Feb 24, 2025
Feb 24, 2025
US leaders carry on merrily with inane debates for the year end Presidential elections, both aspirants beholden to banksters and financiers, as if nothing has changed even after the illegal invasion of Iraq and ill thought bombing of Afghanistan and putting its troops in the grave yard of empires. Unwittingly Washington has only succeeded in installing a pro-Tehran regime in Baghdad and strengthened Iran’s influence in the region. By encouraging Saudi Arabia and Turkey to promote the civil war in Syria, Washington is stirring up an avalanche which will have far reaching adverse outcome for it and its allies Riyadh and Ankara. Most US led western nations barring perhaps Germany are more or less bankrupt with the wealth of its own citizens transferred to a miniscule ruling oligopoly.
Indian media specially the indolent and mostly corporate owned trivia obsessed TV channels devoted most of their time to a jaded Hillary Clinton visit. TV channels treated her like Queen Victoria visiting in Raj era. Telegraph, Kolkata and Hindu did a somewhat sober job on the visit.
Queen Hillary frustrated in her ambitions for the White House throne and even World Bank head job loves being adored in India. While in India, she indulged in some spins and lies on terrorism. Pakistan suffers from terrorism because of the monster of Jihadi stand other terror groups created of its own volition and at the behest of paymasters in Washington and Riyadh with CIA and ISI etc. providing training and petrodollars to create nurseries of terrorism to bedevil South West and central Asia, beginning in early 1980s. Most Pak parties and power brokers are financed and controlled by Saudi Arabia, whose thousands of Princes are kept in luxury and security by USA. (Why never ever any attempt at regime change in Riyadh?)
So India became and remains a victim of terrorism created with help and advice from Washington. For Pakistan it is a state policy against while and Anglo-Saxons look on satisfied since it keeps Indian down. To make it worse Washington has given billions of dollars aid annually to Pakistan to match India and keep India confined to south Asia. It suits China too. Some strategic friend India has in Washington. A report submitted to the US Congress asserted that the terrorist’s attention has been successfully diverted towards India.
Read: West Stirred-up Muslims Terrorize Mumbai
Thank you America.
Now more on our friend Washington. David Headley, FBI and ISI double agent played a major role in26/11 rape of Mumbai, doing immense economic harm and incalculable damage to Indian standing as a nation which cannot even provide security to its citizens. Washington did not alert India of Headley’s visit which took place after the 26/11 rape had taken place, in spite of Headley’s wife warning US agents about her husband being up to mischief. Many believe that US allowed 26/11 to happen to re-ignite tensions between India and Pakistan, since under President Musharraf some progress had been achieved in resolving problems between the two countries. The post 26/11events explain this clearly to anyone with some brains.
Yes, a case against ISI has been filed in a US Court for the six Americans killed during 26/11 rampage. Would any Indian lawyer with any guts and sense of patriotism file a case against FBI for 26/11 destruction and loss of life and be allowed to cross examine Headley in Indian courts. Indians were insensitive enough to let President Obama address and pontificate from Taj Hotel in Mumbai, the venue of a strategic failure and everlasting insult to Indian standing. The chief Minister and Home minister of the state of Maharashtra where Mumbai is located were forced to resign, but they are soon back into power. For politicians there is little accountability in India.
It was like President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan had gone to the site of the destroyed Trade Towers and made a speech about the resilience and courage of New Yorkers. How US and its people would have taken such a sermon. After all the hijackers / terrorists, mostly from Saudi Arabia, were trained and financed by those who were either Pakistanis or were their guests and comrades of the Jihad against USSR in Afghanistan in 1980s. The Al Qaida and its host Taliban were created by Pakistan ISI and financed by Washington, Riyadh and others, mostly Muslim countries. Just before 9/11 Taliban were having discussions with UNOCAL, a US oil company for allowing use of Afghanistan territory for laying energy pipelines from central Asia to south Asia.
Read: Taj Hotel, Mumbai; a Symbol of India's Impotence and Humiliation
Hillary went beyond usual spin in India
While talking about Hafiz Saeed who was the master mind of 26/11 in which 166 people including six Americans were killed, Hillary admitted that recently she “authorized a 10 million dollar award for one of the people we believe was the mastermind of the attack in Mumbai - we want everybody associated with this brought to justice. It may take longer than any one of us would like but we are going to be standing with you to make that happen—”
She was told that there was some confusion, since initially it was announced as a bounty on his head, then it turned out to be reward on the information that leads to his arrest or conviction, It was pointed out that India had handed over dossier after dossier and all the information that was needed Why this coyness that there wasn't enough information?
Clinton replied, “No, but we are saying this is the way our system works. I mean that's what these rewards are; they are rewards for information that can lead to bringing somebody to justice. We are well aware that there have not yet been steps taken by Pakistani government to do what both India and WE have repeatedly requested that they do. And we are going to keep pushing that point. So it's a way of raising the visibility and pointing out to those who are associated with them that there is a cost for that and it's a cost that they themselves will have to bear going forward”
While Clinton in New Delhi assured gullible Indians that United States held Saeed responsible for the 26/11 Mumbai carnage and announced that the US was prepared to work with India to bring the JuD Amir to justice, US ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter's allegedly met with one of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation's most wanted men – the very same Jamaat-ul-Daawa (JuD) Amir Professor Hafiz Mohammad Saeed. This was claimed by a reputed Pakistani journalist Amir Mir in Asia Times recently. So in spite of everything, US officials like its ambassador were meeting Hafiz Saeed. Since the news of the contacts was no longer a secret, the ambassador would be quitting his Islamabad post prematurely.
According to Amir Mir ,well-placed diplomatic officials in Islamabad claimed that Munter's decision because of behind-the-scenes developments that took place in Pakistan” following the April1, 2012, decision of the Barack Obama administration to put a price of US$ 10 million on information and evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of the Jud’s Saeed.
Saeed is also the founder of the pro-Kashmir proscribed jihadi organization Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT). The bounty was announced for his alleged role in the Mumbai attacks. Just hours after the US State Department announced the bounty, Saeed appeared on Pakistan's Geo TV and declared that he was a free man - living in Pakistan - and was ready to speak with US officials at any time.
Mir adds “While some high-ups in the Pakistani Foreign Office claim that Munter has taken the decision to quit on his own for not being kept in the loop by the US State Department, there are those in diplomatic circles who maintain that the envoy is being made to resign by his seniors because of his seemingly soft line over Saeed's bounty issue, which has not gone down well with the Obama administration. –”
The cause of Munter's removal is said to be his clandestine meeting with Saeed which took place in Islamabad almost a month ago, after the announcement of the bounty. It is said that the meeting was to remove misunderstandings created by the bounty which had made Hafiz to step up his anti-US public utterances even laughing off the American action against him. Saeed is reported to provide solid evidence to the US envoy that he had no links to the Mumbai rape. Munter then sent a full report to the Washington on Saeed's claims, but the State Department reportedly told Munter that it would not honor any assurances given to Hafiz.
It may be recalled that after the bounty announcement, Saeed addressed a press conference in Rawalpindi on April 4 and dared the US to carry out a military raid against him like the one that allegedly killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad a year ago.
In essence India’s strategic relationship with USA amounts to our playing poodles and our interests just sacrificial pawns. Since earliest times barring a few gaps, Indian rulers have failed to provide even basic security to its subjects. It holds true even now. Washington wants Delhi to trim its objectives to suit the former’s ploys and policies in the region. If India suffers, pity it is only collateral damage for which no recompense is there.
As regards Iran, again, India must follow US dictates, whatever the harm to Delhi’s economic and strategic interests. It is a matter of time before Washington tries to reconcile with Tehran when it has to fully vacate its aggressions on Afghanistan and Iraq.
More by : K. Gajendra Singh