
Tamil Nadu Fishermen in Desperation

Mrs. Nirubama Rao,then Secretary of Foreign Affairs Ministry had air dashed to Sri Lanka in a bid to resolve sea water crisis and to persuade Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka for declaring truce against unarmed Tamilnadu fishermen.  In fact, Tamilnadu fishermen who ventured into sea every dawn for their livelihood are harmless without holding any war weapons.  They used to have oars and fishing nets during the journey.  Sri Lankan navy in the name of safeguarding maritime boundaries caught  hold of fishermen and shot them like swines.  More than 1000 fishermen were killed for the past 10 years along Tamilnadu coast.  Unfazed Sri Lankan navy hunts fishermen from Tamilnadu on the mid-sea like Somalia pirates and Ugandan diabolics.
Culture of Sri Lanka is well known regarding its brutality unleashed on ethnic Tamil community.  No civilised efforts had been taken by Sri Lanka government.  Not only Lord Buddha’s statues are in dark captivity, also his philosophy and doctrine of non-violence.  Both were safely buried alive into Sri Lankan sand is evident.  Buddhists are successful in their life style, but Buddhism is not successful in Sri Lanka.

Did Indian government realise the possible attack from Sri Lankan navy which is basking under renewed friendship with China?
Human Rights Organisations across the globe raised world-wide protest till infesting throat.  Apart from responding to appeals from Tamilnadu, president Rajapaksa used to project support to his navy and justified its role in protecting nautical limits.  Diplomatic relations can not be supported over the enjoyment of killing fishermen belonging to neighbour countries.  The tears shed by the families of victims are huge are massive more than the volume of sea waters.  Even crocodiles would express surprise at the stream of tears shed by Rajapaksha over mass killings of Tamils.
Recently Mr. Jayakumar from Vedaranyam coast was strangulated during fishing by Sri Lankan Naval dinosaurs that had startled the vast fisherment community in Tamilnadu.  While fighting with unarmed fishermen, Sri Lanka navy showed its spineless and coward act by strangulating one of them. 

Does Sri Lanka endorse this as sovereignty?  Did Indian government realise the possible attack from Sri Lankan navy which is basking under renewed friendship with China?  Sri Lanka navy launches attacks on fishermen beyond their boundaries.  If they are capable of doing violence far away from their land, what would be the dimension of atrocities launched on Tamils within their boundaries?
Those once lived in Sri Lanka might have been prompted to rise against suppression, oppression and depression engineered by Sri Lanka government and probably this paved the way for the uprising of liberation movements in Sri Lanka.
Our Foreign Affairs Secretary Mr. Nirubama Rao has engaged in dialogues with Sri Lankan counterpart to findout possible solutions to fishermen’s woes.  It is neither positive not assertive that the outcome would be considered result-oriented. 

Sri Lanka government is a toughnut to get cracked and too cranky on its own attitude Mr. Rajapaksa known to his sadist, sophist and psychic sentiments like Adolf Hitler of Germany moves to bring Sri Lanka’s sovereignty to edge of mockery.  Indian government had fulfilled diplomatic activism by deputing Foreign Ministry Secretary to Sri Lanka that too aimed at obeying then Tamilnadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi who is an expert in the “drive the quill” a process of writing letters in lucid language to Centre.
Mrs. Nirubama Rao spared no effort in the assignment for begging Mr. Rajapaksa to forgive Tamilnadu fishermen for their offence of fishing within Tamilnadu sea limits.  The fishermen are not sailors to know about nautical limits, though it is known to navy, they tend to exceed their limits and destroy fishermen.
If Mrs. Indira Gandhi, ‘Iron Lady of India’ is alive now she would certainly have taken stringent action against erring Sri Lankan government.  Her indisputable mission would have saved Tamils from peril.  Unfortunately, India lost the great illustrious leader.  As soon as the news reached following the killing of fisherman in strangulation then opposition leader, present Chief Minister and General Secretary of AIADMK J. Jayalalithaa who was known to courage and political activism during crisis like Tsunami, had immediately rushed to Vedaranyam, consoled the victims and handed over financial assistance.
It was she who made a first visit to the fishing hamlet on hearing the news.  She condemned the navy atrocity and appealed to government for necessary action through diplomatic channels.  Being a quintessence, heralding the visit to the grief-stricken family she too inspired other political leaders to follow her strides.
Some flattering leaders in Tamilnadu took more efforts to justify 2G spectrum scandal through public meeting across Tamilnadu.  But they never strained to address the issues confronting fishermen or to protest brutality of Sri Lankan navy.
Staunch supporters of Sri Lankan Tamils  Mr. Nedumaran, Mr. Vaiko and Mr. Seeman had together echoed sentiments of Tamilnadu fishermen and appealed to government for immediate action on war footing.  They portrayed the issues, conducted rallys and demonstrations across the State and created wider awareness among the people of State.  Mr. Seeman a popular film director cum actor had spoken in a public meeting.  He expressed some remarks and he exercised his legitimate right under freedom of expression which was enshrined in Indian Constitution.  Contrary to this, Mr. Seeman was imprisoned for his alleged inflammatory speech.  Later Honourable Court found him harmless and ordered his release.
In Sri Lanka, Press freedom is in peril.  Sri Lankaen, a news portal has recently released statements which are found critical about government.  Its office was damaged and looted by a team mercenaries which was engaged by forces loyal to Sri Lanka government.
During atrocities perpetrated by Sri Lankan navy, India being a stoic silent spectator reassures its compatibility to traditional tolerance.  Nor there was diplomatic persuasion or pragmatic effort to save the victims.  The fisherfolk of Tamilnadu still gazes at horizons seeking total relief and peace.


More by :  T. Anandh Krishna

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Views: 3564      Comments: 2

Comment You can find about 'no action from india' in last paragraph.Thank you.

17-Nov-2012 00:43 AM

Comment Why no action from India is not answered in this article. This is surprising.

16-Nov-2012 05:01 AM

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