
Indian President and Indian Democracy!

Indian President:

Indian democracy and British democracy are always compared as both are parliamentary democracies. But the comparison must start and end there. Indian constitution and British constitution are not same in spirit regarding status of the head of state. British monarch is head of state by hereditary and not by election; and is for mostly ceremonial purposes; and parliament and hence Prime Minister is superior as he is democratically elected.

Many compare British monarch and Indian President in relation to powers. As British monarch is appointed by hereditary considerations, obviously democratic Prime Minister guided by the cabinet is chief authority. And the monarch is counseled - in state matters. But in India, Indian President is elected by a big electoral college consisting of members of state legislatures, members of parliament, both lower and upper house. Indian President is more representative and democratically elected by the whole nation, whereas Indian Prime Minister is merely the leader of the majority party in the lower house (Lok Sabha). Thus president of India is more democratically elected and represents more encompassing than Indian Prime Minister.

In all aspects Indian President is final in Indian democracy according to well-drafted and well-crafted constitution. And Indian President is Supreme Commander of all the three armed forces. It is Indian President who commands Indian army, navy and air-force and other para-military forces.

But unfortunately, Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru being the first Indian Prime Minister, has tried to and dominated by his popularity and brought the false impression that Indian Prime Minister is the "supreme".  Mr. Rajendra Prasad has contested this and the correspondence between Nehru and Prasad is a testimony to this.

Indian constitution is one of the best and most sophisticated with very good checks and balances. Executive, legislature and Judiciary, check and balance one another and the President oversees all this and can and should act at times of crisis based on constitutional experts' advice and his intuition. All executive orders of Indian Union are issued in the name of President only. Indian constitution in its original spirit and content is sufficient to serve us the Indians; minus the host of amendments, it still serves our present causes and no fresh institutions are necessary.

Indian constitution is mutilated for selfish purposes through these years, and the president his prominence and final authority are diluted. It is enough we follow constitution in letter and spirit minus many of the later amendments, and give full support to the institutions created by the constitution, like President, prime minister, cabinet, parliament, legilatures, judiciary, Election Commission, Auditor and Comptroller general of India, finance commissions, Reserve Bank of India, CBI, and like constitutional institutions; and these institutions are allowed to work with freedom and autonomy associated with them; and the politicians refrain from playing with these august institutions; we can solve all our problems pleasantlu and serenely.

There is also no necessity to change to presidential form of democracy, as being suggested by many intellectuals and experts. Indian constitution is all-encompassing and Indian President is all powerful and the supreme head of state. Let us not interfere in the functioning of such beautiful Indian constitution, our constitution. Let all of us realize this reality. Let us honor our president and allow him to use his discretion and powers.

Indian President is not a rubber stamp:  Indian constitution drafters crafted Indian President as a democratic and seer-like personality. He is the final authority and is all supreme.

Indian bureaucracy:

It is highly ridiculous, cunning, irritating and annoying and irresponsible for the authorities to say that buses which got license as contract carriages are being run as stage carriages. It is their dereliction of duty or they are looking other side by receiving due amounts that they do not know about this till now. The authorities are hand in glove in these operations. When a disaster occurs these statements occur. Else the mafia runs their rule with their money power. (in relation to Andhra Pradesh Private Bus accident in Maharashtra).

In our country when every official can be bought by the mafia; the mining, liquor, crime, political, transport, and of any kind, it is naive on the part of citizens to expect that everything is going on and will go on well and according to rules. People laugh at us; and our transactions with government will not take place if we do not pay government transaction processing fees (GTPF - the bribe). Indian officials take salary from the government to do their job; but they ask us for more money just to do that duty and job.  Also they take money from vested interests not to do their job and duty [Government transaction non-processing fees (GTNF)]. They prefer private operators and their benefit compared to the benefit and use to nation and the citizens as officials are given lots of money and things in kind by these private mafias not to do their job.

Fight against corruption and like evils, is a waste of time and energy, because 90% of the citizens support these evils and do not want any change in the present situation; because all of them have various kinds of benefits under present dispensation. Unfortunately corruption, drinking, debauchery, taking drugs, attending rave parties, political dishonesty, crime, terrorism thrive because of their patrons from the citizens themselves.

Nothing can be done in these matters as the politicians, bureaucrats are one with mafia of all kinds and we support them for various reasons. It is only a fashion and youthful anger which makes us talk against these evils. Best thing is keep quiet and enjoy the play of the evil minded doers and their evil actions against nation and society allowed by the authorities by accepting GTPF.

All this expression is realistic. Optimism and pessimism do not have any place here. Let us enjoy the democracy of our making by voting taking money, liquor and based on our affiliations to our caste, region, religion and the like.

Dictatorship of Majority (caste-vote banks) in Indian democracy:

Majority run the democracy. And many times this majority does not know, what is nation, what is economy, what is governance, what are international relations, what are defense and patriotic actions to save the country from internal and external threats to existence of the nation. These issues are above the grasp of voters who sell their... votes and vote indiscriminately oblivious of the effect that causes to the rule in the nation. Let wise people come out of their dreams. Everything is parallel in our nation. No two issues have a common thing. Every one has one's own direction and compulsions. So many drivers trying to take the vehicle in their own direction. It is better fight against corruption and malpractices in economic, political and all fields just stops.

People's court is siding all criminals and selfish persons, who can lure voters with, money, liquor, community affiliations, false promises and the voters oblige and vote for such criminals, these fights against wrong-doing are a waste of time and energy. When criminals are elected and they claim they have the support of the citizens, and rule nation, how can the nation move in one safe direction giving its nationals a dignified and civil life?

Ordinary citizens vote for lures and promises. Elite quarrel with one another in the name of ideology, ism and the like fashion words. All talk negatively about caste system; but no one is ready to lose one's caste; every one wants the caste system to prevail forever because of pampering associated and social status as under privileged, backward, most backward, and related benefits. This type of hypocrisy is harming the nation; but what is nation? What is national dignity in the comity of nations?

Democracy is ruled by majority and the majority need not always think about the nation as a whole and nation's prestige and well-being. So democracy need not always the best form of governing. Either the constitution must be applied in toto or law of justice must be implemented any other wise. Else some creamy layer caste people flourish at the cost of the nation and rest of the citizens. Natural justice prevails but when?


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Comment Sir,
I am chiranjeet chakravorty from varanasi.i want to inform you that My father Late Kamal Chakravorty was working in varanasi army as a Civil Cook who has Expire on jun 2009 on duty and he had 8plus of working time for work.
I want to inform you that i have submitted all the document in varanasi army office but i have not get any response from army office so right now i am unemployed and my family is suffering from tough time.
Kindly look out the matter and do the needful.

Chiranjeet Chakravorty
Con No 9953644076

Chiranjeet Chakravorty
20-Dec-2013 01:32 AM

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