
Dil Se

One of the most memorable moments in a person's life is when they propose or are proposed to. Every little girl grows up with dreams of the day when a handsome young man will fall on his knees begging to make her his and every young boy waits for the day when he can meet a fair lady at whose feet he can lay his heart.

Considering the utmost importance of this venture, here are some important tips on how to go about it.

Here's How

  • Find the right person.

  • Fall in love.

  • Decide if you can bear to see the same face each morning for the rest of your love, notwithstanding whether the face s covered with teenage freckles or middle-aged wrinkles.

  • Try to find out if your object of love returns your affection. One way love never ends in matrimony.

  • Know enough about your future in-laws to know if you should ask permission from them first.

  • Know enough about your beloved so you can create a meaningful experience.

  • Decide if you are going to purchase the ring before or after you propose. This is a good indication of your confidence level.

  • Stay within your budget or financial capability. Don't overdo it. Remember you have to save up for a potential wedding.

  • Pay attention to timing. Don't plan on proposing when he or she is stressed or overwhelmed. I love you doesn't sound half as romantic when your beloved is struggling against a deadline.

  • Pick a memorable place, song, or occasion such as where you first met, or first kissed, etc.
    Set a romantic tone.

  • Keep it fun.

  • Keep it simple.

  • Don't do anything really dumb like tying the ring to the end of a kite string or fishing line.

  • Don't be melodramatic and prosy. There is a danger of sounding artificial and strained.

  • Serenading and singing romantic songs about your beau is recommended only for people who are really confident enough to carry it off.

  • Know your beloved well enough to grasp what she means. Some people mean no when they say no. Don't keep pestering now. A dignified retreat is recommended now. You can always try again but don't lay it on too much when the person is taken aback or in a *I won't listen* mood.


  • Be prepared to have your best-laid plans fall apart.

  • Focus more on the moment than on the ring and other externals. What is most important is your beau.

  • Try not to give your plans away by showing how nervous you are. Nervousness looks cute only on cinema frames.

And now if you are really in a mood to go proposing, here are some ideas to get you going. Get inspired and design your own unique way which would please your beloved.

  • Down on one knee anywhere

  • In a restaurant

  • On a park bench

  • At the beach during sunset

  • At Switzerland or Paris as your fancy and pocket permits

  • Consider a holiday theme around Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, her birthday etc.

  • While hiking, fishing, or camping < a definite no if your beau is not the sporty kind >

  • On a sailboat

  • While on an airplane

  • At a sports event

  • At a covered bridge

  • At the Taj Mahal

  • In a box of chocolates

  • Hidden in her icecream bowl.

  • Put an ad in a newspaper

  • Ask a DJ on the radio to ask for you

  • Via email or on the Web if you are the kind bereft of speech in front of her. Nothing could be more awful than a botched up proposal.

  • In a carved out book

  • Design a crossword puzzle

  • Gift wrap yourself and present to her on her birthday, Valentines Day or just about any day.   


More by :  Karishma D

Top | Teens

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