
India Against Corruption?

The internal Lokpal that the India Against Corruption 'party' has instituted is a good step ahead towards good democratic systems and objectives. In an interview with CNN IBN Arvind Kejriwal said clearly that the imputations against two of his colleagues would be looked into and if the allegations were found to be true they would summararily be expelled. However he chose to be vague when asked about the veracity of  the allegations. One cannot blame him on this count, as he is leaving it to the wisdom of  the internal committee, who he said would comprise of retired judges known for probity and unblemished record. Fine.

But this raises questions:
  • Isn't it a serious paradox, that two persons with dubious records and intent have already been inducted into the group, which is all set to launch itself as a political party, set to fight corrupt political parties, and inject ethics and fairness into politics? 
  • What gainsay is there, that this seminal party will not fall into the vortex of  greedy men and women, and take the same road like other politicians? 
  • What will the atypical nature of this party be, in addition to internal Lokpals, which should be lauded indeed?
Instead of a political pary it could have been a national NGO as watch dog with a loose hierarchy with a core group as main functionaries. Admission into the organization should be strict, with rigid screening process for members. Numbers do not matter, it is the integrity which does. This organization should work for at least five years before thinking of contesting elections. In these five years it should solidly emerge as an above board organization, on strict nationalistic lines. Development of the country should be top on the agenda, earmarking developmental goals such as education, poverty, food demands and supply, suggestions to tackle insurgency, corruption at all levels, how to tackle this, political cleanliness and electoral reforms etc.

The group has taken the plunge, it claims to be above board. First it must prove this , because eyebrows are already being raised against it.

India is not a Nation of fools!


More by :  Ananya S Guha

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Views: 3608      Comments: 4

Comment The writer has tried to endorse status quo. Kejriwal is indeed a fool. India does not deserve genuine people. Kejriwal has lost love for life, it seems. Remember my words, sooner or later he'll die in a road accident. You'll not even be able to call it a murder. He's an idiot indeed. He speaks the truth. He wants a corruption-free India. What a joke!

shaleen k singh
24-Oct-2012 02:56 AM

Comment Your intention in writing this piece becomes clear in the last line. You could have named almost any other political party and reached the same conclusion. But the fact that you are targeting IAS, an outfit that wants to make corruption the main issue (which conveniently all the other political parties ignore at the cost of us fools) makes one wonder at the eagerness displayed by intellectuals like you in maintaining the status quo.

23-Oct-2012 13:54 PM

Comment Of course India is a nation of fools! To have elected representatives with dubious credentials who have looted the nation for the last 65 years & amassed personal wealth at the cost of the poor people. The massive decline in the quality of education especially primary education, the abysmal healthcare availability & quality at village levels, lack of job opportunity except for a very small population, killing increase in cost of living making life of even middle class miserable, acute shortage of power throughout the country & failure on all fronts including morals & ethics in public life is the reward that fools get by electing such representatives.
Public is considered very wise when they vote for these representatives but considered ignorant & stupid when discussions about the various facets of their development takes place. These must be done by people sitting in air-conditioned chambers in Delhi & state capitals! What a farcical democracy we are having -- OF 1%, FOR 1%, BY 1%

Pratap Bahadur
22-Oct-2012 07:11 AM

Comment You crticism should be taken positively, people like Kejriwal are needed at this junture, and should be encouraged. They have embarked on difficult task. Support and wish Kejriwal success.

22-Oct-2012 01:15 AM

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