
Medicinal Uses of Fruits

A fruit is the protective covering around the seed which is attractive, suitable to eat and tasty. Exception to this rule is that of cashew whose seed is outside the fruit. Ayurveda has described different properties of ripe and unripe fruits. Acharya charak has described that amongst all the fruits “Grapes” are the best for health. Other fruits which have properties which are good for health are pomegranate, dates, figs, amala etc. Fruits should be ate alone and should not be mixed with any other food items. They should be ate atleast an hour before taking meal. Following is the list of some common fruits and their health benefits:

Apples (Seb)
They are sweet, astringent and sometimes sour. They have alterative and refrigerant action. They are useful in Diarrhoea as the pectin present in them binds stool. It is also useful in intestinal bleeding and ulcers. It promotes healing of damaged memnbranes and bleeding of gums because of its astringent action. Apple juice is good forgastritis, colitis, inflammations and blood cholesterol. Apple skin is high in calcium.

Bananas (Kela)
They are sweet, astringent, refrigerant, laxative,nutritive, tonic, heavy, sthrenghthening,aphrodisiac. The unripe bananas are useful in diarrhea, dysentery, cough. It is high in potassium, vitamin C and carbohydrates. When taken with ghee and cardamom bananas alleviate hypoglycaemia, constipation and muscle cramps. They also build muscle and fat. One should not drink any liquids for one hour after having bananas. They are not to be eaten with milk and yoghurts or when suffering fron fever, oedema, vomotting or cough with mucus.

Dates –(Khajura)
They are sweet in taste. They are nutritive, tonic, aphrodisiac, one of the best sthrenghtheners amongst fruits, demulcent, laxative, refrigerant, febrifuge and expectorants. When taken with almond they act as tonics for weak children, they can also be taken with milk. they increase semen and strenghthens reproductive system. Date sugar is good source of iron. They are good fpor cough and gonorrhea.

Figs – (Anjeera)
They are sweet, astringent, nutritive, demulcent, laxative, anti bacterial, emollient.They are good for urinary tract and gall bladder stones. They are also good for liver, kidneys, chronic cough. They help to increase weight, destroy roundworms. Figs are a good source of iron and are excellent blood builder. Chewing of figs help to strenghthen teeth, tongue and gums. They have more calcium then milk and more potassium than bananas.

Grapes – (Angoor)
They are sour,, refrigerant, thirst relieving, nutritive, demulcent, diuretic,haemostatic, laxative and aphrodisiac. They are said to be the best of fruit and provide immediate relief from thirst. They are beneficial for eyes, blood as ther are rich in iron and elimination of faeces and urine. Black grapes build blood. The juice is used in fever. Raisins when taken with blood act as blood tonic.They are helpful in acidity, liver stimulant and in skin disorders. They helpin anemia, heart diseases, palpitations, burning micturation. Drinking soaked raisin water and chewing the raisins promotes digestion.

Mangoes -  (Aam)
They are demulcent, diuretic, astringent. They are useful in digestion, constipation, vitality. They are gpood for skin. Bark infusions or skin of the fruit is useful in diarrhea, haemorrhoids. It is rich in vitamin c. It is good for increasing lactation Drinking warm milk with ghee, one hour after eating a ripe mango improves energy and vitality.

Oranges - (Santara)
They are stimulant, expectorant, appetizer, refrigerant, appetizer. They relieve thirst. The peel is stimulant and carminative. It is useful in cough, diabetes, bronchitis, liver disorders, vomittig. It is high in vitamin C and A. A glass of orange juice with rock salt after excercising helps to restore energy.

Papaya - (Papita)
They act as a digestive aid, toning, demulcent and laxative. They are helpful in digestive disorders, pancreatic disorders. They help in regulating sugar  metabolism, cough, worms, asthama, back ache. The inner skin of fruit when rubbed on the skin helps to relieve eczema and dermatitis.


More by :  Dr. Akshata Donde

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Comment Hi,
This was a great read. Is it possible for you to send me the full article of "Medicinal Uses of Fruits to Thank you so much in advance

27-Mar-2022 15:26 PM

Comment Congratulation for your nice work. Could you send me the full article of "Medicinal Uses of Fruit" at

Dr. Shreef Mahmood
20-Jun-2014 01:37 AM

Comment It is rightly said that " Those who look after their Body,Their body looks after them "..A good article on fruits-though i wish the author had given the Medicinal benefits of Pomegranates,Amla & Guavas also. I personally have great faith in Fruits,Boiled Vegetables & Salads-i have stopped eating Traditional Dinner,replacing it with Fruits & boiled vegetables.

28-Mar-2013 10:30 AM

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