Mar 19, 2025
Mar 19, 2025
by Bhavesh Jha
Arbitrary cut off in NET June 2012 Exam
The Cause
UGC is taking NET (National Eligibility Test) exam twice a year for lectureship positions all over India. According to the original notification and trends in last few years, criteria for passing NET has been 40%, 40%, and 50% in paper 1, 2 and 3 respectively for gen students. Their last minute specification (after publishing the result) that an aggregate of 65 per cent (an arbitrary and discriminatory cut off) in three papers was necessary for qualification for general category candidates has demolished the wishes of more than 100000 wishes all over. UGC declared the criteria after the declaration of the result which is totally unlawful and breach to the constitutional right to equality.
Students have protested all over including New Delhi at ‘Jantar Mantar’ on 30-31 Jan, 2013 for this arbitrary norm followed by UGC. Students have already won the case against this in Kerala High Court. According to Justice Ramachandra Nair, KHC (Kerala High Court) "Rules of a game can not be changed in the middle or at last of a game". And the result since it is a public cause so it would be applicable to all the students all over India. Also Court has directed UGC to take appropriate action as soon as possible and give the students certificates within one month from the date when they receive the judgment copy. The judgment copy has already been received by UGC on Jan 5, 2013 and one month period would over on 5th Feb, 2013 itself.
Cases in different High Courts
There are more then 25 cases in various high courts all over India like Patna, Gwalior, Kerala, Bangalore, Chennai, Raipur, New Delhi, Lucknow, Dehradun, Bombay, Nagpur etc... Many of them (cases) are in double bench as well. In the coming days we are going to win this in double bench also in few of the high courts. Now UGC is dragging the matter since they have money taken from students (just for example in NET June 2012, No. of students: 4 Lacs, on an avg. they are taking 300 frm each of us) UGC is willingly delaying the court procedure and not giving justice to the students who actually have scored much better than the criteria mentioned in the original notification in June 2012. They are misutilising the Public Money and it can not be supported by law.
There are various issues regarding a new Supplementary Result. Without their notification they again gave a supplementary result which was a baseless act and not supported by even their notification June 2012. The notification June 2012 does not say anything about the supplementary result. There has not been any clarification on this issue. Without any prior notice UGC cannot publish any supplementary result. Your officer says that subject wise cut off has been followed and 7% in each subjects have been passed. The matter of subject wise cut off is to be followed in coming Dec examination which is not valid for the examination in June 2012 without any notification. There are many students who have passed in this supplementary result who have much less than the specified criteria as per their increased criteria i.e. aggregate 65% (gen), aggregate 60%(OBC) and aggregate 55% (SC/ST). Many people below these criteria perhaps are the in laws or have some good reference in UGC.
UGC has manipulated the criteria after publishing the results. It seems that the students near and dear ones have passed due to their arbitrary criteria. The criteria they have made open after 4 months after declaration of the result. They are playing with the lives of Indian youth.
Also the quality of lecturers/ professors/ researchers would increase due to highly competitive market. More the no. of students passed more would be the competition. Best of the students from the lot would go for teaching.
As UGC NET is a qualifying examination and just provides a minimum eligibility criterion to give interviews and not a competitive exam, UGC cannot fix up a certain merit based criteria. From 2006 to 2011 you have followed the same criteria and sudden increase in the cut offs is not applicable. As, a lecturer is recruited on the basis of good marks in post graduation, papers published, extracurricular activities etc. and not on the basis of NET only. So this is not the only criteria, a students should have good academic records and other credentials.
Kerala High Court Judgment
The Kerala high court on Monday 17 Dec, 2012) declared as illegal the new norms fixed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for the National Eligiblity Test (NET) for college and university lectureship. The main points of the Kerala High Court declaratory judgment are:
Various Questions
There are various questions which can be asked from UGC for their misconducts and irresponsible behavior:
The unethical and unlawful act of UGC is hitting hard to our knowledge economy. Moreover one of the students (she has been a throughout topper) has taken an extreme step i.e. suicide ... She was a student in JNU and from Ludhiana.
Media’s support is very significant in the common cause. More than one lacs post graduate students all over India, whose lives are dependent on this result, are affected by this. As Media is the 4th pillar of democracy, their support in this matter is very much needed to give a lesson to the inappropriate/ unconstitutional actors in this to hinder the knowledge growth in the country.
UGC Victims
More by : Bhavesh Jha
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I got 61% in June 2012 NET exam but still not qualified. So painful decision the UGC had taken.Praying to GOD that decision will be in our favor. |
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"Courts can not give judgments for non petitioners; and UGC can not give certificates to only petitioners.. "..well said by Pawan Dhanpal. So Just wait for KHC DB. |
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Nagpur high court double bench give decision in favour of us and directed ugc ko issue certificate within 2months.Can it b beneficial fr non petitioners also? |
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As we know that the kerla high double bench judgement would be come out on 12th april but still there is no information about the verdict.can we hav any hope?will ugc give us certificate? |
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I got 63% in june 2012 net exam but still not qualified. so painful decision ugc had taken just pray to god that decision will be in our favor. can any body post the date of revised result. |
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thank you..for raising very questions on behalf of all sufferers..If there is justice ever in the country the arbitrariness of the U.G.C. will not be tolerated.Those who are in the chairs must be bound by the laws... |
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Dear everyone, The decision of double bench Kerala High Court has been reserved and all the hearings have been completed. According to different lawyers the case is in favor of students and we would be getting our rights soon. Most probably, the judgement would come on or before 12 th Apr,2013. Please be in touch with the groups on Facebook. You will be getting all the updates.. Thanks, |
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we are getting hopeless.Is there any ray of hope ? |
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I would like 2 know about kerala high court double bench order.I am also the june 2012 victim.when the revised result june 2012 will published? |
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Dear Sir, You are true. what's your next step. We people communicate on this subject but till we did get any relief. How many people joined to you on this issue? It is nessesarry to put our view delibretaly. Thanks |
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When will the final judgement come against UGC . They are violating the artcale 14 of our constitution . please inform regarding the latest status of the case . |
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According to the original notification, criteria for passing NET 40%, 40%, and 50% in paper 1, 2 and 3 respectively for General students .An aggregate of 50%.was not mentioned in the notification. Please correct in the above first paragraph. |
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See an analyse the wrong done by ugc. |