
Science of soul

Sant Mat is science of God. But before experiencing the soul in the laboratory of body, it is utmost important to know self, for the realization of God. It is the scientific method of entering within to realize the kingdom of God that is within you in this life now.
As a true disciple of the path we have to start disciplining our life with same set rules and practical habits of the mode followed earlier. Live a pure moral life, be vegetarian, no alcohols, sincere meditation and live to the very end of the life with set principles. That is bottom line of Sant Mat.

Associating with truth, develop love, devotion with sincere efforts towards meditation and discarding  all the unwanted and unimportant luxuries of world and world itself.  It is slow and steady, but a sure short remedial path for the homesick. This fills up the void that persists as we feel  separated from our own self. The reunion demands care for self, focus, a balanced check  for senses, control of mind, regular and punctual practice of meditation, coming to satsang regularly, reading the requires books thar helpthe mind to be puleed inside.       
Our body is a laboratory where we learn through experiences. The bonds of mental and physical attitude will break and the cage of captivation is unlocked within and the situatins now let you survive freely with the survivor. The simple rules that give incentive are :

  • Good mental attitude: mind can make living hell if drifted in the waves of the world. Be positive.
  • Positive attitude: lead a relaxed happy lif e, retain balance by putting the burden of mental complications to Him with a child like faith.
  • Seek shelter: adjust to the direction of winds if you cannot change them with positive attitude. 

These simple theories followed on daily basis pave a path for self realization and through that to God realization. Don’t get lost. Awareness is the key factor to focus in this direction. If lost, stop. Don’t travel. The focus is goal, not getting side tracked. Follow map on regular basis, teach yourself with constant Simran and cling to Him with the rope of Shabad, with His Grace.


More by :  Devi Nangrani

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