Feb 03, 2025
Feb 03, 2025
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has been the target of unjustified political demonization primarily by the Congress leaders and the so-called ‘secularists’ of this country for more than a decade. Legally no person can be presumed guilty unless proved. Then why do apex level Congress leaders term Modi as ‘Maut ka Saudagar’ and ‘Hitler’. Why is the Congress leadership so obsessively afraid of Narendra Modi? Obviously because the vast majority of citizens of the Indian Republic want a strong leader to lead India, a fact endorsed even by India’s top industrialists.
Congress leaders’ denunciation and demonization of Chief Minister Modi cannot erase the positive impressions of the Indian public of the tremendous economic growth attained by Gujarat under Modi’s dynamic leadership.
The economic dynamism of Gujarat under Modi’s leadership stands endorsed by India’s top industrialists. They feel confident that with Modi’s good governance and dynamism for economic growth and advancement of Gujarat, this State is attractive for their investments.
The why does the Congress President Sonia Gandhi reportedly term him as ‘Maut ka Saudagar’? Why do Congress leaders who are no match for Modi denigrate him as Hitler? The NGO’s involved in the proxy campaign of vilification of Modi - where do they get their funds from?
I think the Congress core fears revolve around the fact that it is Modi only who can derail the dynastic plans of succession in the Congress for 2014. It is Modi alone who inspires a lot of Indians to wish that Modi becomes the Prime Minister to lead India from the darkness that India has descended in the last eight years. It is Modi alone whose nationalistic credentials find an echo in the India’s teeming millions under thirty also nationalistically imbued. This is what troubles the Congress about Modi.
I am neither a Gujarati nor a member of any political outfit but as an honest and patriotic Indian, I do not like political doublespeak and political double-standards. Why since 1984 has the Congress Party shirked from bringing to book the Congress leaders who were involved in the 1984 massacre of innocent Sikhs in Delhi? Why were lumpen elements led by local Congress leaders allowed to run amuck in Delhi for nearly three days massacring innocent Sikhs without the Army being called as publicly reported?
The Congress seems to have reduced the Gujarat Assembly Elections at the end of this year into a ‘Congress versus Modi’ battle and not a ‘Congress versus BJP’ fight. One can visualise that as the election date nears there will be an intensification of the Congress smear campaign against Modi. It is time for all right thinking Gujaratis in Gujarat and all over the world to unite and ensure Modi’s election victory in 2012 by active involvement. What is at stake is not Modi’s honour but the honour of Gujarat because by implication Godhra incident smear campaign perceptively is being sought to be laid as a collective guilt of Gujarat.
More by : Dr. Subhash Kapila
Dear Swati Many thanks for your kind words of appreciation on my Column on Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.Words of appreciation of views from readers like you encourage me to stick one's neck out. IIndia's democracy has reached a stage where the adage I do not rememeber where Iread out holds good: IN A DEMOCRACY THE GOOD SETTLESOWN AND THE MUCK RISES UP. India's GENERATION NEXT can only deliver india by stuffinfg the muck down and flushing it out. |
I read our article "Demonization of Gujarat CM Politically Unjustified" with interest. In the days of seeing articles from giant journalists and analysts striving to be "politically correct", the ethos of your article was unexpected and pleasant. Very few would stick out their necks today with such forthright views - sometime back even B.Raman wrote about "Nazi Storm Trooper-like methods adopted by many followers of NaMo to impose their will on their party and then the nation." India needs a strong leader and Modi is a good alternative. Thanks for your article. |
A genuine analysis of Congress versus Modi. It is credible that Congress (whole) is being compared with Modi and Modi alone and his being high on pedestal. I HAVE BEEN TELLING, IF NDA LOOSES IN 2014 ELECTION IT WILL NOT BE BECAUSE OF CONGRESS BUT ITS OF INTERNAL STRIFE. NITISH KUMAR SHOULD BE WON OVER FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF THE NDA AND INDIA. UNITED NDA WILL WIN. congress WILL NOT COME NEAR TO WINNING LINE. WORLD OVER EVERY ONE KNOWS MODI BECAUSE USA DENIED HIM A VISA. HE TRIED TO CONTROL RIOTS AFTER THE BURNING TRAIN AS HE CHIEF MINISTER SHOULD DO. and saved further killing of hindus and muslims. Would Congress have done differently? What USA would have done? India came forward with Gandhiji and Sardar Vallavbhai Patel. It is time for India to rise again. This time it will be again with Gujarat. Congress has scams of corrutions and Adarsh society-and the like. Anna and Ramdev could nol harm Congress. But the film actor Amir Khan can. With united NDA, Modi can defeat Congress. Amir khan with SATYA MEV JAYATE episodes Modi can defeat Congress in spite of 'fame damaging bullets of 2002 riots by Congress. This is my wish but let people of India vote in 2014 (no vote buying please) for Modi or else. ANALYSIS WAS RIGHT, IT CANNOT BE WRONG |
I agree. Not only kangress but the americans also scared of him or how else one believe that Modi was denied visa in 2005 while USA supported more dubious personalities world wide. How die the USA come to conclusion about Modi's role in Gujarat riots when Indian courts did not decide the matter yet ? I didn't listen to Modi until recently. After listening to a few speachs in last 2 months, I am of opinion is that he is stronger and more mass-puller leader than commonly understood (except by Gujaratis, who know him well). Indeed he is fear of the kangress and of the envious contries too. |
Modi magic is also not liked by specimens like Nitesh. We wish Modi to emerge more stronger than these pecimens. |
What the Kkkangress aided by the ELM are doing to Modi is now into its'10th year. They have used legal procedures, innuendo, media smear campaigns, censure of public figures supporting him.. everything possible, but MODI IS AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME!! From trusting the Kkkangress, to slowly realizing the reality of the kkkangress, Bharat now realizes it has been duped for 6 decades. Every constitutional norm, every govt. institution, indeed everything has been been ripped to shreds. The party has no credibility anymore. The rot started before the emergency and has steadily intensified for the last 40 years as the Kkkangress party base has steadily and surely been eroded.THE PARTY HAS DESTROYED EVERYTHING THAT WE STOOD FOR. From amending the constitution and changing its' character beyond recognition WITHOUT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE OR DEBATE to the current scenario of brazen corruption and high-handedness, the Kkkangress has now run its' full course.It now needs to be kept out for at least 25 years till it re-learns constitutional norms of behaviour. |
Fully agree with what you wrote. May I add that the Congress is scared of three persons right now, Anna, Ramdev, and Modi. |
A good and genuine analysis on the present day situation! Wish all the right thinking Indian citizens read this article! |