
Why the Christian World is Quiet?

It is all right when the Hindus are persecuted in Pakistan or Bangladesh or any other Muslim country, because there is no country or Government which is protective of the Hindus. The Govt of India is a secular Govt. appeasing minorities at the cost of 80% of the majority community, as 20% of the votes make them rule the country.

But why is the Christian world quiet over the persecution of christians in Egypt, Pakistan, Syria, Palestine or any other Islamic country. Why is the Pope quiet when the catholics are harassed, forced to accept Islam as a religion. Why is USA, Australia, Canada the Europe quiet when christians in distress ask them for help and the answer they receive is that they should keep staying whereever they are without making any noise. In Egypt, where the US and other EU countries helped for restoration of democracy?, 550 cases have been documented in the last five years but the speed has increased since the revolution.
Christians often find the government siding with their Muslim abductors. One young mother who recently testified before the Helsinki Commission explained how she was snatched in broad daylight, as her abductor shouted to bystanders while dragging her to a waiting taxi, "No one interfere! She is an enemy of Islam."

 Last year the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said that 1800 Christian and Hindu girls were forcibly converted to Islam. Most recently, the sister of a pastor was "kidnapped, raped and forcibly converted to Islam." She was kidnapped around a month ago by some Muslim men while returning home from college. She was held for days, suffered sexual abuse, threats and violence. In such a state of terror and exhaustion, first she was coerced into converting to Islam, and then marriage. Hindu girls, in the Sindh region are abducted at free will and then raped and converted and got married. Once they are converted, the Police and the Courts do not interfere and that is the end of the story. The recent case of Rimsha, a 14 years old christian girl of slightly unsound mind has been held in custody for burning pages of Holy Koran. Where is the Human Rights Commission which cries hoarse when even a small incident takes and here it appears to be helpless or cowardly watching the drama.

The  Palestinian Christian community in the Hamas-run Gaza strip reported that five Christians were abducted and pressured into converting to Islam. Because they made this forced conversion charge known, "members of the Christian community now fear reprisal attacks by Muslim extremists." Some have appealed to the Vatican and Christian groups and churches in the West for help. But the reply was stay as you are and do not make more noise. 

The  Central Assembly of God Church in Tehran and its summer campsite Christian gatherings and conferences—were closed by authorities of the Islamic Republic, who also posted a large notice on the gates warning of severe consequences should anyone try to enter the premises. And Yet Iran is holding the NAM conference with Govt's of Christian lands sending their delegates.
In Kenya seven Jihadists attacked a Church killing 17 Christians and injuring 60 others when they were in the Congregation. In Kuwait, the construction of a Church was objected to and the Govt. did not consider the plea of construction as a human right adding that in a Muslim country, religion(Islam) comes First and humanity thereafter.
In Nigeria, 65 Christians were killed in a attacks on Churches,43 christians owned farms destroyed and the funerals of killed victims were also attacked.
In Egypt Muslims Taxi and Bus drivers have received fatwas not to carry Coptic christians to their church prayers or congregations.

All this is systematic and wide spread from Pakistan to Morrocco and yet the Christian world is unaffected. Perhaps it believes in not making any noise.


More by :  Suresh Mandan

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Views: 3594      Comments: 2

Comment Thanks for enlighting me on this subject. I liked "Christians are not a valuable asset..........."

05-Sep-2012 17:55 PM

Comment Interesting article, but it perhaps has lost sight of the fact that the true Christian mentality is essentially one of non-attachment to the values of this world, where death is seen as the moment of liberation from its trials and temptations.

When Christianity is viewed as a religion whose end is accommodation in a given society, apart from its role as a witness to Christ, it loses its bearings. Like St Paul, who invoked his rights as a Roman citizen to escape harm to his person, so Christians believe that their lives as witness to Christ implies a full term of years in a given society like everyone else, to give a sustained witness.

The interpretation of Christianity indeed has come to assume one of living the good life here on earth, meaning fulfilled expectation in every department, through the power of the risen Christ – as specified, for example, in the grace before and after meals.

However, at a given point in history, there arise powers that appear to override the divinely ordained status quo of what, today, are called democratic principles, considered by Christians as a fulfilment of Christian charity, accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit working in the world in succeeding generations of humanity; whose achievement is the present state of world-wide recognition of human rights, and the freedom and equality of all citizens before the law – with few exceptions, particularly, as cited, in Islamic countries.

When affecting Christians, the times of persecution and martyrdom are considered in Christian history as 'times of grace' - permitted by God, as indeed is every action that takes place, to show forth the glory of Christian witness, the martyrs’ crown.

It implies Christians should properly rejoice in persecution, because Christ identifies himself with the persecuted Christian: in His own words: 'Inasmuch as you did it to one of these, the least of my brethren, you did it to me.' Matt 25:40.

You mention the pope, whose concern is the tending of Christ’s flock. Throughout history popes have tended to protect not merely the spiritual interests but the welfare of the flock in their charge. The most effective way of achieving the latter is papal acceptance that secular authority is representative of God’s authority in the temporal sphere: thus the pope has over the course of centuries come to narrow his remit to issues of faith and morals, as we see in his stance on birth control; but not on nuclear non-proliferation, in which he just holds an opinion that is not binding on Catholics.

In this way, Christian witness is achieved that poses no threat to the lives of Christians in secular society. After all, it is funds from the secular arm of the church in the laity that supports it as an institution.

In Islamic societies where there is persecution of Catholics, as you cite, neither does the pope cry out for Christians to be martyrs! That is left to Almighty God to arrange using the instruments of persecution in a given society. The pope still doesn’t proclaim that martyrdom is glorious, but it is doctrinally his belief. It is possibly this ambivalence that explains the pope’s reticence in confronting civil, even Islamic, authority as cited.

In the case of western governments not protecting the rights of Christians in foreign countries where they are being persecuted by a given regime, the matter is simply inability to achieve results through any course of action save diplomatic entreaty. Christians are not a valuable asset like oil to be profited from. And it is easily forgotten that Christians by definition belong to Christ, and that is the real source of their protection: like martyrdom, we should not be swayed by the appearances of gloom and despair the plight of Christians poses: but always bear in mind that Christ Risen is present, a living person, God no less. No Christian could hope or ask for more.

However, referring to the numerous instances you cite, it is difficult to reconcile the rape of women with Christian witness. It would appear smug to say that God permits this, since that is the argument of the perpetrators with their own faith in an Islamic God, and the outcome would appear to confirm the latter. This would appear to occasion a dilemma in the person raped, as to whether her Christian faith is true – since she should be liberated by Christ present. It is easy to see a Christian martyred as liberated through death, even though this is technically being overpowered by the forces of persecution; but a Christian woman who is raped has to continue living, a living death. Here, as an unwitting spectator, one has to admit lack of comprehension only one’s personal Christian faith can overcome in an argument ‘beyond understanding’; indeed, as applies in the case of the raped woman, whose secrets of the heart we are not privy to, as she continues life in her forced conversion circumstances.

02-Sep-2012 21:00 PM

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