
Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Black gram

- Vigna mungo-urad dal

Black gram or black lentil is known as urad dal in Hindi. In texts of ayurveda this bean is known as “MASHA”.

Black gram is a bean grown mainly in south Asia. The plant of this bean is erect and hairy. It is an annual herb. It has a tap root which branches to form branched roots. The cylindrical pod of this plant contains seeds. The pods are usually six cm long.

Nutritional facts:

Black gram is rich in vitamins, minerals and devoid of cholesterol. It isa  store house of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese etc. Urad dal contains vitamins and dietary fibers. Due to high potassium content urad dal acts as an aphrodisiac.
(High blood pressure occurs due to high sodium level and low potassium level. Black gram contains plenty of potassium. This helps to balance sodium potassium level and reduce hypertension or high blood pressure. There is a strong link between hypertension or high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction. As potassium helps to reduce high blood pressure, it also helps in erectile dysfunction.) 
Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Black gram or urad dal:

According to texts of ayurveda this bean is heavy to digest and increases the moistness of body tissues. It is sweet to taste and hot in potency. All these properties help to normalize or calm vitiated vata. Consumption of this bean increases kapha and pitta. Imbalanced vata dosha causes many diseases and also leads to men health problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sperm count and motility etc. Hence Ayurveda acharyas recommend use of “masha” in many health conditions.

Anti inflammatory properties:

According to principles of ayurveda vitiation of vata causes inflammation of tissues and initiates the sensation of pain.“Masha” or urad dal normalizes vata and hence has anti inflammatory properties. Usually a hot poultice of black gram is used in inflammation of joints and muscle pain. Massaging with herbal oil processed with this wonderful herb helps to reduce pain and inflammation

Nervous system disorders:

This herb strengthens nervous system. Ayurveda acharyas recommend preparations of this herb in nervous debility, partial paralysis, facial paralysis and other disorders which involve nervous system.

Disorders of digestive system:

“Vigna Mungo” or masha helps to increase bulk of stools. The moistness increasing property coupled with bulk increasing quality helps in easy movement of bowel. Therefore usage of this bean is recommended in conditions like constipation, piles and colic. This herb is a very good liver stimulant.

Action on male reproductive system:

Texts of ayurveda eulogize the aphrodisiac properties of black gram. It increases sperm count and sperm motility. (Increases quality and quantity of semen). It is very effective in erectile dysfunction (impotence) and premature ejaculation.

Action on female reproductive system:

This herb is effective in dysmenorrhea and primary amenorrhea. It increases milk secretion in lactating mothers.

Apart from above mentioned medicinal properties, black gram also helps in increasing body bulk and body energy level. It strengthens the body and increases lifespan.
Image (c) Gettyimages.com 


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