
Who Will Listen?

Let us look at the synchronicity of these events. Barely a week before the bizarre happening in Delhi, a young lady was subject to the most aboniable kind of behaviour, and voyeurism by a group of men in Bangalore. Around the time of the sordid happening in New Delhi a young lady was also gang raped by jueviniles in Garo Hills. And after the Delhi episode a film actress was molestated publicly in Manipur. This is the most malafide kind of syncronicity of events or coincidence that I have witnessed. And of course the ubiquitous media has ponted out more sordid stories, including one in the city of Mumbail.

What do these incidents tell? They tell of a pathetic story of orgy, and collective evil. What is happening to our societies, both the young and the old? Are they possessed of the devil, displaying devilish traits? What is the point of talking about money corruption, when the heart of man has vistations from the evil one, and displaying it so flagrantly? Only when people get away with animal behaviour, can they take recourse to devilish ways. Only when people take things for granted, can they behave in the most barbaric and abominable manner. Only when the law makers are in cahoots with the depraved can such things happen. This is corruptibility at its worst and most heinous form.

And of course this has been happening for a long long time. Crimes against women on issues of marriage, dowry, labour, child birth have been continuously presnt in our troubled histories. Once the court decided on the issue, everything was forgotten. But the malaise is in deeper instincts, in our prejudices, in our blood and bones, and even the most educated are ensnared by the trappings of money lust, blood lust and body lust. There have been instances of dowry deaths, connivance between in parents and a son for exterminating the wife, because she does not fulfil the hegemony of marriage, which is money, lust and power. There have been cases of child rape and torture, atrocities against domestic workers, in our educated middle and upper middle classes. There has been insensate behaviour on the part of the public against women, the Bangalore case or the Manipur episode is a stereo type of the worst patterns of thought in the male psyches of our societies. How more decrepit can we be?

These are shredding our societies into an interminable hiatus. These are matters of internal security, education, right awareness, atrocities against women in the face of lawlessness and the rule of the jungle. Political and social militancy can at least be countered, even through mediation but barbaric human behaviour which is guided by the worst type of instincts cannot. That is a tragedy. The protest of the youth in Delhi is more than symbolic; it shows their fear and sheer insecurity. Who will listen to them?


More by :  Ananya S Guha

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