Mar 06, 2025
Mar 06, 2025
More by : Devavratan Kaundinya
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I appreciate your generous views Mr Chopra and thank you for the same. I have no hatred towards anyone. You say that our Indian culture and values are only on paper and not practical. Then why and keep talking about it? First of all, in my view, old or young they have to follow some discipline in life. Whether it is the Indian norm or Western culture. Indians use the term culture and values according to their needs which I hate. During earlier times the old men after the wife's death used to marry young woman from poor family to take care of him. That was subjected to terrible criticism. That at least makes now some sense. How one old person can take care of another old person both with failing health conditions? I am really sorry, and I dont follow this logic. I am not criticizing the positive aspects of the program. But it is not necessary to keep oneself alive by adapting the ways younger generation. As you have imagined I havent suffered at the hands of any old parents or relative! I myself am a senior citizen aged 63 years! So please understand that I expressed myself objectively and without any bias. Devavratan |
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You have described the view point from the other side - that is children side. Elders have the responsibility to behave equally well as per the norms of the society. Your point on Mother-in-Laws harassing their daughter-in-laws is also well taken. Where I was distressed to read your totally apathy for the old people and your pointing to them for the source of all problems. Your write up gives an indication for some kind of hatred for the older people which in my opinion is going too far. You are totally insensitive when it comes to second marriage. If the individual can afford it and needs a companion it is fully justified. You have forgotten the fact that the so called Indian Culture and Values are only on paper in books. Indian society does not follow any of those written laws on books that fill our libraries. In the end, looks like you had terrible experience personally at the hands of older relative and you have reflected your personal feelings.Your own views look very much lopsided. I am not finger pointing at you. The idea is to educate the masses. |
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Mr Mallik, first of all let me thank you for reading my writeup and offering your comments. I appreciate Aamir Khan for his efforts in doing extensive research and collecting information on the subjects he presents. The only man who spoke sense was from Agewell Foundation who advocated planning for your life as today the average life of a person is extended. Apart from that the merry making by oldies are definitely ridiculous. Dignity should be there in whatever we do after certain age. Such oldie romances may be good to see in movies and such shows but not in real life. My point is with age maturity should come and also it is indeed very necessary that we develop a sense of detachment towards many things in life. We, the Indians have been very critical and derisive about western culture and people who follow more existentialistic priniciple in life. But what we have seen in Aamir's program was different from that? |
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Devavratan, you have expressed your views based on feelings, Amir and his team have done a bit of research before airing their views. He strongly advocates planning life after 60, and that too for a longer period. He stressed the need to remain happy by way of games and outdoor activites. He has shown many instances where old people are neglected. That is a fact. The one thing that he did not highlight is the role of daughter-in-law, who either holds the family together or breaks into pieces! There are many positive aspects in the show, and we should appreciate that. |
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Thanks Hema..absolutely no problem..Every one of us express ourselves to be heard by as many as possible..also a big thanks for understanding my views in the right perspective.. Devavratan |
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Liked this article immensely. Very candid views expressed. Have shared it on FaceBook, hope you won't mind. It is on my wall...... |