
Powerful Sudarshana Shloka

Sudarshana means “someone who is good looking, someone who has a good foresight” (Su + darshan = Sudarshan). In Tamil, Lord Sudarshana is also called as “Chakrathazhvan”. Among all the weapons possessed by Srimath Lord Narayana, Sudarshana weapon occupies the highest honour and hence he is also called as “Chakra Rajan”.

Significance of Lord Sudarshana

Lord Sudarshana plays a very crucial role in decimating evil and protecting the good. He is considered to be extremely powerful. In Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna makes references to Vajrayudham. This is not to say that Sudarshana’s role is inferior in any manner. For the Lord, Sudarshana Chakra is much more than a weapon.
References to Sudarshana Chakra are found in Ambareesa Charithram. This can be found in Srimad Bhagavatham (9th Skandam). Ambareesan was a great king who was born to Nabaga. More than a king, Ambareesan was a great Vaishnava. As Ambareesan and his spouse are deep in meditation thinking about Lord Maha Vishnu, Sri Hari is extremely pleased with their devotion and blesses them with a boon saying that the Sudarshana Chakra will forever protect them.
During the month of Karthikai, Ambareesan was observing the Ekadasi fast. Sage Durvasa entered the palace of Ambareesan. We all know that Durvasa Rishi was short-tempered. But also he had powers which were never lost even when he cursed others. Even when he cursed others, his power became more intense.

Sage Durvasa informed that he would break the fast along with King Ambareesan. He went to take bath. After waiting interminably for the sage, King Ambareesan decided to break the fast at the auspicious hour by consuming a drop of water. Sage Durvasa realised this through his mystic powers. Incensed by King Ambareesan who broke his fast without waiting for him, the sage directed an evil power towards the King.

But nothing could harm the King. Lord Sudarshana was protecting him. Lord Sudarshana started running behind the Sage Durvasa. Even Lord Shiva could do nothing to protect the sage. Eventually, Sage Durvasa had to apologise to King Ambareesan for his folly. King Ambareesan begged for forgiveness from Lord Sudarshana on behalf of the sage and thus Lord Sudarshana was pacified.
Other features of Lord Sudarshana
Lord Sudarshana has the effulgence of a 1000 Suns. He played a crucial role in the Mahabharata war coming to the aid of the Pandavas at the most crucial hour.

Hymns to Propitiate Sudarshana Mantra

There are a few powerful hymns of Sudarshana Mantra that need to be learnt under the guidance of a proper guru or acharya. In this article, we have given only one or two shlokas that can be chanted by anyone. But three things need to be borne in mind. Chanting of Sudarshana mantra should be done after taking a bath. Prior to chanting the sudarshana mantra, chant the name of Lord Maha Vishnu as in “Om Namo Narayanaya” . Chanting must be with immense faith. Do not leave the chanting half way through. You can chant as many times as you want. Even chanting it once is good enough.

Benefits of Sudarshana Mantra

The shloka has immense powers to rid you all of the curses or doshas and freedom from evil thoughts or spirits. All the evil influences that block good things from happening will be decimated by chanting of the Sudarshana Mantra. This is also good for pregnant women who only need to think of Lord Sudarshana. Please remember : the Sudarshana Mantra will ensure the triumph of good over evil.
Please note that the 108 worded sudarshana shloka is not to be chanted as there are certain rituals to be followed. However, the simple shlokas given below can be chanted daily.


“Om Namo Bhagavathe
Maha Sudarshanaya Hoom Bhat”
“Sreem Hreem Om Sudarshana Chakraya
Ribhu Chittam Pramaya Pramaya Swaha”

To reiterate, chant any of Lord Vishnu’s shlokas before chanting the above hymns. Picture the image of Lord Sudarshana as the one who is smiling and wielding the sudarshana chakra while chanting.

There is another short shloka that starts with ‘Sahasra Aditya Sangasam...” . This is a 10-line shloka that can be chanted daily. Those who wish to have this, please do indicate the requirement in the comments column.


More by :  Kalakad Ganapathy

Top | Spirituality

Views: 4091      Comments: 33

Comment Please send shloka that starts with ‘Sahasra Aditya Sangasam...” . This is a 10-line shloka that can be chanted daily.
Thanks and regards

03-Jul-2014 13:01 PM

Comment Pranam. full ten lines of Sudarshana mantra I would like to recite pl send to my email id.
thanks and regards
vimala ashok

vimala ashok
23-Jun-2014 21:34 PM

Comment Dear Guruji sashtanga namaskaaram
I taken the upadesham of sri sudarshana ekakshara moola manthra from sri krishnananda guruji of dwarka jagadguru samsthanam day before yesterday ,The manthra is ,

" Om raam sahasraaraya hoo phat swaaha " (for all dosha nivaranartham)

i require rushi chandassu devatha beejam shakthi keelakam anganyaasa karanyaasa dhyaana shloka for above mansion moola manthra kindly get me some details of this i have to do 1 lack japa of this as per guide lines of guruji


09-Jun-2014 03:56 AM

Comment Sir,

we would like to recite the sudarshan sloka.

We find that for no reason our relatives become our enemies and treat us badly despite all the good that my parents, my grandma have done to them. My sibling appearing for interviews but after coming to the final stage, it stops and is happening for the last so many years. me and my sibling and his wife are running sade sati 2nd phase. Also our court case with our tenant is not coming to a conclusion even though first time we have won.

Please let us have the nivaran sloka.

Thank you,

26-May-2014 00:34 AM

Comment Appreciate your service sir..
Its an excellent piece of holy information.
Thanks a lot..

27-Apr-2014 16:11 PM

Comment Dear Sir,

OM Namo Narayanaya.

Thank you for your service to community.

I have been able to see only 7 of the 10 lines of Sri Sudarshana Ashtakam. It is likely that the last 3 lines are not getting displayed due to space issues.

Please send separately the last three lines so that we could have all the 10 lines.

OM Namo Narayanaya


16-Mar-2014 20:09 PM

Comment I want the 10 line sloka of Sudarshana Chakra to chant weekly once ie. on friday before the sudharsana chakra that was in my home.

06-Mar-2014 13:03 PM

Comment i want to chant that slokam of ten lines.

22-Jan-2014 00:34 AM

Comment Hari Om

Came to know about the power of Sudharsana chakraPlease send me the 10 line sloka and the mantra for chanting daily.please help me our family is facing a very bad time in health,wealth and demise of my brother .

kala Ravishankar

kala Ravishnakar
05-Jan-2014 03:30 AM

Comment Dear Sir,

My family who was respected and hourned once lost everyting and we had been in bad time from 1993. First the sudden death of my husband, After three years the death of my Father and Two years back the death of my Mother. My mother whent through alot of pain as a stomach suddenly became very big, both her legs became very big. She was unable to move or eat. Doctors could not tell what was wrong with her. Finally after a temple visit she was cured. Later she develope something else whre by she use to see dark figures and the figure of a Muslim Man and Lady in dark in the house. Our finical got bad to worse and even heath wise we are all not well. We are having a very hard time to make ends meet and what ever we decided to do for the benefit of the family it always get cancelled and never works out. I am too in bad health and we badly need help to overcome this. Please help us back to our feet Sir by telling us what to do and what sloka to chant to remove evil happenings from our family. May god bless you for helping others.

Thank you

08-Dec-2013 23:11 PM

Comment There is another short shloka that starts with ‘Sahasra Aditya Sangasam...” . This is a the requirement 10-line shloka that can be chanted daily. Those who wish to have this, please do send this sloga sir
Thank you sir

05-Dec-2013 20:02 PM

Comment sir , i sanjay joshi request to you pl. send sholkas releted to sudarshana chakra and also the devatas ( i.e. name of gods related to susarshan yantra) ido work on sudharshan yantra and mantra , Basically i am Vaishanav brahmin

sanjay pravinkant joshi
01-Oct-2013 15:42 PM

Comment Respected Sir,

I need Sudharsana Ashtakam sloka (10 lines) for chanting and teach it to my kids also.

In this page, I am able to see only 7 lines and rest is not getting displayed.

My humble request is to send the 10 lines sloka for recitation.

Thank you!

Best Regards,

Uppiliappan Srinivasagopalan
24-Jul-2013 13:16 PM

Comment Need usefull mantras for my fate change to good will & wish of my bad karmas & effects of black magic kindly help me am in a very bad postion

22-Jul-2013 22:50 PM

Comment Can u pls post the sloka transliterated in sanskrit for better pronunciation? Also, I would like to know the meaning of it and the 10-line shloka.

13-May-2013 04:49 AM

Comment Interested in performing Sudarsana homam in my home in a modest manner.What is involved ?.how many purohitas,time , how big the homa kundam, expenses ( in a city like Cochin ).Any help rendered will be gratefully accepted,

27-Apr-2013 07:32 AM

Comment Please send me the Sudharshana Sloka That does not need any special rituals to follow but I can chant every day along with my regular pooja

26-Apr-2013 00:38 AM

Comment Dear Sir,

Thanks for your immense relieving of pains of the living entities and may Lord Vishnu bless you with all happness.

Please send te 10 line sloka of Sundarsana Chakra and Maha Sudarsana Mandram.

Thanks and Regards,
Subramanian P S

P S Subramanian
05-Apr-2013 03:40 AM

Comment i like to have the devanagri script of the Sudarshana Astakam.
also Sahasra Aditya Sangasam in devanagri script if possible pdf would be fine. Thanking you and regards
God bless you all

krishna kumarn

krishna kumar n
13-Feb-2013 09:31 AM

Comment Koti koti pranam !

22-Jan-2013 22:57 PM

Comment Here is the 10-line Sudarshana Astakam, which you can chant once a day. While chanting this , picture the image of Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshana chakra in your mind. Do not give up even when your mind wanders like a monkey. Over a period of time, when it becomes a habit, you will find that your mind becomes calm. A strange sense of tranquil will prevail.

Sahasraaditya Sangasam Sahasravadanam prabhum
Sahasratham Sahasraram Prabatye aham sudarsanam (1)

Hasandam Harakeyura Mukudangatha pooshanai
Sobanair Pooshita thanum Prabatye aham sudarsanam (2)

Saakara Sahitham Mantram Vadathaam Shatru Nikraham
Sarva roga prasamanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (3)

Ranatkingini Jaalena Rakshaknam Mahatpudam
Vyaptha kesam Vripuaksham prabatye aham sudarsanam (4)

Humkara Bhairavam Bheemam Pranatharthi Haram Prabhum
Sarva Dustha Prasamanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (5)

Pat Sarandha manirdesyam divya mantrena samyutham
Subam prasannavadanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (6)

Eyethai Shatpi Sthutho Devaha prasanna sree sudarsanaha
Raksham Karothu Sarvatma Sarvatra Vihayebhaveth (7)

20-Jan-2013 10:56 AM

Comment Excellent information given on Sudarshsna mantra. I would like to get the english translation of both the shri sudarshana mantra and the Shri Maha Sudarshana mantra and explain the differences between the two mantras.

May i also get the ten line sloka, also intrested in the chanting of these mantras.

many thanks
P Singgh

P Singh
13-Jan-2013 08:40 AM

Comment Hare krishna,

I have heard about the powwer of the sudarshana chakra. Could you please send me the 10 line slokas of the sudarshana chakra.

anitha ramakrishnan
11-Jan-2013 04:01 AM

Comment Sahasraaditya Sangasam Sahasravadanam prabhum
Sahasratham Sahasraram Prabatye aham sudarsanam (1)

Hasandam Harakeyura Mukudangatha pooshanai
Sobanair Pooshita thanum Prabatye aham sudarsanam (2)

Saakara Sahitham Mantram Vadathaam Shatru Nikraham
Sarva roga prasamanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (3)

Ranatkingini Jaalena Rakshaknam Mahatpudam
Vyaptha kesam Vripuaksham prabatye aham sudarsanam (4)

Humkara Bhairavam Bheemam Pranatharthi Haram Prabhum
Sarva Dustha Prasamanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (5)

Pat Sarandha manirdesyam divya mantrena samyutham
Subam prasannavadanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (6)

Eyethai Shatpi Sthutho Devaha prasanna sree sudarsanaha
Raksham Karothu Sarvatma Sarvatra Vihayebhaveth (7)

19-Dec-2012 11:46 AM

Comment its our desire to learn 10 line sudarshana chakra,kindly send it to us

28-Nov-2012 07:10 AM

Comment I have read the power of Maha Sudarshana Chakra., pl guide me and send me the 10 line slokas of sudarshana chakara. or can i chant sudershana chakara gayatri mantra 108 times, pl suggest me the right mantra,


04-Nov-2012 12:32 PM

Comment we want all sudharsan photos

26-Sep-2012 19:56 PM

Comment Karthaveerya Arjuna and Sudarshana are not same. Karthaveerya was a demon who later reformed himself and is very good in protecting people.Sudarshana allegorically refers to the Sudarshana Chakra in the hands of Lord Vishnu. It is a powerful hymn, Mr Kalakad has done a good job.
Many people perform "Sudarshana Homam" in their home using a knowledgeable priest.It is costly but very powerful.
I request if Mr Kalakad could write to us about karthaveerya and the shloka for the same.

M R Ramarathnam
11-Jul-2012 09:31 AM

Comment Respected Sir,
Please tell is Shri Rajrajeshwar KarthaveeryaArjuna Sahasrabaahu same AVTAR of Sri Sudarsana Cakra.

08-Jul-2012 10:44 AM

Comment Respected Sir,
Please tell is Shri Rajrajeshwar KarthaveeryaArjuna Sahasrabaahu same AVTAR of Sri Sudarsana Cakra.

rajinder singh rajput
04-Jun-2012 20:35 PM

Comment Here is the 10-line Sudarshana Astakam, which you can chant once a day. While chanting this , picture the image of Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshana chakra in your mind. Do not give up even when your mind wanders like a monkey. Over a period of time, when it becomes a habit, you will find that your mind becomes calm. A strange sense of tranquil will prevail.

Sahasraaditya Sangasam Sahasravadanam prabhum
Sahasratham Sahasraram Prabatye aham sudarsanam (1)

Hasandam Harakeyura Mukudangatha pooshanai
Sobanair Pooshita thanum Prabatye aham sudarsanam (2)

Saakara Sahitham Mantram Vadathaam Shatru Nikraham
Sarva roga prasamanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (3)

Ranatkingini Jaalena Rakshaknam Mahatpudam
Vyaptha kesam Vripuaksham prabatye aham sudarsanam (4)

Humkara Bhairavam Bheemam Pranatharthi Haram Prabhum
Sarva Dustha Prasamanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (5)

Pat Sarandha manirdesyam divya mantrena samyutham
Subam prasannavadanam prabatye aham sudarsanam (6)

Eyethai Shatpi Sthutho Devaha prasanna sree sudarsanaha
Raksham Karothu Sarvatma Sarvatra Vihayebhaveth (7)

10-Apr-2012 22:17 PM

Comment Hare Krishna

Thanks for the informations. I wish to know the 10 line sloka of Sudarshana Chakra.
Please send me.

thanks and regards

07-Apr-2012 13:42 PM

Comment Interested for chanting of Sudershan Mantra

r p dubey
29-Mar-2012 12:26 PM