Mar 29, 2025
Mar 29, 2025
An Unseen world of Love within you!!
Pleasure is a flower that fades
But remembrance is the lasting perfume!
Life is a constant struggle between to-day and coming tommorrow. Everyday that goes by has something to teach and it is for us to learn, incline and rely on to prosper in all dimensions of reality.
Truly enough the young writer Shradha Vyas has penned the human emotions that traverse a long way in the journey of life which is definitely not a bed of roses. It is a struggle within the circumference of all relations. “A Basket of Roses’ is Shradha’s second novel, the first being ‘Paleltte of Love’ which has given a strong foundation to outspeak her mind and heart. Oliver Homes has said:
Speak Clearly if you have to speak at all
Carve every word before you let it fall
Writing prose or poetry is like nourishing a garden where we sow seeds of thoughts, which sprout in time with the input of of efforts nourished with attentive seasoning. Every person is a born talented artist, one he creative artist a painter, other being a jounalist, yet another a sculptor and the next one a poet, and an author. The creative artist chips the thoughts, uses rainbow colors to bring to life the characters that he imagines to be breathing on his canvas. Shradha vyas has gradually but confidently sown speechless thoughts that find expression in words in the flow and flaw of magnificient language.
Relations in family and friends are delicately woven and interwovwn through conversational values that go a long way to strengthen the foundaton of love based realtions, family, friends or kith and kin, where a woman stands on the pesdestal of give and take of life, specially a woman of middle class who has inherited true values of Indian culture and morals. This takes a lot of patience, persevereher and dedication to thread them together. The intrications of such silky threads in life have two choices, one to get in and the other to go out of it. To get out is easy, to get in needs intensional efforts in the right direction. Cultivating the right attitude to life is more important than leaving and then the application comes more meaningful in to live smoothly and gracefully.
The central idea of this novel is woven around the character ‘Sugandh’ with all relatons rotating and revolving around her. She as the core lady of the show delivers the magestic role by her far sightedness, insight and deeply cultivated morals that she has inherited from her family. In her own words in the prologue Shradha writes - “ let us learn to live life in the present by emptying ourselves of the past and ushering the future with smile on our lips.” This indicates her awareness that life is one way road. That has ups, downs, jolts at alternative halts, where relationships are dew drops on petals of life’s flower which can be felt. Cherished and lived. Saugandh has stood for morals and honoured those who have lived and died for principles rather han properity gained for selfish motives. It is faith and unconditional surrender that paves the path of love, nothing but love.
One of poems in my book “The Journey” says:
“If you look beyond with eyes of faith
You recover from the blindness that blinds.”
The richness of life is painted in colors and when you begin to love you begin to live. Love is definitely a key that unlocks the locked doors of hearts and spreads the sunshine of love in harmony with nature.
Shradha Vyas has done full justice to the characters through their conversational expressions in smooth, simple language, giving a message of honesty and and hope in relations –for it is the heart that lets you live, it is the heart that strengthens the intricacy of human relations with warmth, care and affection, as it is the only honest desire of a human heart:
Deep down
In the valley of my heart
I hear a rhythm of beats
Beating on the drums of destiny
I congratulate the young author Shradha vyas for this beautiful basket of fragrant relations that shall spread a message of love to the hearts that long for love. With a basketful of wishes and blessings
Book: A Basket of Roses, Author: Shradha Vyas, Pages: 92, Price: Rs. 100,
Publisher: Rachna Prakashan, Vadodra.
More by : Devi Nangrani