / Ayurvedic cure

Raju singh
26-Jul-2012 10:47 AM

Comment Dear Sir/Madam

I am a 49-year-old male who is suffering from erectile dysfunction and looseness in erections unable to perform sex with a woman. I want a genuine treatment for this i stay in Mumbai. Please guide as to who is the concerned doctor who can really cure my problem. U can given the contact number of that person. Please email at the earliest.

25-Jul-2012 03:15 AM

Comment Hi ,

I am suffering premature ejaculation and hard stiffness problems. Can u please suggest ayurvedic medicine and others this for me.

Please suggest.

Thanks and Regards

02-Jul-2012 07:14 AM

Comment Dear Doctor,

I am 29 yrs and from past few weeks i am facing the ED problem. Previous to this i never came across such problems and now i will be getting married in another few months. I think about this a lot and some times even in the night. Am i fit to marry or not?

So please help me to over come ED problem, and also request you to provide me solution to reduce my stress.

I would request you to send me the contact details so that i can meet you personally and get your advices. Please help me and waiting for your response.

-Thanks & Regards,

29-Jun-2012 12:29 PM

Comment Dear Madam,
I am 58 yrs old. I was having no sex problem upto last 8/10 months. Suddenly when I was supposed to have sex with my wife I experienced the problem of ED and I could not erect as previously after several efforts. I was afraid of the situation and could not understand what to do ? and also started thinking what has happened to me all of a sudden ? I am having BP problem. I am consuming the doses for BP .I consumed the same for last 4 Years. How to increase the level of Testistroine level ?. Also suggested me how to consume Caverta 50 tablet ( Sidenfil citrate tablet ). But I am afraid whether I have to consume the tablet for rest of my life ? Also I have experienced that though this tablet sustains the erection but the natural feel/happiness/sensation of sex is lost somewhere.
I want a permanent solution from Ayurvedic medicine to cure my problem. Can you plz help me and give me a proper solution to overcome this issue. I am waiting for your reply very eagerly and with great hope.

AKhilesh Singh
29-Jun-2012 08:06 AM

Comment Dear Doctor
please suggest one easy,useful and effective suggestion without any side effect for E D which we can follow easily and enjoy sex life with partner
Jawad khan 35 years

jawad khan
21-Jun-2012 06:04 AM

Comment Hello Doctor,
I am 27 years old I am experiencing ED and also premature Ejeculation problem from past 3 years was very much ashamed to disclose this matter with anyone I was suffering all in myself but today while I was browsing I found this web link .

I had a stone forming in my near my kidney so I had to go for a laser treatment for the removal of the stone. Because of which a stunt was been inserted in my penis for 11-15 days so I feel that I lost sensations in my penis even after watching porn or even after hugging and kissing my fiancé found no sensation in my penis because of which I had to keep postponing my marriage date for further studies. And when I asked one of my friend about ED he told me that even memory loss and lack of concentration is possible because of this AND also I faced a terrible time those days in the sense I had lots of mental tensions that time because of which I had a sleep of almost 2-3 hours a day of 24 hours

I kindly request you to give a clear and perfect solution which can Save my Marriage life and my relation thank you madam.and Madam I also Lost My Intrest in Sex (Libido)

20-Jun-2012 18:54 PM

Comment I am 43 years from last 3 month I have not having any sexual intercourse with my spouse due to penis erection problem I don't know why it has been happening and I am terrible worried of it I am having habit of chewing gutkas local made not original duplicate
kindly suggest the suitable remedy for my erection prob lem

Mohd noor

mohd noor ul haq
18-Jun-2012 06:28 AM

Comment dear sir/madam,

I am 48 years old but since last one year I am suffering from erectile dysfunction . I am patient of hypotention and taking medicine regularly.
Please suggest me some medicine for this problem.

17-Jun-2012 09:47 AM

Comment Respected sir
iam unable to have sex no mood no power no stamena cant able to stand on sex more than 5 minutes.......iam very unhappy recentlly married planning to have kids........3 years before i had sex with one girl after few days yellowish come from penis so i went for enligh medicines they gave one injection but still after one week no cure so they gave another injection its cured.......but so far i never approach any doctor eventhough i have sex problem recently i approach one ayurvedic doctor in hyd he gave some mediciens he coollected money but only for 15 days he gave i also never check he ask me use for 3 months and i paid for 3 months......so far i saw 15 days no result so i though stop going to see that ayurvedic doctor......my health is fine and i dont have any sick but only sex problem.......kindly help me and tell me the correct cure.........doctors are equal to god eventhough paying not getting good results really dont know whom to see and who to trust......pls help me.

16-Jun-2012 05:18 AM

Comment Hi Frinds dont worry
here some better tips and best remedi for Erectile dysfunction and for better intercourse are given below. please go through.(for men and women.) and enjoy your sex life.

1 Chinies garlic Jinger soup,
2. Use Drumstic in curry regularly
3. Eat Dates regularly
4. Use Shilajit rasayan
5. Aswagandha Aristh (Avialable in medical store)
6. Lasun Chatani in diet (Garlic )
7. Use Plenty of water
8. Go for sex during EARLY MORNING (testosteron level is High at this time)
9. Use Loose Underware
10. Oil massge regularly
11. Eat 1-2 Almond (Badam)
12. keep your body cool (take shower)
13.boiled egg, chicken soup/meat (IF NON-VEG)

(avoid bad habits alcohol, Smoking,) alcohole make semen watery.
if you are tired and psycologicaly disturbed dont think about sex.



14-Jun-2012 15:41 PM

Comment Dear Doc.

I am 33years old, I am married,my penis do not erect or hard at the time of love making with my wife .Please help me....

14-Jun-2012 04:29 AM

Comment Dear Madam,
I am 38 yrs old. I started having ED problem from last year. When I have sex with my wife I experienced the problem of ED and I could not erect as previously after several efforts. Now i feel lot of mental pressure over performing. I checked with my doctor and had BP problem and thyroid levels were low also. And I was given BP tablets which i did not prefer to take. I started using Divya Mukta Vati and my BP was reduced considerably and TSH levels became normal. But I continue to have my ED problem. I am obese and trying to reduce weight. I don't drink or smoke. Also, I am a vegeterian. Please help. We are trying to have a child and this is building presurre on us.


09-Jun-2012 09:59 AM

Comment I m a 37 year Old . I am suffering from premature ejaculation and hard stiffness last 5-6 months.please give me suggestion for right medicine

08-Jun-2012 05:05 AM

Comment my age is 40 year an diabetic since 2007 suffering from ED please suggest me ayurvedic medicine

pavan kumar
06-Jun-2012 11:54 AM

Comment Dear Madam,
I am 41 yrs old. I was having no sex problem upto last 8/10 months. Suddenly when I was supposed to have sex with my wife I experienced the problem of ED and I could not erect as previously after several efforts. I was afraid of the situation and could not understand what to do ? and also started thinking what has happened to me all of a sudden ? I moved to my doctor as I have recently known for that I am having BP problem. Also I discussed the issue with him. I am consuming the doses for BP and also my doctor directed me to consume Androil Testicap to increase the level of Testistroine level, twice daily. I consumed the same for last 4 months. Also he suggested me to consume Caverta 50 tablet ( Sidenfil citrate tablet by Ranbaxy ) 30 min. before sex. This has helped me to remain erection during the sexual intercourse which last for more than 45 / 50 minutes as earlierbefore taking tablets. But I am afraid whether I have to consume the tablet for rest of my life ? Also I have experienced that though this tablet sustains the erection but the natural feel/happiness/sensation of sex is lost somewhere.
I want a permanent solution from Ayurvedic medicine to cure my problem. Can you plz help me and give me a proper solution to overcome this issue. I am waiting for your reply very eagerly and with great hope.

29-May-2012 02:10 AM

Comment im 27 yr old i have a problem that when i urinate specially in morning when i go to get fresh ,small amount of of semen cones out this problem is from last 5 years in starting semen density was thick when it comes out, now semen density is very low ( like liquid) , due to this now i have erection problem as well as premature ejection problem and semen is also not dense , my hair is also starts falling rapidly ,kindly help me, very soon i am going to be married ,plz help me , waiting for your reply

thank u

vijendra singh
19-May-2012 07:10 AM

Comment dear sir/madam
i am suffering for premature ejaculation and erectional dysfunction. In childhood i used to do play with my penis three four times in a day now i am 34 yrs married having 2 kids . plz suggest me the yogasan and ayurvedic medicine which has no side effect pls see that treatment should be permanant not for short period
amit agarwal

14-May-2012 23:33 PM

Comment Dear Mam, i am suffering from ED from last 6 months i am 26 year old and very soon getting married plz help me

md abbas
09-May-2012 05:49 AM

Comment I'm 50 years old - diabetic since 2000. I have excesive sexual urge but from the age of 38 I've experienced ED & am unable to perform sexually. I used to masturbate to satisfy but now I'm even not able to erect. My personal life is completely ruined. Please suggest some proper treatment for a permanent cure. I do'nt smoke or drink & lead a healthy life except SEX, please help & oblige.

Raj Kumar
09-May-2012 01:31 AM

Comment i am 37 year old and i am facing the problems in erection and sudden leakage of seman during intercourse with my wife. please give me a good advise and the way of treatment to clear this problems.

pls pls help......

Suresh Nagar
08-May-2012 07:39 AM

Comment Repected madam

My self , meet. I am 24 years old . I am suffering from ED from last 4 years .. I am not getting hard as moch as I got erection when I was 20. I am so much worried about it. Beacouse of my age 99% guys don't found ED problems ..

When I was 20 , when I thought any thing it's hard like a rock and it's hard up to 45 to. 50 min. Continues but at the age of 24 story is totally opposite now it's not even for 5 min .. And it's not getting hard it self . I have to make it hard but in next 3 mins it's loose ... I am wondering and looking to permanent solution for ED .

I did not have any medicine yet ..

Please here I request you provided some good solution for this .. I will be very thank ful to you ..

I am waiting for your hopefully reply


07-May-2012 01:48 AM

Comment hi

i m suffering for pe and erectile dydfuncyion. i have just started taking ED SAVE and EZEEpam medicene, i need permananet treatement for my disease.please email any medicene or doctor name, i am 28 years old and getting married

05-May-2012 14:38 PM

Comment Dear Doc.

i am 30 year old and i am facing the problems in erection and sudden leakage of seman during intercourse with my wife. please give me a good advise and the way of treatment to clear this problems.

pls pls help......

01-May-2012 04:08 AM

Comment Dear Doc.

Due to excess Mastrubation since early age, thats why my penis size is 5"last, my organ seems to less erect and there is also excess pre - ejaculation- fluid comes form the organ when i am get excited.
You are requested to suggest me best "Yogasana and Medicine" so that i am able to overcome from this problem forever.

Waiting for your Positive reply.
Please help me , please please please help me.

With regards


sanjay dutt
30-Apr-2012 08:35 AM

Comment Dear Doctor
I am from Hyderabad. I am 51 years old I am suffering from diabetic and heart problem
as a human, i also have feeling for sex but for the past 6 years i am unable to do sex because of erection problem . please suggest me any Ayurveda medicine it does not have any side effect.

29-Apr-2012 23:12 PM

Comment Dear doctor,

My name is Arvind Kumar and i live at noida near new delhi. i am 34 year old right now and i got married at the age of 29. after my marriage there was not any problem in making sex with my wife but after two years of marriage suddenly i started feeling that during sex at many occasions i could not maintain erection and after that many times even i could not have erection at all. i was so frightened and sad.
then one of my friend who was very close to me suggested to consume sildenafil tablets and since then i have been using the same. but i am now fed up of taking the medicine because i want natural sex with my wife.

Please help me , please please please help me.

Thanking you,

Arvind Kumar
28-Apr-2012 08:37 AM

Comment Respected Sir,
I am a diabetic patiant since 2006
I am 38 years old. for last 4 to 5yrs years I am suffering from erectile dysfunction which greatly effects my sex performance with my wife. Please suggest some Ayurvedic medicines and some exercises to overcome this problem.

I am from Delhi so pls. give some concerned doctor who can cure my problem. U can given the contact number of Dr. Please email at the earliest.

Manoj Kumar
27-Apr-2012 00:56 AM

Dear Mam,

Thanks a lot ...lot many many thanks for helped me improved my Sexual life. Now my wife is not bearing my high power like macho man. Before taken suggested Herbal. i was like a nalla. I truly says, really only i aware d n my other bed partner knows that i was very bad in bed...who came across to me, never came back for to have next chance.

I just wanted to know., Is same Herbal , may i give to my wife so she can support me
on my on n often demand.coz, now a days am wondering here n there as one can satisfy my vast need.

I wanted to give u some gift for to make my organ rock hard wid solved premature ejaculation.

Yours very truly
Mukesh 8108090900

Mukesh Patel
26-Apr-2012 07:18 AM

Comment There are lots of places on the internet that sell Kamagra. The trick is to shop around to find the best deal. Exact Pharma is a popular choice.

24-Apr-2012 05:59 AM

Comment Respected Madam,
Namaskar - I am a diabetic patiant since 2010
I am 52 years old. for last 2yrs years I am suffering from erectile dysfunction which greatly effects my sex performance with my wife. Please suggest some Ayurvedic medicines and some exercises to overcome this problem.

22-Apr-2012 10:14 AM

Comment Respected Madam,
Namaskar - I am a diabetic patiant since 2006
I am 52 years old. for last 4 to 5yrs years I am suffering from erectile dysfunction which greatly effects my sex performance with my wife. Please suggest some Ayurvedic medicines and some exercises to overcome this problem.

i stay in B`lore Please guide as to who is the concerned doctor who can cure my problem. U can given the contact number of Dr. Please email at the earliest. either in B`lore or Mysore

ramani vasudev
19-Apr-2012 11:45 AM

Comment Hello friends on this site
I want to share testimony of how Dr aluta save my life and also the life of a friend. I was having semen leakage for more than 7 years in which i went to the best hospital in my country and also to the best native medcine but all went in vain. Until a friend of my introduced me to traditionalspellhospital, i never want to believe them again because i have tried many of them and it did not work out for me, but to my suprise his medicine work for me after i went for medical checkup the doctor was even suprise to see that my semen is now back to normal condition it suppose to be i was happy and i want you men who are sick of this disease to contact dr Aluta and he will solve your problem email is traditionalspellhospital@gmail.com. And your problem will be solve. And also he can solve any kind of sickness which you tell him you have, just trust in him ans your problem will be solve in his hospital

18-Apr-2012 21:43 PM

Comment I am a 52-year-old male who is suffering from erectile dysfunction and looseness in erections unable to perform sex with a woman. I want a genuine treatment for this and levels of testosterone are also little low. i stay in Mysore. Please guide as to who is the concerned doctor who can really cure my problem. U can given the contact number of that person. Please email at the earliest.

S. Rajendra
17-Apr-2012 06:24 AM

Comment Dear sir/madam
i am living in Andhra pradesh (state) in India. Actually I'm 28years old unmarried and i have a problem of PE, so previously i used the Sildenafil citrate 4-5 times with my girl friend but suddenly one day my police knocking of my entrance door but i felt some one complain about us but thing is he came for to ask some one address, in india pre sex before marriage is crime, so i feel police came for us and in that time i used Sildenafil citrate + depoxitine both are combination to prolong the p.e(depoxitine-50mg) and e.d(Sildenafil citrate 50mg) in fear because we are in intercourse in that time and i suddenly gone into unconscious mood up to 2-3 minutes. in that time onward minimum 3-4 months i don't know what is sex life and i tried but my mood doesn't change after 4 months slowly my mood changes and again i'm getting mood not regularly but thing is that previously my penis is so hard but now a days not that much what previously i have, and now also suffering with PE.
what is right product for me to used and i want a product which is very useful to me for life long sexual life. i girl friend loved a sex and me also, i doint want to loose my girl friend.
so kindly send the solution.

10-Apr-2012 14:45 PM

Comment R/Madam, i am a married man since 9 years and havind 2 daughters. I am suffering from premature ejaculation. Also have done count test of sperm which reported as normal. Pls give some solution.

27-Mar-2012 09:08 AM

Comment Dear Sir,

I am facing the following sexual problems for about an year---

1) Less Libido, 2) Less Sperm quantity 3)The penis dose not remain erect long and some time not at all even after having wish for intercourse--

Married for last 7 years. Due family problems Divorce is under discussion for last one year.Have a Son of 4 years.

Is it Erectile Dysfunction ?? Kindly guide with remedies an if any test has to be done

Bijaya // +918895091593

26-Mar-2012 13:58 PM

Comment dear sir/madam

I am 30years old, I am married,my penis do not erect or hard at the time of love making with my wife even I am suffering from premature ejaculation within 30 to 45 sec.I use panegra 100mg many times at the time of intercourse with my wife.But my wife don't know that i used panegra..we have no baby still 2years of marriage.Please help me....

thanking you
Biswajeet from Guwahati

biswajeet bora
17-Mar-2012 05:01 AM

Comment I am aged 43 years and facing problems of ED please suggest me some good medicines

16-Mar-2012 10:30 AM

Comment Dear Doctor,

I am 48 years old, sufferring from premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. I am weighing 105 kgs.

Please get me cured of these two problems giving proper cures.

my contact number is 9867613040, located in mumbai.



14-Mar-2012 04:20 AM

Comment Respected Madam,
Namaskar - I am 42 years old. i am taking antidepressant medicine (citalopram) for the last 08 years. for some months I am suffering from erectile dysfunction which greatly effects my sex performance with my wife. Please suggest some Ayurvedic medicines and some exercises to overcome this problem.

02-Mar-2012 09:31 AM

Comment diabetese and bp since 15yrs .errectile dysfunction since10yrs.taking piopod15 gucorete forte and losarbeta.kindly sugget treatment and cost imediately iam 46yrs old.

23-Feb-2012 10:50 AM

Comment dear sir/madam
im 30 years old,iam suffering for erectile dysfunction, spondilosis n uncontrollable urine ( falling 5 to 10 drops after urination), psoriasis. i came to know from a ayruvedic book that this is because of controlling motion and urine... i had that bad habit before i read ayruvedic book. i have taken homeo medicine for one year but no use so plz suggest me good ayurvedic doctor near to vizag or suggest me ayurvedic medicine to overcome this problem.

25-Jan-2012 09:00 AM

Comment I had diabetes since 8-9 years.Recently 25 days back i had a heart attack,for which treated in a hospital.I am facing Erectile dysfunction since 1-2 years sometimes due to diabetes for which i took manforce tablets.But after heart attack,I cannot take manforce for erection.Advise me for an ayurvedic medicine which can be without side effects or harm to the heart.

Raj neerav
23-Jan-2012 09:00 AM

Comment Dear Madam,
I am aged 53. I am a diabetic patiant since 2005. Last 9 months i am facing the problems in erection and sudden leakage of seman during intercourse with my wife. please give me a good advise and the way of treatment to clear this problems.
tks & rgds


14-Jan-2012 09:29 AM

Comment I am suffering from urine incontinence and ED due to prostectomy and adjuvent radiation in 2005.

Is there a cure to my problems?

My cell # 949-735-5417

Mohammed Imran
10-Jan-2012 21:30 PM

Comment hello ...sir/madam
im 20 i've got the great knowledge..i apriciated,.!!

David Robinson
10-Jan-2012 08:08 AM

Comment Dear Sir/Madam,

I am 27 Years Old, due to excess masturbation , my organ seems to less erect and there is also excess pre - ejaculation- fluid comes form the organ when i am get excited.

I am going to marry after Three Months from now & i didn't want to feel uncomfortable in front of my wife.

You are requested to suggest me best "Yogasana and Medicine" so that i am able to overcome from this problem forever.

Waiting for your Positive reply.

Thanking You


06-Dec-2011 03:52 AM

Comment I am 32yr.old,Due to excess Mastrubation since early age, thats why my penis size is 5"last,now I am finding difficulty in arousal with my partner.

Do you still advice me for any ayurvedic medicine to overcome my problem or penis development medicine, I can overcome and can lead an enjoyable sexual life with my wife?

Please advice as I am feeling very guilty / inferior / shameful.

29-Nov-2011 09:40 AM

Comment very nice article , ty

27-Nov-2011 16:26 PM

Comment Hi,

My husband ... is facing same issue of ED. he use to get some red patches around its circumsize and due to which elasticity decreases causing pain. please advise

22-Nov-2011 00:27 AM

Comment i am interested inbuying of your product (goldenkit

sajer lang i kyndiah
18-Nov-2011 07:43 AM

Comment Dear Madam,
I am aged 53. I am a diabetic patiant since 2005. Last 9 months i am facing the problems in erection and sudden leakage of seman during intercourse with my wife. please give me a good advise and the way of treatment to clear this problems.
tks & rgds

Mohamed Ashraf

Mohamed Ashraf
02-Nov-2011 14:12 PM

Comment I am an Indian reside at Jaipur.I am 48 yrs.I have high BP for which I take Envas Tab 5 MG daily at the morning time.I have also diabetes type-2 for last 10 yrs. I take Zoral M2 one each daily before and before meals respectively.My BP is now 120/80mg most the times and some times .My wife is 43+ and very active sexually.I cannt give fully satification to my wife during sex.I want take Ayurvedic medicine which has no side effects.Pl advise which Ayurvedic medicine should i take for effective treatment of impotence and easily available in Indian market.
With due regards

Narendra Singh
29-Oct-2011 06:28 AM

Comment some time i feel that i have less erection in my penis while doing intercourse
i am 37 year old . doing sex since the age of 17 , i am taking alchohal 5 days in a week ,now a day i am trying suhagra 50 mg for ED ,kindly teel me this is good or bad for me.

27-Oct-2011 01:44 AM

Comment I am 54 years old. I am suffering from complete ED for last 5-6 months. I have never tried any medicines till date.I am dibetic since 2000. Kindly give me suitable advice as well as recommend medicine.

ram prakash
14-Oct-2011 04:53 AM

Comment plz suggest me ayurvedic medicine available in medicine shop for erectile dysfunction like Penegra in alopathy

bk agrawal
03-Sep-2011 01:29 AM

Comment Dear Madam/Sir,
I am 42 yerrs old and married for last six years.We are childless and this is because of my erection problem.I live in Nagpur.I have High Blood pressure also and regurly I take medicine for that.I also have soriasis in my skin.
now I am hereby heartly requesting you to give me a way to solve my erection problem,so that I can be a father of a lovely child.
D. Bhattacharya
mob : 09970256446

Deepankar Bhattacharya
28-Aug-2011 07:23 AM

Comment Very good, educative article. It would have been better if little details on Vajikarana Therapy would have given. Can you suggest good books on the erectile dysfunction of both men and women.



17-Aug-2011 06:28 AM

Comment Respected Madam,

Thanks a lot from all the peoples who became benifited because of your kind support.

Madam, I am 44, having the problem of erection & quick fall since last 3-4 months , my wife & me want to enjoy weakly as well as before.
We shall be very thankful to you for providing the sollution of the problem.
phisicaly we are well fit.
Thanks & Best Regards,
Ashok Goel

Ashok Goel
11-Aug-2011 09:11 AM

Comment plz give me suggestion for right medicine for low testosterone.

Hemang Shah
23-Jul-2011 08:14 AM

Comment Respected Madam,
Namaskar.I am an Indian reside in Pune.I am 47 yrs.I have developed impotence for last 3/4 yrs.I have high BP for which I take Amlokind-L one tab daily at the bed time.I have also diabetes type-2 for last 3 yrs for whicg i take glycomet-GP2 and vobase 0.2 tabs one each daily before and after meals respectively.My BP is now 130/90mg most the times and some times 120/85/80mg.My wife is 41+ and very active sexually.I face problem during sex for my above problem and more or less zero interested.My doctor prescribed Penegra Express but I fear to take for its side effects.I have less appetite for sex.I want take Ayurvedic medicine which has no side effects.Pl advise which Ayurvedic medicine should i take for effective treatment of impotence and easily available in Indian market.
With due regards.(nayakccw@rediffmail.com)

17-Jul-2011 11:50 AM

Comment madam i m 23 year old i have lack of stamina.whenever i saw any beautiful lady i become very exitement & cause mastrabate & i early discharge when having sex in just 3 minute please tell how to get rid to this bad problem

anuj malik
11-Jul-2011 06:30 AM

Comment Due to excess Mastrubation since early age, now I am finding difficulty
in arousal with my partner. But, again if i try to mastrubate, it is still fun with some imaginations and erotic pictures/books in front of me.

I have noted the tips for natural remedies through regular diet/food habits and also decided to stop mastrubation. Is it Erectile Dysfunction?

Do you still advice me for any ayurvedic medicine to overcome my problem or with the regular food habits (like Garlic,Onion etc) I can overcome and can lead an enjoyable sexual life with my wife?

Please advice as I am feeling very guilty / inferior / shameful.
Thanks in advance.

06-Jul-2011 19:10 PM

Comment I am 57 years old. I am suffering from complete ED for last 5-6 years. I tried ayurvedic as well as homeopathic medicines from local Doctors. It gave me temporary relief but ultimate result is the same. Kindly give me suitable advice.

R. M. Shukla
06-Jul-2011 19:10 PM

Comment You can mail us at drsavithasuri@gmail.com to clarify doubts

20-Jun-2011 00:43 AM

Comment I am 42 years old, i got marriage finished up to 11 years i have diabatic, i am childless , i am going for treatment for dibatic , i need for subscribe medicine in auyurveda for improving sexual (erection ) and also improve simens quality


19-Jun-2011 02:01 AM

Comment dear sir/madam
iam suffering for premature ejaculation and hard stiffness. plz suggest me the yogasan and ayurvedic medicine to overcome this probleme

18-Jun-2011 07:05 AM

Comment dear sir

we are childless .During sex my penis suddenly becomes soft. i need ayurevdic tablets which does not give any side effect.

17-Jun-2011 08:14 AM

Comment June 16, 2011

Dear Sir/Madam

I am a 42-year-old male who is suffering from erectile dysfunction and looseness in erections unable to perform sex with a woman. I want a genuine treatment for this and levels of testosterone are also little low. i stay in Mumbai. Please guide as to who is the concerned doctor who can really cure my problem. U can given the contact number of that person. Please email at the earliest.

Pourush Gutta
Cell: 9833598695

Pourush Gutta
16-Jun-2011 02:22 AM

Comment Hi

Thanx for giving me such an important knowledge to me.

If you can provide me yogasanas & ayurvedic tretments to get my penis erect 100percent than plz i will always thankfull to you

With regards


10-Jun-2011 08:00 AM

Comment Pl suggest reputed Medical Center at Visakhapatnam

S.R. Das
10-Jun-2011 07:40 AM