
Unquotable quotes

earn so that you can earn...

When I write I think of new ideas....when I read I think of old ideas.

Logic is logically the most illogical thing in the world

My boss said "sky is the limit" ....because he was born before NASA sent rocket to space....

Your belif on your intelligence should not be a hurdle for accepting other's intelligence....

Sometime I try my best to be not myself but everytime I fail for being like others...

If you want to write a comdey story think of your past....

Some add life to years....some add years to life....

Crime for Crime is also a Crime

One of my friend asked me what will you do when god comes infornt of you ????

Me : All the best for your future !!!

Suprise...Suprise!!! Every one waited for New Year to arrive and then simply went to sleep.....

Keep end result in mind is needed but ensure your end result doesnt choke you in the middle....Excellent result is the outcome of excellent prepardness and excellect process and exceution of process....

People have enough time....but not enough energy to use it.

Most difficult thing in learning is its easy to understand but difficult to exhibit learning when moment comes.....even easier to say I know how to do but I missed it this time.

If you want to see world most ambitionless people go to pharmacy college in India and meet them....they dont know why they are here and where they will go from here.......

Theroies are written from someone practical but practical are not always implementation of theroy.....If so every thing in this world would had been invented or understood and that would be a end our life as most boring.

Today most of us don't need to motivate others but provided if we stop demotivating others first....

I always feel worlds doesn't understood me as they feel I dont understood them...

Quite a few times.....am falling in love with doing nothing...

Sometimes I search for the light at the darkness and complain that their is no light out their.....neither my search ends their nor my complaint.....but am sure am not the odd one out their....

Everyone thinks negative sometimes.....even a postive person but the only difference is ......Negative person takes decision based on negative taughts.....postive person takes decision as it as opportunity and uses measures to over come it in is plan.

I like travelling because when I travel I also travel within me...

Today we have too many people to share their experiance, ideas and inputs in meeting but very less people to work with team in field......

The thumb rule : Is that water flow from top to bottom...organisation culture is based on top management not the bottom if you entire field force is having a type of culture....you need to address to top leader first rather than adressing or training bottom....otherwise it will be status quo

People dont get motivated because of incentives only if its the cases entire field force would got incentive....they get motivated because of small, small sucess they come across in field every day...if you want to motivate them help them to get sucess every day other wise only few few will get incentive

People fail to correct situtation in business because most of time they see what people don't do....but dont get into why people don't do....unless you understand why part...he and you remains where you where....If situtation continues the outcome in most of the time is outbrust of emotion.

How many of them ask this question to yourself what is the relation of my course(studied) and the job we do ?


More by :  Mageswaran P

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