Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Prashant Bhusan, son of former law minister Shanti Bhushan and more powerfully recognised as one of the core members of "India Against Corruption" made a controversial remark on kashmir a few months ago. He was posed a question on kashmir during a press meet to which he said, a referendum in kashmir is possible and kashmiris should decide what they want. For those who are new to the words "referendum" or "Plebiscite", it is a simple voting being done by all people in that region and based on that,the fate of Kashmir will be decided. There are three possile outcomes of this so-called referendum.
Now having seen what are the possibilities in place, lets go back to the fundamental question, should Kashmir face a Referendum?
Lets go back in History to find out the real problem behind kashmir.The British Raj included a conglomeration of princely states being taken over and ruled by the Queen in England.Towards the closing stages of British rule, tensions between Hindus and Muslims rose to unimaginable heights and possibilty of Hindus and Muslims living together was ruled out. Thanks to Jinnah and leaders of Muslim league, creation of Pakistan was conceived and norished upon in all muslims.
This peaked with Jinnah's call for "Direct Action Day" which caused "The Great Calcutta Killings" on July 29, 1946 resulting in 5000 deaths mostly Hindus.This was followed by a series of riots all over India. The most significant were Noakhali Riots which went on for three weeks starting Aug 10, 1946 which should more appropriately be called a genocide. More than 2 lakh Hindus were converted to Islam and other Hindus were threatened not to apply sindoor, eat beef etc. Pakistan was now becoming a reality and the D-day happened soon. Aug 14,1947 was the offical day of formation of republic of Paksitan.
What about India?
Many people will say we also became a Independent country on Aug 15, 1947. I request the readers to go back on this blog a little back and read again what has been stated initially about the different princely states that contribute today's India. The cunning white Bririshers wanted to weaken India and hence gave back the land that they conquered to the legacy of owners. Hence Mysore was a separate state, Gwalior a separate one, Nagpur and Vidharba region a separate one. A strong Muslim league saw to it that, the muslims were unified and hence when Pakistan was created the different princely states unified in no time. But the Hindus were split into different factions (they have not changed a bit even today).
At this juncture Sardar Vallabhai Patel took upon the task of unifying different states. Kashmir, those times was ruled by Hari Singh, who wanted to retain his land (as else he will be no one in democratic India) and remained so for some time. Pakistan upon knowing this played the dirty trick of trying to invade Kashmir. The direct route to Srinagar those days was through Abottabad (the same place were Bin laden was killed) and Paskistani troops started entering kashmir and occupied Muzaffarabad and brutally attacked Baramullah. Hari Singh understood things have gone beyond his control and signed the accession of kashmir to India. Rest is known to everyone. Indian troops landed in kashmir and occupied a part of kashmir.
Now the folloiwng questions prop up in mind:
Pakistan violated both the above points and has illegally occupied a portion of Kashmir.Without pondering all these points, is it right to decide based on the will of a people?
Kerala is undergoing complete radicalization and the total Muslim population will be majority in no time, thanks to the ruling communists and lazy Hindus. This will be followed by shouts of Azaadi.
Can we have a similar referendum in Kerala?
I leave the answers to the readers.
More by : Srinivasan MK