
The Narendra Modi Mania

India is due for General Elections in 2014. Though the BJP may like to project Narendra Modi as the prospective PM, his name would not get the endorsement from the other NDA partners. It is a known fact that in politics there is nothing like national interest, it is the personal interest that matters. Modi's name would face opposition from his own party leaders because many of them are senior to him besides many of them have their misplaced ambitions. They would support his name because there is no other candidate in the BJP who would get so much endorsement from the rank and file and from the general public,mainly hindus and non psuedo secularists.
Modi's popularity has risen in the last decade mainly because he has done some goodwork for the state of Gujarat. He is honest because he has no family or children. Sometimes men in India become corrupt and tarnish their integrity for the sake of getting some benefits for his sons and daughters or son in law as in the case of Keshubhai Patel, the chief Minister of Gujarat who was dethroned by the Modi camp. Modi has certain good qualities because he has the training of a Pracharak of RSS(A.B.Vajpayee was perhaps the only other Pracharak who came or was brought to active politics).

Modi's governance is exceptionally good because he does not allow any unnecessary inteference in the flow of the administration. Gone were the days when the MLA or MP would request the CM to post a particular Police Officer or Revenue Officer to their district. If this is liked by the people and a big section of the bureacracy, it is also a cause of heart burn among certain elected members of the assembly or other political bodies. Right now these elements do not speak out because Modi is very strong and has full support of the people of Gujarat, but let the bugle for elections blow out, they would show their resentment.

Even now old players like Keshubhai Patel, Suresh Mehta (both of whom have remained CMs of Gujarat) have started cribbing about the autocratic rule of Modi. Yes Modi is autocrat to some extent and that is also one of the attributes of his success. But he is in public life where "Kabhi Gadhe ko bhi apna Baap Kehna Padta hai"

One can see the  vivid example of Congress which is the bandwagon of diverse, self centred, opportunistic, egoistic elements. The Congress leaders want to rule, without which they have no existence or identity. Any Congress leader would ditch his party for his self interest. Our would be President Pranab Mukherjee had left Congress and formed his own group, our existing Home Minister had formed something like Tamilnadu Congress when he was not in the recknoning in the party and so on. Modi does not belong to this genre but to succeed as an acceptable leader of the nation like India, one has to change his personality.
Modi has to remember that he has many enemies, within and outside the party, within and outside the country. He has been consistently denied the American Visa because of the strong Muslim lobby supported by the so called human rightists at Washington. His name is a red rag to so many writers, artists, media personalities and even common people on the street because so much of propoganda has been  unleased against him, some of which is unreal and uncalled for. Everyone knows who are behind all this. Modi could think of some actions which can help him to overcome a part of this garbage thrown on him. Instead of remaining too much in the lime light, he should share the honors with his colleagues, bureaucrats and the people.

One can find Modi's image, loud and clear, on all forms of life in Gujarat, which is wrong. He is not a Superman, who can do all things himself. There are so many others who have contributed equally to the successful image of his and his State. It would be wrong to honor only Modi for the development in Gujarat. The people of Gujarat are themselves business oriented, entrepreneurs, peace loving and accommodative. It is one state which is not hostile to non gujaratis. The Gujaratis are happy if someone comes to do business with him or in his state, as he feels that any business will bring some money to Him. Gujarat is one state where an opposition party does not criticise the ruling party till that action is beneficial to the devlopement of the state. Modi has to start sharing right away.
Modi has to think of speaking only when his turn comes. Today he is still a State CM and hence a state leader and speaking on national issues should be left to the national leaders of his party. By speaking in an out of turn way leads to allegations of an overwise leader. In the last State Elections in Gujarat, he behaved very well by giving a very subdued and modest response to the outcry of Sonia Gandhi's "Maut Ke Saudagar" syndrome. Congress lost the elections on the very day Sonia Gandhi uttered these words because Gujarati's are very sensitive on the reasons behind Godhra's 2002 incident.
Similarly if he takes the opposition of Nitish Kumar or Sharad Yadav in the right stride, it would be in his interest. If Nitish Kumar has supported the candidature of Pranab Mukherjee or opposed Modi as PM candidate, he has his own interest vis-a-vis his State. He has already got the initial benefit when the Center approved the financial aid to be given to his state. Nitish opposes Modi rightly because if Nitish supports Modi, he losses the wide support of Muslims in Bihar who have a sizeable majority. 
Besides all this Modi has not trained any successor. If he goes to the Center, who will lead Gujarat in his absence. Modi's dictatorial tendencies has made all other Ministers or leaders as dwarfs. Do anyone of us know  any other minister or leader of Gujarat BJP. Even the BJP party leadership has been reduced to redundancy in Gujarat. His opposition to many of the party functionaries,out of envy,non tolerance or wiser than thou attitude has  earned him some enemies even in the RSS which has otherwise kept him as its poster boy.
Modi has to thank his stars that during his rule, both his party and the only opposition party viz Congress was leaderless. Had there been leaders like the late Chimanbhai Patel, Madhavsinh Solanki or even Shankersinh Waghela of the earlier days, the graph of Modi would have faced the turbulence. Gujarat is one state where there are no leaders who have nuisance value. And that Gujarat Modi has to capture this year once again in the coming Vidhan Sabha elections.


More by :  Suresh Mandan

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Views: 3686      Comments: 4

Comment If USA can have 2 Bush administrations, Why cant India has one Modi as PM? This is truly hypocricy of US where it is trying to enslave the middle east waging war against people calling it War against terrorism and then it denies Modis entry into its nation.

The man is the right candidate for PM. It could mean a lot to Indias future.

29-Sep-2012 19:16 PM

Comment The Congress thinks that Narendra Modi is a threat to it's political overlordship of the country. Hence "demolish him "is it's watchword. Large sections of the media standing by to rush to its help are only too glad to train their guns at Modi. It is time that the Congress realised that it's major enemy is its feudal set-up and abysmally poor leadership. Attack and solve this problem and fight the opposition in the normal way.

01-Aug-2012 22:04 PM

Comment Dear Sir,

Very well and nicely written piece.

I share the same thoughts. I further believe that at 60s, people find it very hard to make fundamental changes in the way of thinking.
He may realize it but still may not change it.

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
29-Jun-2012 09:37 AM

Comment SureshMandon like other confused hindus has raised issues about Modi which he thinks are modi's negatives.Infact if we have to do anything meaningful in our lives, first listen to our honest self in the mirror every day whether what we have done on that day is shameful and against greater good of humanity.If no, one need not listen to fools,ass kissers,spectators etc.It is not possible to satisfy everyone.What kind of legacy he will leave behind in Gujarat? That is for the people around him who have had the opportunity to observe him closely will reveal..If people around him cannot learn from him, it is they who are loosers not Modi.One can say the same thing about our Mahatma.Unfortunately nehru for all his talents got wrapped in his mediocrity hardly learning the great teachings of Mahatma.Who has lost out? Is it Mahatma or nehru?Who is still being remembered as Mahatma? What this writer should have focussed on Modi are his actual negatives - Is modi being supported by the same money bags like Mukesh ambani? Is he encouraging enterprise so that great number of goods are produced to satisfy the needs of poor people instead of bringing in industries which only produces luxury goods for the minority rich. What his equation with Ahmed patel?These are far more serious to be looked into than go on talking about his leadership style.When are we going to find journalists who go beyond a headline or a personality and do a really objective analysis? To do an honest job, one need to move his/her arse out of air conditioned offices and hit the dirt smelly indian roads.Then only the real story will emerge.But hard sweaty work is beyond the imagination of the modern day hindu!!

29-Jun-2012 01:16 AM

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