Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
Glossary: A Cognitive science perspective:
Aatmajnaana/Brahmajnaana: Indian spiritual knowledge of the Self
Aatman/Brahman/Adaha: Self – providing us mental time-space and consciousness /awareness/ dristi; the result of breathing process; generator of mental energy pulses; is both the instrumental (nimitta kaarana) and material cause (upaadaana kaarana) for the formation of inner mental world and its retrieval; source, guide and energyprovider for the human mind and its activities.
Adhyasa: super-imposition of self-consciousness on pure consciousness forming veil thus concealing the experience of sate of Atman/Brahman
Advaita: no two – only aham-aham - phase of mind when mind is not functioning. State of bhakti, tatpara, taatparya
Advaita siddhanta: Integrated psychology
Aham: relates to Atman, the unoccupied awareness or pure consciousness when no mental cognitions taking place
Antahkaranas: inner mental tools - manas, buddhi, chittam, ahamkaaram
Antarmukha dristi: awareness of within of the body known as occupied awareness- maanasika dristi –
tuning of mind with inner mental world
Annamaya kosa: Getting tuned to and sensing stimuli from external physical world through sense organs and reception
Aanaandamaya kosa: Awareness of understanding/intuition/urge/
Avidya: state of mind when secular cognitions and communications take place
Bahirmukha dristi: awareness of without of the body (last two together is known as occupied awarenessmaanasika dristi - tuning of mind with outside physical world
Bhakti: tatpara, taatparya, puport, import state of mind
Brain waves: Patterns of activation of brain neurons produce four types of brain waves:
a. Alpha Waves: These rhythmic waves occur at a frequency of about 8—13 Hz. One hertz is one cycle per second. Alpha waves are present in the EEGs of nearly all normal individuals when they are awake and resting with their eyes closed. These waves disappear entirely during sleep.
(Jagrat Sushupti - Wakeful Sleep Conscious State)
b. Beta Waves: The frequency of these waves is between 14 and 30 HZ. Beta waves generally appear when the nervous system is active—that is, during periods of sensory input and mental activity. [Jagrat
(Wakeful/Awakened) and Swapna (Dream) Conscious States).
(c) Theta Waves: These waves have frequencies of 4-7 HZ. Theta waves normally occur in children, and adults experiencing emotional stress. They also occur in many disorders of the brain.
(d) Delta Waves: The frequency of these waves is 1-5 Hz. Delta waves occur during deep sleep in adults, but they are normal in awake infants. When produced by an awake adult they indicate brain damage. (Sushupti –Deep Sleep Conscious State).
Chidaabhasa or maya / pranavam/sphota: the carrier (in the sense of carrier radio wave in broadcasting and reception process) cognitive-energy pulse series
Dvaita: two – aham-idam- phase of mind when mental functions are taking place (simultaneous presence of antarmukha dristi-awareness of within of the body and bahirmukha dristi- awareness of the without of the body.
Gayatri mantra: Aum bhoor bhuvah ssuvah Aum tat savitur vareanyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat. (May the Divine Luminescence which causes the conscious states/phases of mind- bhooh (jagrat/ wakeful/ awakened), bhuvah (swapna/dream) and suvah (sushupti/deep sleep)- illuminate and inspire our intellect.)
Idam: Perceived inner mental world and collection of impressions by stimuli and stimuli-created
experiences/moods/senses both is static and dynamic forms
Icchasakti and artha sakti : both are biochemical forms of energy and are genetic/inherent/hormonal to the organism i.e., human-beings
Jada: Potential energy form; static form of mental impressions
Jagat / Prapancham/jagathi: dynamic and functional aspect of mind/cognitive state; also Jagat is the present continuous form of the root (dhaatu) ?jag‘ meaning ?to move‘. Jagat forms adhyasa on sat and pure consciousness (paramaatma state) (chit) becomes self-consciousness (jeevaatma state).
Jaagrat: wakeful phase of mind when tuned with outside physical world; bahirmuka dristi
Jaagrat sushupti / para: mode of consciousness/awareness; mind (Self) in infra-sonic form of energy; state of bhakti, moksha - mukti – nirvana (state of salvation/liberation), prajnaanam (unoccupied awareness/mental space), mouna (silence), santi (peace), aananda (bliss)
Jiva / jivatma: self – consciousness / collection of thoughts about individual
Jnaanendriyas: – five sense organs - sensitive to light – eyes - scene/form (drusyam/roopam); to sound – ears -word or other sounds (sabda/dhvani); to chemical – tongue - taste (rasa); to chemical – nose – smell (gandha) and to heat or mechanical – skin - touch (sparsa)
Jnaana sakti: electrochemical form of energy through which cognitions and communications take place
Kriya sakti: mechanical form of energy which performs all actions of karmendriyas – action organs
Karana sareera: awareness of mood, experience, sense, urge, meaning, intuition, volition, understanding, insight as verb without subject and object
Karmendriyas: five action organs (karmendriyanai-vak (speech), paani (movement of hands), paada (movement of legs) , paayu (movement of bowels) and upastha (movements relating to reproductive organ).
Kriya sakti madhyama: mode of sentence; in subject-verb-object (the triad-triputi) form- electrochemical form of energy
Manomaya kosa: Perception/thinking/reasoning/
Medha: seat and guide of mental functions according to Indian spiritual thought
Mithya: unreal; virtual; transient; present now disappears next moment/ impermanent
Mithyaham: false identity of "I"
Na aparah: not different
Nivritti: State of cessation of functions of mind / antahakarana parinaama rahita sthithi
Paramaatma: The state of Divinity/Self/Atman/Brahman
Pasyanti: mode of verb or sense or mood or experience in biochemical form of energy
Praanamaya kosa: Actions, reactions or interactions with external physical world activated by hormones or stored information
Rajo guna: antahkarana or sentence mode
Sabdabrahma Siddhanta: throws light on language learning and communication processes
Shad Darshanas: Six Indian philosophical systems dealing with cognitive science – nyaya, vaiseshika, yoga, saamkhya, poorva meemamsa, uttara meemamsa (Vedanta)
Sapta lokas: . Sapta lokas ( lokyate iti lokah- what is seen is loka) -- Laukika Jnanadayakaroopa
Bhooloka (jagrat/ awakened/wakeful conscious/mental state) and
Bhuvarloka (swapna/dream conscious/mental state), the swararoopa
Suvarloka (sushupti/deep sleep conscious/mental unawareness state),
buddhiroopa Maharloka (phase of intellectual operations),
pranayuta ahamkaararoopa Janoloka (origin, form, structure, cessation and re-creation of egoistic mind state),
Tapoloka (one-pointed meditative mental state) and
Sat-Chit-Ananda roopa eternal awareness-providing Satyaloka (egoless/ego-transcending conscious state, which exists in all the conscious/mental states and at all timesphysical or psychological))- are manifestations of and contain in and by Brahman/Atman
Sattva guna: state of mere awareness or of cognitions/communications about Divinity
Sat-chit-aananda: Atman is sat-chit-ananda. Sat is the present continuous form of the root (dhaatu- verb root) ?as‘ meaning ?to be‘; sat refers to awareness/consciousness being/existence. Chit refers to pure consciousness –knowledge acquisition/communication aspect and aananda refers to experiences aspect of human mental impressions
Sristi: mental creations of cognitions and self-consciousness
Sthula sareera: awareness of body, its parts, and ourside physical world and their mention as vaikhari (utterance as sounds) mode of language
Suddhaaham: real identity of ?I? as Atman/Brahman/Self
Suddha sattava guna: which amounts to nirguna state, during which mental functions cease be.
Cognition/communication-free state of mind
Sushupti: State of cessation of mental functions; similar to zero in number system and vacuum in natural sciences.
Sukshma sareera: awareness of thoughts, feelings, perceptions, self-consciousness, inner mental world as sentences with subject and object
Swapna: dream phase or consciousness state of mind in tune with within mental world – antarmuka dristi
Tamas: state of non-cognition/experience of State of Brahman/Self
Tamoguna: state of mind when cognitions and communications taking place; in awareness of vishayas (objectenergy forms or relative stimulated experiences)
Tanmaatras: stimuli by object energy forms sensed by sense organs
Triputi: dvaita phase of mind when differentiated perception of knower-knowing-known or subject-verb-object is present
Vaikhari: mode of utterance in sound form of energy
Vasanas: object-experiences/
Vidya: state of jnaana and prajnaana; also means knowledge about Atman and way of meditation on the Self/Atman/Brahman
Vijnaanamaya kosa: Conversion of above information into intelligible information as understanding or insight or experience
Vishayas: object energy forms/ stimulated experiences/ cognitions and cognition created experiences
Visraanta dristi or aatma dristi: unoccupied awareness or pure consciousness (of Self/Atman)
Vivartanam : purodhana - tirodhana yuta vartanam or parivartanam is Reversible Becoming of
maya/pranavam/sphota, the infrasonic mental energy pulse series-facilitating human cognition and language acquisition and communication
Vritti: antahkaranama parinama state - transformation innermental tools - mode of mental functions
Yoga: a conscious process of evolution of individual consciousness - the stalling and controlling of cognition process:
Upanishads: Indian spiritual texts of science on human mind
More by : Dr. Varanasi Ramabrahmam