
Corruption, Conversion and Subversion

Atleast half the citizens of the great Indian nation are involved in one of these three – Corruption or Conversion or Subversion. It is a matter of great concern and shame that the land of Mahatma Gandhi could achieve such a dubious status within half a century of its liberation from the British rule. Prevalence of the three evils in our society makes it difficult to believe that this great nation had once given births to the likes of Lord Budha and Guru Nanak, and Lord Krishna and Lord Rama in the ancient times. We can find solace only by blaming it all on the invaders, conquerors and colonial powers which brought in their filthy ideologies into this pristine nation of Hindu Sanatana Dharma. Situation is so bad in India today that the existence of India as one nation will be called into question again and again in the days to come. Formidable forces are at work in building up conditions similar to 1947 or even worse once again. And the ill designed version of democracy in India where any worthless family member can be sanctified by way of an election is making it easy for the growth of such evil forces.


Corruption in India is not only in terms of bribes and money. The curse of corruption has spread into almost all aspects of our lives. There is corruption in values, relations, elections, governance, food, medicines and even in matters of defending the nation. If one needs a simple certificate from any office, one needs either the right contacts or pay the right amount and then wait for the officer to do his duty for which he is paid the salary from the tax payers’ pocket. Thus we are repeatedly punished for getting the officer to do his official ‘dharma’. One of the highly meaningful Sanskrit words (with no equivalent in English) that represent an entire school of ancient philosophy of successful human sustenance is Dharma. It was attributed so much importance in ancient Bharat that even our entire religious ideology came to be known as Sanatana Dharma. Indian nation is deteriorating because its citizens are moving away from Dharma.

It is unrealistic to suggest that ancient India was full of dharma and dharma alone. Even in puranas we had pantheons of Gods and Asuras in almost equal number at all times. These Asuras are nothing but people (equally powerful as Gods) who had a distinct liking for indulging in adharmic activities. And this was equally applicable across all sections (all castes) in the society – we had adharmic Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vysias and Sudras. Remember that the worst Asura i.e. Ravana was a Brahmin. But we always had the presence and protection of Gods to ensure the prevalence of dharma and thereby protect the society and nation. It is this unbreakable protective shield of dharma that is missing now. Instead of self attained Gods, we have ‘elected’ Gods now. And virtually all of them have turned ‘asuric’ or become indifferent or willing Sikhandis when it comes to the welfare of our nation. There is hardly anyone in any of our elected bodies who can become a role model for those who want to enter Indian politics.


Quite in line with the rapid growth of corruption, the cancer of religious conversion is also spreading throughout our nation. After its earlier aggressive phases during Mughal and colonial rules, the menace of religious conversion is peaking once again in the Southern and Eastern parts of the country. If the monies for conversion activities are coming from Europe and USA, the human resources are sourced mainly from the southern state of Kerala. There is a formidable section of ‘crossers’ in Kerala who have spent their generations in converting vulnerable sections of the country into Christianity. Their expertise in the field of religious conversion is being called upon once again to target mainly the other neighboring southern and eastern states. It is a very good industry with high returns and political conditions are also very much in their favour.
As part of their ‘intellectual’ efforts to justify this heinous action, several Indian descendents of Max Muller and Monier have been active in recent past to establish the historic authenticity of the myth of Saint Thomas’ visit to India. Though it has been out rightly rejected by Vatican, the Mullers and Moniers desperately want this historical fig leaf to hide their evil intentions. Another related attempt is to establish the existence of an ancient port called Muziris in the present city of Kodungalore in Kerala. It does need not much research in history or logic to establish that nobody by the name of Saint Thomas ever visited any part of India in the first century AD and the so-called Muziris port is the present port city of Sur in Oman. Ever since the advent of the new religions in the Arabian peninsula, violent persecution of one section or another was a regular affair and someone by the name of Thomas (Knaya Thoma) might have come over as a fugitive or refugee into the all-accepting lands of Bharat. If he was a welcome refugee then, his unworthy descendents have become disloyal to the land that protected their forefathers from persecution.


As if the cancer of religious conversion is not enough, the ulcer of subversion is also troubling and targeting Bharat Mata now. Again it does not need much research to establish that the ulcer is due to an earlier unclean surgery. Islamic Republic of Pakistan will never allow the Indian Republic to be successful and they will do everything possible to keep us down. Following the spurt of wealth in Middle East from Oil and Gas discoveries, the economic well being of worldwide Muslims have improved and their dreams of an Arabian Imperialism as a revengeful antidote for the Crusades has become a reality now. Pakistan is a direct beneficiary of this new found wealth and vigour, and they will multiply their anti-India efforts many fold in the days to come.
India can never avoid bomb blasts that are taking place at regular intervals until and unless it can raise the nationalist fervor of all its citizens once again to pre-1947 levels.

Though Gulf countries are willing to spend a substantial part of their easy-gotten money to bring the whole world under their foot, they do not have the human resources and intelligence to do it. Countries like Pakistan have become very important in such a situation. Gulf countries are knowingly providing an arena for close interaction between Indians and Pakistanis so that their agenda can be pushed very easily. It is the classic case of the wily fox setting the two lambs to fight and waiting for its turn to eat both of them. The only difference in this case is that one of the lambs is not purely a lamb, but the unwanted offspring of an earlier interaction between the grand father of the fox and an unfortunate sheep. The illegitimate lamb is more than willing to die for his uncle but wants the other pristine lamb also to die before that.

The state of Indian nation is deteriorating in all aspects at all levels barring a few. If corruption is eating into our bone marrows, the twin evils of conversion and subversion are pricking our national conscience many times daily. In spite of being one of the most liberal nations in the world (with almost complete freedom that one can imagine) and with a very lose judicial punishment system for even treason, if some sections can still legitimize their anti-national activities quoting lack of social justice and opportunities, it is time to think of tough measures to establish the rule of majority as it exists in all modern nations worldwide. It is time for us to realize that any country that is under minority rule or being dictated by the minorities is intrinsically unstable and unsustainable.


More by :  J. Ajithkumar

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Comment I am just wondering if it is not the logos of science that is undermining the mythos of Hinduism. Associated with science is analytical thinking which is instilled in every Indian child at school. Analytic thought then becomes operative in how to succeed in life by means of attainment of good educational qualifications; and this to make money, attain financial security, which becomes the priority in life of a student, as indeed is his parent’s dearest ambition for him. As an earner of money, he is an asset to his family, his community, and his country, which makes it moral to be ambitious for money. This logic is continued to the end of his days, is handed down to his children; even when his hair his white, he experiences the irresistable compulsion to buy a lottery ticket.

Last Sunday, the Indian F1 grand prix circuit made its debut to much acclaim, and everything went as planned, proving once again the unparalleled efficiency and power of the scientific method with its wonderful materials and forms, both of the circuit and of the cars, that quite eclipses religious thoughts even for Christians on a Sunday. What chance does Hinduism and talk of Santana Dharma stand vis-a-vis with life in the glamorous modern world managed by science and analytic thinking?

Corruption is an off-shoot of analytic thinking, where if, at root, the acquisition of a good job paying good money is the thinking behind a good education, then the influence of money is seen as good, and any agreed dealings with it are seen as good, even though labelled as bribery in a legal context, in what are otherwise analytically defined as incentive payments. Thus the notion of bribery itself is sanitised. When, as in the current case of Pakistani cricketers bowling no-balls for cash inducements, the matter is brought to light it the whole affair is put in a legal context and defined as criminal - the cricketers are suddenly made aware of the deceit of the goodness of the deal, based on the goodness of money. But in more covert dealings this form of bribery continues, and is all part of the celebration of the goodness of money.

There is simply no point in declaiming money, even religious organisations depend on it, but to insist on rules of its correct acquirement, that recognises theft as a crime; and that defines corrupt practice as, say, in match fixing. But whereas theft is distinctly reprehensible to any decent person, being a direct violation of another person's rights and security, there is a fine dividing line between what constitutes corrupt practice in the gentler, even friendly, form of bribery, and what is a mutually agreed payment for services rendered, which perhaps explains why bribery masked in the latter guise is so rife. As I said earlier, it all boils down to an analytic scientific education defining the goodness and the power of money in the life of society today.

04-Nov-2011 22:41 PM

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