Feb 24, 2025
Feb 24, 2025
K L War Crimes Tribunal
unanimously convicts Bush and Blair
for ‘crimes against peace’.
According to media reports the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal unanimously found former United States president George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of “crimes against peace”.
The tribunal found that the two had planned, prepared and invaded the state of Iraq on March 19, 2003, in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law.
"The Tribunal deliberated over the case and decided unanimously that the first accused George Bush and second accused Blair have been found guilty of crimes against peace," the tribunal said in a statement.
"Unlawful use of force threatens the world to return to a state of lawlessness. The acts of the accused were unlawful."
“The charge is proven beyond reasonable doubt. The accused are found guilty,” read an official media statement from Perdana Global Peace Foundation, organizers of the tribunal.
“War criminals have to be dealt with, convict Bush and Blair as charged. A guilty verdict will serve as a notice to the world that war criminals may run but can never ultimately hide from truth and justice,” the statement added.
The tribunal noted that the UN Security Council Resolution 1441 did not authorize any use of force against Iraq but the US proceeded to invade Iraq under the pretext of the Sept 11 attacks and weapons of mass destruction.
“Weapons investigators had established that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was also not posing any threat to any nation at the relevant time that was immediate that would have justified any form of pre-emptive strike.”
With the findings, the tribunal has ordered that Bush and Blair’s names be included in the war register of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission.
It also ordered the findings of the tribunal to be publicized to all nations who are signatories of the Rome Statute.
The tribunal members were Datuk Abdul Kadir Sulaiman, Tunku Sofiah Jewa, Prof Salleh Buang, Alfred Lambremont Webre and Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi.
Prof Niloufer Bhagwat and Datuk Zakaria Yatim were recused as tribunal members.
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, is part of an initiative by former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad – a fierce critic of the Iraq war. Mahathir who stepped down in 2003 unveiled plans for the tribunal in 2007 just before he condemned Bush and Blair as "child killers" and "war criminals" at the launch of an annual anti-war conference.
Malaysian activists say they sent information about the charges to Bush and Blair but received no response.
An eye for an eye; the Code of Hammurabi
Unless criminals are tried and punished, the world will descend into the law of the jungle and chaos, which is what is happening after the collapse of USSR and the symbolic Fall of the Berlin Wall. Bush and Blair have also been tried by Tribunals in Spain and Brussels .The two former leaders are now at least afraid to move about freely in the world and have restricted their movements. But that is not enough.
PS ; The author had spoken on the Flouting of International Law and Failure of International Institutions along with George Galloway, British MP and Cynthia Mckinny, six times US Congresswoman ,at the Kuala Lumpur International Conference to Criminalize War and War Crimes Tribunal –October-November, 2009.
War Crimes in Iraq: Falluja, an example
"History is but glorification of murderers, criminals and robbers." - Karl Popper
“On February 15, 2003, a month before the US invasion of Iraq, probably the largest protest in human history, between six and ten million protesters took to the streets of some 800 cities in nearly sixty countries across the globe” – William Blum.
“The war in Iraq is a historic strategic and moral calamity undertaken under false assumptions – undermining America's global legitimacy – collateral civilian casualties, – abuses, – tarnishing America's moral credentials. Driven by Manichean impulses and imperial hubris, it is intensifying regional instability.”- Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to US President Jimmy Carter.
The list of US crimes will be incomplete without its destruction of the town of Fallujah and lasting destruction and damage on it, reminding one of Nazi war crimes. A film Fallujah ,The Hidden Massacre brings out the war crimes during US attacks on Fallujah, in particular use of chemical weapons including white phosphorous (both illegal) and depleted Uranium munitions.
Following the November 2004 attacks over 6000civilians were killed, "more than half of Fallujah's 39,000 homes were damaged, and about 10,000 of those were destroyed." According to Mike Marqusee of Iraq Occupation Focus along with the homes destroyed were 60 schools and 65mosques and shrines. Reconstruction only progressed slowly and mainly consisted of clearing rubble from heavily-damaged areas and reestablishing basic utility services.
In July 2010, BBC reported a study by Dr. Chris Busby, detailing increases in infant mortality, such as a 12 fold increase in childhood cancer reported in Fallujah since the attack. In 2004, Iraq had the world's highest rate of leukemia, in which significant increased were also reported. The report also noted that the sex ratio also declined from normal to86 boys to 100 girls, together with a spread of diseases indicative of genetic damage similar to but far greater than HIROSHIMA.
Leaders of USA, UK and other invading nations should be tried along the lines of Nuremberg trial , since the crimes against humanity , war crimes and flouting of human rights and other conventions are similar.
Remembering the Atrocities
– and the Consequences for the Soldiers
– on the 7thAnniversary of the Massacre of Fallujah
By Gary G. Kohls, MD
Subject: Eyewitness accounts of US soldiers committing wholesale war crimes in Fallujah, Iraq –November 2004
I ran across an old email message that I had sent 7 years ago this month to a catholic friend of mine (a radical peace activist nun) with whom I have corresponded for years.
I reprint that message here, because many of the predictions I and many other antiwar activists like me were making before Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL) began. Many of us were against the war because we understood the long-term consequences of war that are consistently ignored by the uber-patriotic “beyond draft age” flag-waving politicians and corporate war profiteers who instigate wars but don’t have to fight them themselves. My message has proven to be prophetic, but I take no great comfort in having said them.
I also include below a report from an eyewitness report on the censored-out November 2004 massacre of Fallujah that most of us, including American patriots and pseudo-patriots, were not allowed to read or see. Here is my letter:
“Dear Gladys, war crimes seem to be standard operating procedure in Iraq (but we knew that going in, didn't we?).
“Now we must brace ourselves for an overwhelming epidemic of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Suicidality, Homicidality, Child Abuse, Spousal Abuse, Drug Abuse and Criminality from the returning soldier-victims of Bush's War for Oil.
“And that short list of expected casualties only applies to the "unseen" psychological and spiritual consequences of being in a kill-or-be-killed war zone. Being in actual combat is, of course, preceded by the likewise psychologically traumatizing training to be a killing soldier. Wars, of course, are mostly for the economic benefit of the countless numbers of corporate/economic/political elite (all of whom have gobs of figurative, but not literal, blood on their hands) who have cunningly orchestrated this illegal and unnecessary war.
“The more visible wounds that we will all shrink from (and which the VA will also try to hide from our eyes) will include the multitude of cancers (from exposure to depleted uranium and other toxins),immune deficiency disorders (from multiple untested, unsafe, and experimental vaccines, petroleum inhalation, toxic processed foods, insecticides, etc.), permanent neurologic disorders (from the neurotoxic residue from weapons and other poisons), the neurological damage (from head injuries), the physical wounds (of traumatic amputations of limbs and genitals, burns, blindness, hearing loss) and the endless costly post-war physical and psychological therapy, $3 million dollar artificial limbs, etc. etc.
“Also unseen, unheard and un-smelled will be the unwelcome and therefore censored out (because of the Bush administration’s black-out policy at Dover Air Force Base) return of the body bags, the mangled body parts, the insidious damage from the deadly uranium poisoning and the screams and putrid odors from the dead and dying civilian victims left behind on the battleground.
“We all need to understand the historical context of these horrific realities and try to see the connections between the Rise and Fall of Hitler’s Third Reich and the decaying, corrupt, militaristic foreign policy of the Bush Administration - and then decide when enough is enough.
“Failure to speak out against a monstrous evil is giving consent to that evil and therefore indirectly accepting responsibility for the moral consequences.
“As we reflect on the end of Hitler's 1000year Reich of "endless war" which was fought for the benefit of the majority white race's economic prosperity, we must ask ourselves ‘Will a moral universe inflict the same retributive punishment upon a criminal America that they inflicted upon a criminal Nazi Germany – one of total, crushing destruction?’
“It is important to recall that the whole German nation, including Germany's silent or pro-war Christian institutions, including their church buildings and their congregations, were destroyed right alongside the war manufacturing plants; and now only 2% of Germans attend worship services on Sunday (versus vast majorities prior to the two so-called "Great Wars").
“And then we must ask ourselves “Is our militarized “endless war” Christian America destined to head down the tubes to oblivion like the militarized “endless war” Christian Germany? It certainly feels like it to me.
“This Iraq war is just another example of the organized mass slaughter of humans that also directly causes the destruction and poisoning of the planet’s soil, water and air. It happens in every war. When will we ever learn?” Gary.
The story below accompanied my letter. It was written by a Middle Eastern journalist (whose identity I have misplaced).
“Horror stories—including the use of napalm and chemical weapons by the US military during the siege of Fallujah—continue to trickle out from the rubble of the demolished city, carried by weary refugees lucky enough to have escaped their city.
A cameraman with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) who witnessed the first eight days of the fighting told of what he considered atrocities. Burhan Fasa’a has worked for LBC throughout the occupation of Iraq.
“I entered Fallujah near the Julan Quarter, which is near the General Hospital,” he said during an interview in Baghdad, “There were American snipers on top of the hospital shooting everyone.”
He nervously smoked cigarettes throughout the interview, still visibly shaken by what he saw.
On November 8, the military was allowing women and children to leave the city, but none of the men. The cameraman was not allowed to enter the city through one of the main checkpoints, so he circumnavigated Fallujah and managed to enter, precariously, by walking through a rural area near the main hospital, then taking a small boat across the river in order to film from inside the city.
“Before I found the boat, I was 50 meters from the hospital where the American snipers were shooting everyone in sight,” he said, “But I managed to get in.”
He told of bombing so heavy and constant by US warplanes that rarely a minute passed without the ground’s shaking from the bombing campaign.
“The Americans used very heavy bombs to break the spirit of the fighters in Fallujah,” he explained, then holding out his arms added, “They bombed everything! I mean everything!”
This went on for the first two days, he said, then on the third day, columns of tanks and other armored vehicles made their move. “Huge numbers of tanks and armored vehicles and troops attempted to enter the north side of Fallujah,” he said, “But I filmed at least twelve US vehicles that were destroyed.”
The military wasn’t yet able to push into Fallujah, and the bombing resumed.
“I saw at least 200 families who had their homes collapsed on their heads by American bombs,” Burhan said while looking at the ground, a long ash dangling from his cigarette, “Fallujans already needed everything.” I mean they already had no food or medicine. I saw a huge number of people killed in the northern part of the city, and most of them were civilians.”
At this point he started to tell story after story of what he saw during the first week of the siege.
“The dead were buried in gardens because people couldn’t leave their homes. There were so many people wounded, and with no medical supplies, people died from their wounds. Everyone in the street was a target for the Americans; even I saw so many civilians shot by them.”
He looked out the window, taking several deep breaths. By then, he said, most families had already run out of food. Families were sneaking through nearby houses to scavenge for food. Water and electricity had long since been cut.
The military called over loudspeakers for families to surrender and come out of their houses, but Burhan said everyone was too afraid to leave their homes, so soldiers began blasting open the gates to houses and conducting searches.
“Americans did not have interpreters with them, so they entered houses and killed people because they didn’t speak English! They entered the house where I was with 26 people, and shot people because they didn’t obey their orders, even just because the people couldn’t understand a word of English. Ninety-five percent of the people killed in the houses that I saw were killed because they couldn’t speak English.”
His eyes were tearing up, so he lit another cigarette and continued talking.
“Soldiers thought the people were rejecting their orders, so they shot them. But the people just couldn’t understand them!”
He managed to keep filming battles and scenes from inside the city, some of which he later managed to sell to Reuters, who showed a few clips of his footage. LBC, he explained, would not show any of the tapes he submitted to them. He had managed to smuggle most of his tapes out of the city before his gear was taken from him.
“The Americans took all of my camera equipment when they found it. At that time I watched one soldier take money from a small child in front of everyone in our house.”
Burhan said that when the troops learned he was a journalist, he was treated worse than the other people in the home where they were seeking refuge. He was detained, along with several other men, women, and children.
“They beat me and cursed me because I work for LBC, then they interrogated me. They were so angry at al-Jazeera and al-Arabia networks.”
He was held for three days, sleeping on the ground with no blankets, as did all of the prisoners in a detention camp inside a military camp outside Fallujah.
“They arrested over 100 from my area, including women and kids. We had one toilet, which was in front of where we all were kept, and everyone was shamed by having to use this in public. There was no privacy, and the Americans made us use it with handcuffs on.”
He said he wanted to talk more about what he saw inside Fallujah during the nine days he was there.
“I saw cluster bombs everywhere, and so many bodies that were burned, dead with no bullets in them. So they definitely used fire weapons, especially in Julan district. I watched American snipers shoot civilians so many times. I saw an American sniper in a minaret of a mosque shooting everyone that moved.”
He also witnessed something which many refugees from Fallujah have reported.
“I saw civilians trying to swim the Euphrates to escape, and they were all shot by American snipers on the other side of the river.”
The home he was staying in before he was detained was located near the mosque where the NBC cameraman filmed the execution of an older, wounded Iraqi man.
“The mosque where the wounded man was shot that the NBC cameraman filmed—that is in the Jubail Quarter—I was in that quarter. Wounded, unarmed people used that mosque for safety. I can tell you there were no weapons in there of any kind because I was in that mosque. People only hid there for safety. That is all.”
He personally witnessed another horrible event reported by many of the refugees who reached Baghdad.
“On Tuesday, November 16th, I saw tanks roll over the wounded in the streets of the Jumariyah Quarter. There is a public clinic there, so we call that the clinic street. There had been a heavy battle in this street, so there were twenty bodies of dead fighters and some wounded civilians in front of this clinic. I was there at the clinic, and at 11 a.m. on the 16th I watched tanks roll over the wounded and dead there.”
After another long pause, he looked out the window for a while. Still looking out the window, he said, “During the nine days I was in Fallujah, all of the wounded men, women, kids and old people, none of them were evacuated. They either suffered to death, or somehow survived.”
According to the Iraqi Red Crescent, which managed to get three ambulances into the city on November 14, at least 150 families remain trapped inside the city. One family was surviving by placing rice in dirty water, letting it sit for two hours, then eating it. There has been no power or running water for a month in Fallujah.
People there are burying body parts from people blown apart by bombs, as well as skeletons of the dead because their flesh had been eaten by dogs.
The military estimates that 2,000 people in Fallujah were killed, but claims that most of them were fighters. Relief personnel and locals, however, believe the vast majority of the dead were civilians.
More by : K. Gajendra Singh