Random Thoughts

Money, Everything in Life

The popular Abba song “Money, Money…” was being relayed on FM.  Humming, I try to recall the lyrics “All those things I could do if I had a little money….” “Money, money, money, in the rich man’s world….”

Money, the compensation for services rendered, paid in order to procure goods, the coveted green bills that everyone would like to possess. Well, are these crisp notes the deciding factor while seeking employment or are there others that influence an individual to take up a particular vocation is a debatable matter.
In the present day context, Money implies material prosperity, financial stability, comforts and a better standard of living.  Admittedly, an individual cannot deny its importance while studying and choosing a profession, yet, when one takes into account the prospects, social standing, skills and experiences associated with a particular job, money may not always be the deciding factor.  Great scientists of the past led simple lives, poverty ridden too at most times.  If earning money had been their priority, they would not have come with scientific discoveries and inventions, Thomas Edison, Marie Curie, among others just to name a few. Several freedom fighters, MK Gandhi, being the foremost gave up successful professions in order to fight for the independence of the Country.  Today, thanks to their selfless contributions, we are able to lead a peaceful life..

For the vast majority, a lucrative pay package would be the consideration while taking up some employment, yet, few stand out in this materialistic world who seek to pursue their passions close to their hearts, not getting stuck to high flying jobs, which fetch a fortune. Unassuming, they render tireless service in order to get personal gratification, also with a view to help the downtrodden. There are Arvind Kejriwals in our midst, several unsung heroes, who work  with a view to serve.

Further, in a Society, there are different professions, every individual’s contribution is of importance, be he a scavenger or a soldier, or a CEO of a Corporate.  Little drops of water make the mighty ocean is the well known saying, likewise, each one has a role to play in order to make life meaningful and easy for other, helped and be helped. A country would end up with mercenaries if money was the decisive factor while seeking employment.As Gandhiji opines "Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil. Capital in some form or other will always be needed."

Alexander the Great expressed three desires at the time of his death.  First, physicians were to carry his body to the grave, in order that people should realize that a doctor cannot cure anybody.  Death was inevitable.  Secondly, the path to his grave was to be strewn with gold, silver and riches so that people would understand that not a fraction of good could be carried along. It is futile to chase wealth.  Thirdly, his hands were to be kept open stretched out the coffin,  symbolizing one comes empty handed to this world, exits without a dime. 

Pondering over the above story, does this mean one has to renounce money and become a mendicant?  Contrarily, Money is important in order to have a comfortable living in harmony with other individuals.  But one thing has to be understood, Money can buy houses, not a home, can buy blood but a life can never ever be bought, similarly, true love and relationships cannot be procured with Money, they have to be earned through right conduct, not with  "Midas' attitude." 


More by :  Hema Ravi

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