
Partition, Advani and Pakistan !

Addressing a public rally last Sunday Congress spokesperson Mr. Shakeel Ahmed described Mr. LK Advani as a Pakistani who came to India to seek power. Mr. Shakeel Ahmed said:

“Pakistan born Advani's intention was not to serve Hindus but he wanted to become Prime Minister of India. Advani was not just born in Pakistan but he also completed his Bachelors degree from Pakistan. He has only completed his Law degree from a Mumbai college. After completing Bachelors degree, a person thinks about his career. Advaniji's thought was also the same. After taking Bachelors degree, he decided to serve Hindu community. This is ok, but his intention was to grab the power. In Pakistan, the Hindu population is three percent and their condition is also very poor. If Advaniji really wanted to serve Hindus, he must have stayed in Pakistan and fought for them. But he knew that it was not possible to become even an MP or Prime Minister candidate in Pakistan, so he decided to move back to India for power's greed.”

The BJP condemned Mr. Sahkeel's statement and demanded immediate apology from the Congress Party. An apology is inadequate. Much, much more needs to be done. The time has come for plain speaking.

A demographic change has occurred in the subcontinent. A vast new generation of young Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis has access to information technology. They are hungry for truth. .... They will restore the cultural unity of the subcontinent to discover their roots and reclaim their identity.

This is not the first time that such criticism has been leveled against Mr. Advani due to his origins from what is now Pakistan. I hold no brief for Mr. Advani and have often criticized his decisions. But I take this latest jibe against him personally because I too was born in what is now Pakistan. I was born in Karachi and belonged to Lahore and came to Delhi aged twelve after my father was transferred by the government from Karachi to Delhi in 1947. Mr. Shakeel Ahmed and others who consider those who at the time of Partition belonged to what is now Pakistan as being in some manner different from them are right. They were not people who betrayed the nation, their own most solemn assertions, their honour and their principles. They were victims of the betrayers who did all this. By his jibe against people born in Pakistani Mr. Shakeel Ahmed has opened a can of worms. He has provoked a reappraisal of history and the role of the Congress party. Mr. Kuldip Nayar, also born in Pakistan, in a recent article wrote that it is futile to discuss who was responsible for the Partition because it is now only of academic interest. I beg to differ. After Mr. Shakeel Ahmed’s remarks it is necessary to understand the past in order to deal with the present and chart the future.

Mr. Advani some years ago called Jinnah a secularist and praised him. He was reviled for it. His comment indeed betrayed ignorance. Jinnah was of course secular. He was a brown Englishman like Nehru. He deserves for that reason to be doubly criticized. He went against all he believed to be true by allowing himself to be manipulated by the British under direction of Winston Churchill. Sir Martin Gilbert’s biography of Churchill should dispel all doubts on that score. His counterpart Nehru was another brown Englishman manipulated by Lord Mountbatten. Maulana Azad”s book and Nehru’s inexplicably self defeating decisions affirm that.

Around the time of Independence I heard as a boy Nehru addressing a rally at India Gate. He justified Partition by saying that when a hand becomes diseased it has to be cut off. Even at that tender age I heard him with utter contempt. Deprived of our ancestral home in Lahore, disrupted from my elite schooling in Karachi, our entire joint family struggling to reclaim an ordered life, I knew that among the refugees we were the lucky ones, with our lives intact, employed for the most part by the government or by universities, compared to the jobless, the bereaved and the homeless thrown into makeshift camps. “What a twit,” I thought. “We of the Punjab lived in a diseased land while you from Allahabad live in a healthy land?” I will not dwell on the betrayal of all that the Congress claimed it stood for by accepting the Partition. Books have been written on the subject. But the recall of a few salient facts would be in order.

The Congress formally accepted Partition on June 3, 1947. There was tension and political divide between the Congress and the Muslim League but entirely insufficient violence to justify the decision. After Jinnah’s call for Direct Action Day in Bengal around 5000 people were killed in Bengal riots, followed by 7000 killed in Bihar riots. In Punjab approximately 3000 were killed in stray stabbings including one major riot in Rawalpindi on March 16 after Mountbatten had become Viceroy.

On the crucial day that the Congress Working Committee (CWC) accepted Partition Mahatma Gandhi observed his day of silence. Mountbatten met him and expressed surprise and the hope that Gandhi would not oppose the CWC resolution. Gandhi assured him that he would not.

India was partitioned first and the provinces, Punjab and Bengal, were partitioned later. The Punjab assembly was divided between Muslim majority West Punjab and the Hindu-Sikh majority East Punjab to ascertain the view about partitioning Punjab from both sides. The Hindus and Sikhs knowing that Pakistan had already been accepted voted for partitioning Punjab in order to remain with India. The Muslims voted against partitioning Punjab.

Punjab’s foremost Muslim leader Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan before his death stated in 1942 that if the creation of Pakistan meant the partition of Punjab, he would not accept Pakistan. The Chief Minister of Punjab Sir Khizar Tiwana in 1947 pleaded with the British not to partition the Punjab even if that meant that the rest of India was granted freedom and the British would remain in the Punjab.

The Punjab Governor Sir Bernard Glancy advised Whitehall to immediately announce the boundary of proposed Pakistan. He said that if the Punjab was partitioned there would be no Pakistan because the Punjabi Muslims would never accept partitioning the province. The preceding Punjab Governor Sir Evan Jenkins wrote to Whitehall that partitioning a wholly integrated province like Punjab would create an unmitigated disaster. Whitehall ignored both British Governors.

In a unique unprecedented example in history two new sovereign nations were granted independence without determining their respective territories! Independence was proclaimed on August 15 while the Radcliff Award to demarcate boundaries was announced on August 17.

While the total number of riot victims across India during the two year period before Independence was approximately 16000, the total killed within four months after Independence in Punjab alone was between 6 lakhs to one million. The total number of displaced refugees was over 10 million, the largest displacement of population in recorded history.

Both Gandhi and Nehru acknowledged their mistakes and tried to undo the Partition. By that time both had been crushed and defeated by events. Gandhi did not oppose Partition after a few thousand had been killed. However, after obtaining Jinnah's consent he decided to settle down in Lahore with 50 refugee families in a camp to undo the Partiton. He took this decision after a million  people had been killed.. He sent Dr. Sushila Nayar to Lahore to set up the camp. He was assassinated just before he could go to Lahore.

Nehru, who had rejected the Cabinet Mission Plan to create a united India in the form of a federation comprising India and Pakistan, sent Sheikh Abdullah to Pakistan to negotiate an Indo-Pakistan confederation with Kashmir acting as the bridge. Nehru died while the Sheikh was in Pakistan.

Both Gandhi and Nehru deserve praise for at least recognizing their errors and sincerely trying to rectify them although it proved too late. But Congress leaders who strut around today as the winners of India ’s freedom have recognized no errors. Gandhi’s very last wish on the day he died was that the Congress party should be dissolved. His wish will come true.

Mr. Shakeel Ahmed’s remark criticizing Mr. Advani was directed against the BJP. Congress leaders are wasting their time by targeting the BJP. The existential threat to the Congress will not come from any current party. It will not come from even Lokpal activists who try to recreate a spurious freedom struggle by wearing Congress style caps, courting arrest and undertaking fasts.

A demographic change has occurred in the subcontinent. A vast new generation of young Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis has access to information technology. They are hungry for truth. They will acquire the truth about our Independence and the Partition. They will restore the cultural unity of the subcontinent to discover their roots and reclaim their identity. They will bury the Congress which was a colonial power’s instrument to partition the subcontinent. This may or may not happen in my lifetime. Happen it will. The remorseless law of nature which determines the course of history will assert itself. It will bury the Congress. It will recreate a united subcontinent in the new avatar of a South Asian Union. Human folly can delay it. Human perversity cannot prevent it.


More by :  Dr. Rajinder Puri

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Views: 3594      Comments: 6

Comment Wonderful piece on truth of partition; Congress has never worked for India

17-Feb-2013 19:36 PM

Comment "Dont't confuse the Pakistani people with the army or with the Jihadi elements supported by it. " -

No Sir, it is not the common Pakistani people on whom i base this judgement.Like many sensible Indians of all castes and creed, Pakistan too have highly inteligent balanced people with whom we can relate but then the stumbling block is the huge unread rabid islamic population with whom we have total disconnect.Hindus of india especially south of vindyas just cannot relate to wahabi style islam and it will be a waste of time on engagement.It is important to recognise that next 30-40years, pakistan will disintegrate and even in that state ,it will be a huge nuisance to India.With the baggage of blunders,misgovernance and sloth which the congress regime mainly anchored by the dubious "Ghandy" dynasty" has enthrusted on India, we Indians need first rid of these dubious people,change course to better governance.As this process will take lot of time and energy,it is better off we maintain a studious disengagement with pakistan notwithstanding the nostalgia you displaced people have for this rogue country.

06-Feb-2013 20:36 PM

Comment Sir one can appreciate your sentimental, fond longing for a Punjab of yore where Hindus and Muslims lived in harmony with each other. But that was may be 70 years back. Today's Punjab of the Pakistani side hates its twin on the Indian side with all ferocity humanly imaginable, as a result of the brainwashing of more than 30 years by the ISI and the Mullahs. So, your sentiment is laudable and appreciable, but it is never likely to become a reality. It will take centuries to wash away the poison in the Pakistani Muslim mind for India.

06-Feb-2013 09:18 AM

Comment Shiv, I respectfully submit that you are vastly mistaken. The reality of Pakistan and what the bulk of the people want is submerged by a dictatorial rule of the army under direction of powerful international forces. This will not last. It is no accident that many, many more people are killed by terrorists within Pakistan than in India. I advise you to read Pakistani columnists in leading Pakistani papers and you will get a better picture. Dont't confuse the Pakistani people with the army or with the Jihadi elements supported by it.

My Word
06-Feb-2013 07:19 AM

Comment Rajendra ji,
These lines broke my heart - 'Deprived of our ancestral home in Lahore, disrupted from my elite schooling in Karachi, our entire joint family struggling to reclaim an ordered life, I knew that among the refugees we were the lucky ones, with our lives intact, employed for the most part by the government or by universities, compared to the jobless, the bereaved and the homeless thrown into makeshift camps. ' - Indeed, the struggle was so much; one had left behind a home and a land that was dear. It is truly irresponsible to hear suck ugly remarks made by poltically motivated people. One may not be on the side of Advani, but he is an Indian first. Reference to his origin has no meaning to us now. These are vicious statements.

Julia Dutta
06-Feb-2013 04:17 AM

Comment Dear Mr puri, your anguish is well expressed in this article but then you too have fallen pray to kite flying.The muslims of Pakistan after separation from India, have taken to a totally new path of integrating themselves with their arab brethern and with the way their "country" is managed, I think Indians will be better off not even thinking about them.We need to build a visible and invisible fencing and keep off from them.Only interest in this neighboring country is on the level of our defense, beyond which we should have no interest.All diplomatic and cultural contacts should seize.Any displaced Indian who has nostalgia for this rogue country can be encouraged to go and settle there.We must annul Art.370, integrate kashmir, allow Indians to settle there.Indians always talk, hardly do anything meaningful to develop the country.Time to do has come.We need a new brigade of "Indians", certainly not from your generation!!

05-Feb-2013 23:24 PM

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