
Hindu Terrorism - Misplaced Remarks

The Home Minister's statement that Hindu 'terrorism' is supported by some political parties and their allies needs to be looked roundly at. It comes at a time when India baiting by Pakistan is at its best, and this statement could be well used by our neighbour to advantage, in whatever context. We must remember that Islamic states beleive in hegemonic rights on religious  basis, and not necessarily on nationalistic rights and fervour.

Making a religion akin to terrorism, Hindu or Muslim is a wrong premise and will hurt sentiments, apart from the fact that it came in a wrong moment.If there has been a Gujarat, there has also been a Godhra. We should not lose our balance in this matter. The worst that a politician could do, and that too the Home Minister could do is to talk on such divisive lines, especially when the Hindu Muslim imbroglio is improving and looking up considerably. Moreover the statement smacks of a bias, and will be a repellent to hardliners, who are already vociferous and fired up. There was no need to stoke fire, at this juncture and that too by a responsible authority.

It is a pity that political leaders never talk of an unity, religious, caste or community based, but always take the divisive stance, causing further fissure and erosion in our societies. A religious group cannot have terrorists, whether Hindu or Islamic; terrorists are individuals distorting religion, and professing violence in its name. To use the religious tag for a religion is to discredit it, and identify religion with terrorism per se. This is not only wrong, it is unethical and grossly irresponsible, in pluralistic societies.

I don't know what is the intention of our Home Minister, but he has played into the enemy's hands, and openly antaganized the majority pouplation, most of whom want to co exist peacefully.Moreover, this will be a chance for disgruntled, recalcitrant elements, call them Hindu or Muslim to make a strong comeback, and preach the message of attrition and hate. Is this warranted? I am surprised that the Prime Minister is keeping quiet on this matter.

Who gains from these statements? Only politicians? The common man will have to bear the brunt of the attack by fascist elements. It has been a most reprehensible statement, and either we must pooh pooh it, or inveigh it with heavy condemnation. The Aaam Aaadmi perhaps knows better what do, in such a situation, because he has faced it times without number.  


More by :  Ananya S Guha

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Comment Hello Ananya,

You have raised very valid point on the kind of politics UPA and the Congress is currently engaged to.

Such statements are not only irresponsible but are against national interests. UPA govt has been doing such soft anti national activities since quite long.

As the elections are nearing, the recent remakrs are an effort to draw public attention and news coverage towards communcal tensions and showcase its opponents - the BJP and its allies as driver of these problems.

Let's recall more such incidents:

- Last year the then Home Minister, Mr. Chdambaram cautioned the naiton before Diwali that "WE" should be cautious towards probable communal clashes, BECAUSE MANY RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS WERE FALLING IN NEXT FEW MONTHS. - Since when festivals started causing communal tensions ? In other words, people better avoid celebrating cultural festivals in name of ensuring peace !!

- Mr. Digvijay Singh often spoke on communal lines.

- There are several articles on this website by Mr. Rajinder Puri, questioning the Indian findings of Samjhauta express blast and nailing down Aseemanand as against findings by UN that some Pakistani terrorist groups were behind the attack. - Either one of them can be true, imagine what kind of govt can cook up stories against it's own people !

23-Jan-2013 07:15 AM

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