Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Globalization is inevitable. Technology continues to shrink the world. Globalization is also desirable. It facilitates bonding between nationalities that leads to the growth of one global human family. But globalization can also be unpleasant. It has tightened the control of multinational corporations over the affairs of humankind. Globalization very often stifles freedom. Even the severest critics of conspiracy theories do not deny that international finance capital exercises extraordinary influence on global affairs and politics.
Very often the ultimate source of the controlling capital behind any industrial enterprise remains for all practical purpose anonymous. Manufacturers of popular brand names often change ownership patterns silently without attracting undue public attention. The influence of economic activity on politics worldwide is acknowledged. The influence of finance capital on global economy is undeniable. Thereby develops the relevance of finance capital to global politics.
Big Brother would be interested only in control. He would not allow dissent, even peaceful dissent, which threatens his hold. But he would allow freedom as long as it does not cross the red line which jeopardizes his control. |
Indeed, so powerful is the influence of corporate interests on politics that a crisis of democracy is now being recognized among responsible circles in the west. Critics in both America and Britain are questioning the fundamentals of democracy as a system capable of delivering justice to people. Such criticism is spreading across the Internet which through the information revolution has transformed the very nature of public discourse. In other words, the world is potentially poised for decisive change. What that change should be and how it might be introduced is not the subject of this essay. What is worth noting for those who desire the reform of democracy is that those who have subverted it are alive to the impending change brought about by the information revolution. They are swiftly moving to counter potential opponents by further consolidating their hold on the global system.
Up till now finance capital has in fact failed to create the so-called secret world government that haunts most conspiracy theorists. This is because finance capital globally was not a monopoly. Powerful lobbies with financial clout were pitted against each other to often cancel out each other’s moves. That is why international discord and instability have prevailed. But now a development has occurred that may change the nature of the game. The most powerful finance capital system of Europe headed by the Rothschild family has joined forces with the most powerful finance capital system of America headed by the Rockefeller family. These two are the most legendary families in financial history. Last month both families decided to put their names together to buy other asset managers or their portfolios and develop wealth management services. Their negotiations are expected to be finalized by September.
The Rothschild system funded and aided the Russian Revolution. It did this not because it supported communism but because it opposed the ruthless anti-Semitic pogroms unleashed in Tsarist Russia. After acquiring a foothold in the Soviet Union the Rothschild system could use the Soviet Union in the global power play. Is it entirely without significance that through the bitterest years of the Cold War the closest relatives of its most trenchant Soviet spokesman, Foreign Minister Molotov, were continuing to live in New York? Or that many victims of Stalin’s political purges fled to America where they settled down?
The Rockefellers were largely instrumental through Dr. Henry Kissinger to penetrate and befriend Maoist China. The original strategic rationale of dividing the Communist world between Soviet Union and China that made sense was soon overtaken by American corporate greed that allowed massive subversion of American national interests by reckless profiteering from China. As a result, apart from these two financial giants there has also arisen a third big global player, namely China. For the big multinational corporations nationalism has little meaning. The world is their oyster. They seek economic profit from wherever it comes to exercise political power globally.
After Rothschild and Rockefeller finalize partnership by September, what might the world expect? Mr. Reuben Jeffery, a CEO in Rockefeller said that the two families will broaden their overseas reach by including China. Rockefeller already has substantial investments in China. Now in partnership with the Rothschilds they will incorporate private family wealth management of the multi-billionaire Communist Party leaders and People’s Liberation Army Generals who control the wealth in China. “In the short term we’ll focus on financial services for rich families in the area of conserving wealth value and increasing asset value,” Mr. Jeffery said. He said that they expect to present rich Chinese with investment opportunities in both domestic and international markets. Jimmy Chang, executive director of Rockefeller Financial Services, reportedly said the rich Chinese families are eager to preserve and enhance their assets and wealth.
He predicted wealth management to become a major market that will develop in China. There are over one million US dollar millionaire households in China, thanks to socialism with Chinese characteristics which till recently gave slave wages to Chinese labour without any trade union rights. These families comprise the cream of Beijing ’s political ruling elite. In short, finance capital will very shortly evolve an apex global body of the major lobbies that will operate as one entity. How might this affect the world?
One anticipates the emergence of an Orwellian world in which Big Brother is benign. It would be a mistake to consider the big players of finance capital to be malevolent. They would have a strong vested interest in global stability and peace. To realize that, good governance and comfortable living would be essential. Therefore liberal regimes, reasonable wealth for the public and powerful outlets of mass entertainment would best take care of things.
Big Brother would be interested only in control. He would not allow dissent, even peaceful dissent, which threatens his hold. But he would allow freedom as long as it does not cross the red line which jeopardizes his control. He would subtly manipulate public opinion through the mass media he controls. The Internet poses a temporary problem he is already trying to overcome. Mainline media has already proved itself to be most adept in serving his interests. That, then, seems to be the direction in which events might start moving after September. Apart from the few who would refuse to be lulled by this false freedom, the rest would cheerfully accept their fate. Does all this appear to be too far-fetched and fanciful? Perhaps. But in a world in which the close family relatives of the two biggest political enemies, President George W Bush and Osama bin Laden, could have close business ties, what is not possible?
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More by : Dr. Rajinder Puri
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Thank you, sir, for your essay. It will substantially alter the direction of my attention. In Bengali, there is a saying, people usually oil an aleady oily scalp! Money has this dynamics. Money begets money. Actually, it is the duty of a welfare nation to equitably distribute wealth. Is it not very strange that when a nation is short of funds, it talks of PPP, public private partnershto have ip. Moneyed people and governance have close links. It can not be otherwise. There is no alternative to democratic values. And a saying goes, the price one has to pay, in order to have democracy is eternal vigilence. Thank you, again, Rajendra Puriji for the spotlight you have provided through your article. |