Mar 04, 2025
Mar 04, 2025
People like Swami Vivekananda cannot be understood by ever-changing, superficial jargon. The concept of IQ itself has come under severe questioning over the last decade. Important examinations have shifted to EQ rather than IQ.
Vivekananda is a unique phenomenon of spiritual radiance. His presence, his aura, his voice, his impact, his understanding of existence – all these and much more are beyond any narrow concept like intelligence quotient. Intelligence alone could not have made Vivekananda what he was. His grasp of philosophy, his ability to organize, his knack to translate thought into action, his one-ness with the people of India, his conviction, hard work, his natural influence on others and his miraculous word are all beyond IQ.
I object to Nitin Gadkari’s remark that the IQ level of Vivekananda and Dawood Ibrahim are the same. How does he know the exact IQ of the two persons? The comment, by inference, glorifies the criminal and degrades the spiritual leader. The comment suggests that Dawood is very sharp. He is very intelligent; as intelligent as Vivekananda. There is hidden praise for the criminal. There is admiration for his brains. The only fault attributed to Dawood is that he could not channelize his sharp intelligence into the right direction. This is clearly trivializing the kind of crimes Dawood is supposed to have committed. This is trivializing the issue of terrorism.
There’s no good IQ or bad IQ in this world. Sharpness of brain is just one of the many faculties gifted to humankind. Understanding, compassion, hard work, dedication, focus, goodness and ability to influence others are some of the many, many riches bestowed by Nature on human beings.
What kind of thinking can possibly draw a parallel between IQ levels of the two persons in question? Perhaps Mr. Gadkari should have elaborated his view point. Nevertheless, he has definitely betrayed his inner thought process through these words. In order to look informed and educated, he has presented his scientific theory. This is the reason why it is said that less knowledge is dangerous while complete ignorance is bliss.
More by : Prof. Shubha Tiwari