
How to Lose Weight after Pregnancy

Many women struggle hard to lose weight after pregnancy. Here are few useful tips to lose weight after pregnancy.
  1. Avoid crash diet. This may cause reduction in breast milk and also quality of breast milk.
  2. Incorporate health diet rich of nutrients into your daily routine. Consult your family physician or dietician before starting this. 
  3. Include exercises, yoga and pranayama in your daily routine. Take opinion of your gynecologist before starting any exercise.
  4.  Breast feed baby. This helps to reduce the post pregnancy fat and tone up the muscles which are strained during pregnancy and delivery. 
  5. Do not start any diet or exercise till the baby completes 12 weeks. You need at least 12 weeks of rest after delivery. Body needs this 12 weeks time to recuperate from pregnancy and delivery. 
  6. Any strenuous work before this period may lead to muscle cramps, passing of blood clots and other complications. 
  7. Don’t be in a hurry to lose weight. Slow weight reduction is always advisable. Losing one or two pounds per week is always ideal. 
  8. Avoid sweets, fast foods, soft drinks, processed and deep fried food. 
  9. Keep full stock of fresh fruits and vegetable at home. 
  10. Snack on vegetable salads, fresh fruits and dry fruits. 
  11. Add sprouts to salads and other recipes. This increases nutritional value of the recipe. Your diet should be high in nutrients and low in calories. 
  12. According to principles of ayurveda vata dosha gets vitiated during delivery. Hence both mother and child should be massaged with herbal oil (usually ksheerabala oil is recommended for massaging mother). Massage and warm water bath helps to balance vata and strengthen the muscles. 
  13. Spices like turmeric, pepper, long pepper, ginger are added to mother’s diet. This helps to normalize digestion and prevents accumulation of fat. 
  14. Milk has to be consumed twice daily to fulfill the needs of nutrients. Consumption of skimmed milk is a good choice.  
  15. Mother should get sufficient sleep.

Avoid stressful conditions. Stress causes secretion of stress hormones which may lead to binge eating. Before starting any weight loss program consult your doctor.


More by :  Dr. Savitha Suri

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