
Poet and Poetry-Writing

Poetry is the sublime experience of the poet’s experience. “naa rushihi kurute kaavyam” is an ancient Sanskrit Saying. It means: Only a well-versed and meditative person with aesthetic heart can compose poetry. Poetry writing itself is a kind of Upaasana (Meditation). Through poetry writing the poet evolves into a matured human being ably seeing and gauzing persons, things, events, philosophies, religions, spirituality and ideologies around and in him both passionately and dispassionately depending on subject of creation. Thus he is both subjective and objective in composing verses.

Aesthetic and romantic heart, commonsense and all round knowledge in literature together with proficiency in the language of verse-composition and an idea about world and worldly things and happenings around make a charming poet. The poems shine with all kinds of feelings, thoughts, experiences, moods, senses, intuitions silently, through words and illumine the reader’s mind and touch the heart.

All the poets possess pleasant traits to be an enchanting composer of verses. We enjoy, relish, feel with, concur, fall into contemplation and many amicable moods are created in us while going through poets’ compositions. The slender work of verses of any poet is a treasure house of tender feelings expressed with grace, sensitivity and insight. The personality of the poet peeps through his every verse. The distillation of observations and feelings will be done so gracefully and enchantingly that we feel pleasant by going through the poems in the compilations.

A poet is both an entertainer and enlightener. Though most poets write under the compulsion of their nature for self-satisfaction, their out-pours and compositions will be interesting to many a discerning reader. Readers get both charmed and their intellect gets sharpened when they go through the verses.

A poet is also a human being. He possesses thirst and hunger. He will have family responsibilities. He/she will have his or her social obligations. One has to take care of all these and then in the midst of these has to fine tune time to compose poetry. Money is essential to quench his thirst and hunger and discharge family responsibilities. These are not the times when one can make poetry-writing a livelihood. One has to do some other job and then write poetry. Living and being engaged in literary creation are different. Ninety nine percent of poets do not have the luxury of earning money by taking poetry-writing as a profession. And thus they cannot meet the obligations of taking care of themselves, their family and also discharge other social responsibilities.
A poet can spare and spend time in poetry-writing only after providing a comfortable life to his near and dear. Under present circumstances it is not possible to have a full-fledged life of poetry writing. One has to write poetry and take care of his family simultaneously. Many famous and popular poets of today do other jobs for their livelihood and then also write poetry. Now-a-days there are no poets who continue writing great poetry despite they and their family members suffering from poverty and hunger. There are almost no people who made poetry-writing their livelihood.
There have been many poets from all societies and civilizations who wrote poetry despite being poor and suffered from lack of minimum amenities. The great Tamil poet, Subrahmanya Bharati is a shining example, wrote poetry as an Upasana, and was many times not able to make his family members free from hunger and depravation. But Rabindranath Tagore is a rich person and never knew the pangs of hunger. Sri Gurajada Apparao, the famous Telugu dramatist and poet though was serving a royal family, created literary master-pieces.

What all needed to be a poet is to have a touchy, responsive and compassionate heart. And one must be able to feel for the happenings around and become one with them and express. Poverty or richness or serving others for livelihood will not come in the way of composing everlasting poetry. Many famous Telugu poets have written cine songs for their livelihood. Even Sri Sri, Arudra, Acharya Atreya the champions of Marxist ideology have to resort to this anti-proletariat professions. Cine producers have provided the necessary money for their livelihood, though cinema is not in tune with socialist ideology. So, “dhanamoolam idam jagat” - Without money one cannot survive in this world and has to compromise his ideology for earning money to take care of body and family. In the absence of money one cannot even survive let alone writing poetry. Thus how far the poets who do other jobs for livelihood and are part-time poets can commit themselves to their ideologies and influence the society with their poetry is a big question mark.
We have many poets who lead cozy lives but still “feel” and write about dalits, women’s liberation, socialism, communism (though these two are now not so popular isms) and proclaim to belong to a narrow section rather than to belong to all humanity. “Viswasreyah kaavyaparamaartham - the poetic work must profess the welfare of all humanity and creation”. Such works are becoming rare. “Ramaneeyaartha prapadika sabdah kavyah - Even a single word pregnant with aesthetic and bliss-giving meanings is also defined as poetry and poetic work.

A poet has to present both aspects in one’s own poetry for the welfare and joy of all and also for self-satisfaction. The poet par excellence pervades and dwells in his creation of magic. Alive or not and eternally there he lives. Though his body like a log becomes inert, the body of his poesy has no death to meet. In his body of ephemeral existence originate intuitions that forever last. It is his leather case which stops breathing; and not his eminence which breathes ever in silence. The passions and emotions trickle from his words to fill a stream of harmony. Though retires for eternal sleep he lives eternally reclining on the couch of his poetry. Nature is his beloved and friend; frolicking he plays with words; the flowing Godavari and the stormy sea obey him and set ripples in his alphabet. He is the worthy successor of literary tradition and excels his predecessors Cultured and aesthetic lovers of poetry remember and chant his sublime lines and heart-fully celebrate his melodies, brilliant and divine. 
Subrahmanya Bharati, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Sri, Arudra, Acharaya Atreya and Sri Gurajada Appa Rao are famous Indian poets and dramatists.


More by :  Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam

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Views: 3601      Comments: 5

Comment "A poet can spare and spend time in poetry-writing only after providing a comfortable life to his near and dear." -well said sir and very true also.
At Chennai, members of Chennai Poets' Circle meet monthly ones, read their poems, discuss with comments for the improvements and feeling satisfied to know some one is interested to know our poems. Poetic sense united us even though all are from different walks of life Bankers, Retired officials, college Profs,comp Engineers and others..

b jayaraman
22-Mar-2014 09:59 AM

Comment I thank you all for the kind attention and discerning and learned observations. I am inspired and benefited.

Varanasi Ramabrahmam
29-Jul-2012 21:13 PM

Comment While appreciating the points you make in your essay, the title 'poet' is unashamedly exclusivist: that some people are poets, even born poets, and these exclusive people write poetry which is to the benefit of all of us. Already this holds a contradiction in terms, for if anyone is affected by the writings ol a given poet, then he too is capable of those very same feelings: poets are merely instruments of the Divine, to which latter power is the praise and honour due.

28-Jul-2012 20:29 PM

Comment "In his body of ephemeral existence originate intuitions that forever last."Well said about a poet and poetry.Very erudite and objective approach,sir. Regards.

T.S.Chandra Mouli
28-Jul-2012 04:51 AM

Comment Appreciate your analysis and views of a poet and poetry.

27-Jul-2012 11:10 AM

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