
Responding to Mr. Chuck Hagel

After the new US Defence Secretary Mr. Chuck Hagel’s speech delivered to an Oklahoma University in 2011 resurfaced there was consternation expressed by several Indian voices. In that speech Mr. Hagel accused India of financing projects in Afghanistan that created problems for Pakistan. He said: “India for some time has always used Afghanistan as a second front, and India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan on that side of the border.”

The Indian government reacted through its embassy in Washington by stating: “Such comments attributed to Senator Hagel, who has been a long-standing friend of India and a prominent votary of close India-US relations, are contrary to the reality of India’s unbounded dedication to the welfare of the Afghan people.” After this pathetic response one can appreciate why Mr. Hagel would want to be a “long-standing friend” of such a servile government. The opposition has demanded an apology and retraction from Mr. Hagel. As if an apology would substantively alter the situation!

The truth is that as long as the corrupt foreign puppets that comprise our political class are not replaced by a new class with a new political culture it is futile to even discuss foreign policy. But for those who dare to look beyond the depressing present to a robust future a few thoughts related to Mr. Hagel’s observations would be in order.

Indians are angry because they perceive Mr. Hagel’s allegations to be false. They should be angry because Mr. Hagel’s allegations are not true. If the Indian government is not using its contacts in Afghanistan to weaken Pakistan’s hold in that region, why on earth is it not doing so? India after it wakes up will stop reacting to moves by big nations and start initiating its own moves. For a start Mr. Hagel and the bunch of morons who conduct US foreign policy need to be reminded of a few facts.

Whatever India might or might not do there is not the slightest doubt that China’s puppet government in Islamabad operating through its army in Rawalpindi has been carrying on for decades a sustained campaign of cross border terrorism and subversion in India’s Kashmir and Northeast regions. This activity is not intended to deliver a just and honourable settlement to the Kashmir people but to perpetuate instability and violence to destabilize India. The hypocritical sermonizers in Washington do not utter a peep about this. What is worse they remain equally silent about China’s central role in proliferating nuclear weapons and even aiding sections of Jihad terrorists about whom America continues to make hypocritical noises. Earlier China collaborated with Al Qaeda, even signing a protocol to set up a communication system for the previous Taliban government, on the very day that the 9/11 terror was unleashed. There was not the tiniest reference to this by Mr. Hagel or other US leaders. More recently China provided arms to Iranian Shiite terrorists.

America’s silence over Beijing’s wanton violations of basic international norms is understandable.

For decades corrupted US leaders subverted America’s security and national interests by encouraging an adverse balance of trade with China that strengthened the People’s Liberation Army. Some top US leaders were financially corrupt. The rest were intellectually corrupt refusing to voice legitimate criticism of such subversion.

As a result America today is reduced to being a huge debtor to China held hostage by Beijing. Its corrupt politicians have helped anti-national US businessmen to deny jobs and welfare to their own people while they earned huge profits through collaboration with China by utilizing its underpaid workers who in the earlier years were employed in conditions that violated all international labour norms. Did Mr. Chuck Hagel who displays such touching concern for Beijing’s puppet regime in Islamabad spare a thought for Beijing’s role and the consequent plight of the American people?

These are some of his views on China by Mr. Hagel in an interview to Robert Nolan aired over Public Broadcasting System:

“China is going to emerge and grow. It should; we should welcome that… Trade, exchanges, relationships, common interests; all those emerging nations and economies, and strengths are all captive to basically the same kinds of things: stability, security, energy sources, resources, people. Everything that we have to have in our country to prosper, so do the Chinese…

The Chinese have bigger problems though. They've got huge problems, starting with the fact that they've got 1.3 billion people, and hundreds of millions of them live in abject poverty. That means jobs, that mean all the rest. They've got energy issues they're going to be living with ...

They are a great power today, and they going to continue to be a great power — and that's okay. But we shouldn't cower in the wake of that, or we shouldn't be concerned that they're going to take our place in the world… I'm not worried about this country if we continue to do the wise things, the smart things. We lead the world; we don't dictate to the world, we don't impose to the world, we don't intervene everywhere, and we don't occupy and invade. We work with our allies.”

Yep! Mr. Hagel would like to work with allies like China and Pakistan. He would like America to continue not to “dictate to the world… impose to the world… intervene everywhere… occupy and invade.” He should tell that to the Afghans. He should tell that to the Marines.

I don’s see why Indians focused on the future should bother about Mr. Hagel. Frankly I don’t see why they should bother about America unless it changes as much as India itself needs to change. India should worry about domestic reform, not foreign policy.


More by :  Dr. Rajinder Puri

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Comment Dear Sharbaaniranjankundu,

I quote from my earlier comment:

[Quote] whether fate of this country will bring a nationalistic govt or the people will bring it. The chances of later is less because people are driven by news told to them by corrupt media and the other driver 'social & moral values' are waning as well [Unquote]

This what adding to our problems - the people of this country are either sleeping or have been brainwashed by media. I don’t understand from where we pick the idea that "nationalism is no good idea in 21st century" !! Isn't this statement just a cover up for the deficiency we have generated ?

Clashes of cultures should not be confused with internationalism, one who will not defend will lose and such defeat should not be named 'internationalism', of course the Indian media teaches the otherwise and people follow it.

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
02-Mar-2013 14:48 PM

Comment Mr. Hagel has consistently criticized and demeaned countries that have been long standing friends of the US, such as India and Israel, in favor of countries and groups that have not, such as Pakistan and the groups arrayed against Israel. He is emblematic of the misdirected orientation of the current Administration's foreign policy that seeks to placate countries and groups who will never be our friends no matter what we say or do.
- [Thinkers and Strategists - Linkedin Group]

Michael McMaken
01-Mar-2013 14:46 PM

Comment Bohreji, in twentyfirst century nationalism is no good idea. Internationalism can not be stopped. History's lessons are so. Nationalism is an European idea. Good governance is the key, not Nationalism. The problem is that if wealth is equtably distributed, there will be less tension in society. But greed is the driving force of capitalism. Socialism is lame because of lack of enthusiasm. Fundamentalism is prompted by vested interests. Elected representatives, unfortunately, after coming to power, start thinking about the next election. Such people are rare who do what they want to and pass on the baton to others. This is the unfortunate part of democracy in practice. Let us not talk about any ism. Let us just go on with our life honestly.

01-Mar-2013 12:09 PM

Comment Sir,

It was a topic of debat in 2007 or event in 2010, whenever an idea was thrown that the UPA govt is taking India backward, a debate would start !

All were under illusions created by hollow GDP growth and false impression created by ultra corrupt media. Now that it is clear, no one talks about UPA's contibution to negative progress of India, for instance there is not a single article comparing Vajpayee govt with Manmohan-Sonia govt (as far as I know).

Our problems are going to increase further until a nationalistic govt comes to power (that doesn't necessarily means a BJP govt, even next BJP govt may serve anti-national interests - depending upon the leadership).

So, it's a question - whether fate of this country will bring a nationalistic govt or the people will bring it. The chances of later is less because people are driven by news told to them by corrupt media and the other driver 'social & moral values' are wanning as well.

So, let's pary to God !

Dinesh Kumar Bohre
01-Mar-2013 06:52 AM

Comment Actually Sir, India lacks confidence. So, India's foreign folicy is reactive, not pro-active. Actually, it is no use blaming America. America is a success story of foreign settlers and therefore enterprising. So is Australia. India is a classical example of an exploitative society, resulting in religious conversion and therefore religious tension and strife. Indian progress is slow, which need not be bad if evenly spread out. My suggestion is that teach in brief all practicing religions in schools. In colleges, research courses should be taught on comparative religion and emergence of a religion as a socio cultural phenomena. In the twentieth century over emphasis in science and a resultant distrust in non-science studies has resulted in fundamentalism in religion. So, in the last few decades opening up of economy has resulted in commercial studies relegating both science and social science. This is creating a lot of imbalance in intellectual pursuits. United Nations should ensure that every economy pursues welfare policy. Then even educational emphasis will change and foreign policies of all nations will be non-aggressive.

Sharbaaniranjan Kundu
28-Feb-2013 22:06 PM

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