
Neem: Top Ten Uses

1. Neem has anti inflammatory properties. Hence its oil is used in conditions like arthritis, muscular pains and inflamed wounds.

Mix 10 ml of pure sesame oil with 10 ml of neem oil. Warm this oil mix and massage on aching joints and muscles. This helps to reduce swelling and pain.

2. Neem has anti microbial properties too. It can be used effectively in skin ailments like acne, pimple and back acne.

Pick up handful of fresh juicy neem leaves. Wash them in clean water. Crush them to extract juice. (This can be done in a mixer also). Apply this juice on acne, pimple and back acne. Wash this off in cold water after 20 minutes.

3. Juice of tender neem leaves and neem flowers help to reduce blood sugar level. Hence persons with diabetes will be immensely benefited by regular consumption of neem. Collect 2-3 tea spoons of fresh neem flowers and tender neem leaves. Soak them overnight and crush it in blender with little water. Squeez the juice and mix ½ cup of water. Drink this in empty stomach in morning.

4. Neem flowers and neem leaves can be collected during blossoming season and dried powder of this mixture can be used when the season ends. Take care to dry this mixture in hot sun and store in cool dry place.

5. Neem has anti inflammatory properties. Hence its oil is used in conditions like arthritis, muscular pains and inflamed wounds. Mix 10 ml of pure sesame oil with 10 ml of neem oil. Warm this oil mix and massage on aching joints and muscles. This helps to reduce swelling and pain. 

6.  To prevent frequent skin infection add 2 tea spoons of fresh juice of neem leaves to bathing water. Using soaps made of neem and tulsi (neem tulsi soap) helps to prevent many skin diseases and soothes psoriasis patches, eczema, acne and pimple.

Mix few drops of neem oil to pure coconut oil. Massage this oil mix to scalp and hair roots. Regular use of this oil mix helps to get rid of head lice and prevents formation of dandruff. This remedy helps to maintain scalp health. Use of hair oil processed with neem helps to have disease free scalp and healthy hair growth.

7. Neem can be used effectively to treat gum diseases. Chewing tender branches of neem helps to prevent bleeding from gum.

8. Regular use of neem rejuvenates liver and keeps liver diseases at bay.

9. Use of neem is recommended in texts of ayurveda to treat jaundice.

10. Diabetes impairs blood circulation and causes gangrene in lower extremities. Numerous scientific researches have highlightened the role of neem in keeping circulatory system healthy, thus reducing the chances of gangrene.

11. Neem helps to reduce cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy. Chew 5-10 tender leaves of neem in morning in empty stomach.


More by :  Dr. Savitha Suri

Top | Ayurveda

Views: 3623      Comments: 10

Comment Sir, last 6 weeks i am drinking neem juice in the morning.Is there any side effect .Can I continue.

Thanks and Regards

24-Oct-2015 05:23 AM


14-Sep-2015 02:14 AM

Comment Hi
is neem juice reduce serum creatine level also ?? please reply as sson as possible

07-May-2014 11:50 AM

Comment hi doctor what are the side effect of the neem water. Please varify me thanks a lot.

dilip rijal
08-Dec-2013 06:35 AM

Comment Hi dr sav just wanted 2 knw if neem capsules are k 2 take if u have multiple sclerosis disease? is it safe to take? has any1 tryd it? thanx!

20-Oct-2013 19:15 PM

Comment Hello,
I have montly problem means my period is comeing only two days & blood is going not too much .

vrunda Kandalkar
17-Sep-2013 06:39 AM

Comment Neem is a purfect ayurvedic product of nature....?

Adnan Khan
25-Jul-2013 03:27 AM

Comment Thanks Hirender for this, tips like the one you have shared are always welcome. And I am sure carrying out this 11 day regime is a win - win situation--you get to try something new that might have an impact on your health but has no bad side effects. thanks for sharing.

31-May-2013 02:06 AM

Comment 1.Since long long years the ladies in Andhra and south Odisha grind whole turmeric finger/lump with few sprigs of neem leaves and use the paste with or without little oil of choice as face mass. This keeps their facial skin glowing, blemish free, lovely and good smelling.
2. We in Odisha eat neem buds, tender leaves fried with tiny cut brinjal. Fry as you choose and get rid of colon worms and improve your blood and keep diabetes at bay.

Niranjan Prasad Mohanty
18-Mar-2013 23:09 PM

Comment Dear Dr Savitha,
My family hails from Rajasthan and one visit with my late grandfather way back in 1990 february, he arranged for some one to pick the tender neem buds early in the morning.

After this, the tender buds and neem leaves were made into a paste on the hand grinding stone, with a little bit of black pepper added. Once the paste was made it was extracted through a fine sieve cloth and fresh water was added to it to make it into a liquid form and enable it to be drunk like a juice. We all drank one glass of this juice every morning for 11 days, first thing in the morning, and ate only 2-3 hours later, drinking more water during this period of 2-3 hours was fine, but no coffe/tea or solids were allowed.

My grandfather arranged this for 11 days continuosly and explained to me that if done every year during the flowering season, this helps eye sight and the body to enerigise and cleanse itself, ridding itself of a lot of toxins.

I cant find anything about this on the internet, and would like to share this with you for further research / comments so it can be shared on your blog / site.

With all the benefits of neem that is being resear ched and published now a days, I am sure this will be of great help to many people who want to stay healthy or who want to fight some sort of illness.

I now live in Belgium, where I personally have no access to fresh neem, but for the last 23 years, every spring, I think about this and would like to do it again.


Hirender Ranka
18-Feb-2013 11:59 AM

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